Monday, November 22, 2021


 Bailey lived next door.   We would hear her barking; she barked at deer, raccoons, squirrels and just about anything that moved.   Including us as we walked by her driveway.  If her bark changed in tone Far Guy and Chance would walk over to see what was up.   She liked Chance and would visit him...then she got a collar that beeped and she would only come to visit when the battery wore out.    She loved her people and they loved her.   In the past few years she has been going downhill...she would never allow me to pet her until the last year or so...senility I guess. 

This is Bailey and one of her people.   Her youngest people are now 15 and 16.  They were just little when Bailey was a puppy.  ( A Beagle)

Bailey and Chance in 2009. 

Perhaps she is running with Chance again.  Bailey crossed over the Rainbow Bridge in her sleep one night last week.    She had been barking less and less and then the barking stopped. 

Far Side


  1. Sorry to hear about Bailey. I remember how you would talk about her coming over to visit you and Chance.

  2. It's never easing losing a loved pet.

  3. I hope Chance & his buddy are romping together, beep free. A blessing for anyone to pass on in their sleep, although the loss isn't any easier.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear Bailey is gone, but yes I hope he and Chance are running together through the clouds.

  5. I hope she is running with Chance in the Happy Hunting Grounds.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about Bailey's passing. Losing a furry friend is never easy. One does hope that she and Chance are having a grand reunion across the Bridge, and barking up a storm.

  7. My son said we needed to get another dog. I wished but he isn't around to help with the dog nor is his brother. I think that I don't want to get attached to one anymore.

  8. Awwwwww..... *sniff*. Poor Bailey and her people too. I know they must miss her horribly. That's the trouble... our furry family members never live long enough. My sympathy upon the passing of Bailey. What a blessing to have been loved on this earth. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  9. I think she is happily barking on the other side.

  10. We just don't get to keep them long enough do we?

  11. OH! It is so, so, so hard to lose our fur babies. So hard.

  12. I like to think that Chance welcomed Bailey and they are happily chasing and barking. I'm so sorry for the silence from next door.

  13. I'm so sorry for your neighbors loss of Bailey. And Sara is right... we don't get to keep them long enough.

  14. I'm sorry Bailey passed on. I'm sure she will be missed by her people and friends that grew attached to her.

  15. so sad! She's definitely hanging with her old bud now!

  16. So sorry to hear about Bailey. They go too soon.

  17. Oh, tears in my eyes. Losing pets is so hard.

  18. How sad. I'm sorry to hear about Bailey. It is so hard when we lose our babies.

  19. Sorry to hear about Bailey, though glad she went peacefully. I'm sure she's running free with Chance across the rainbow bridge, and both of them are wagging their tails with delight.

  20. Aww...sorry to hear about Bailey. I hope she and your Chance are playing together somewhere. I like those pictures you posted! Such nice memories.

  21. So sad. Beagles are wonderful dogs. We have no dogs of our own, but I have several neighbor dogs that I spoil with Treats. I have ruined them, because now, the ONLY bark at me... begging for threats! I will certainly miss them when they eventually go too.

  22. How my heart aches for Bailey's people. It just plain hurts. Sometimes I think we shouldn't have gotten Zoey. What was I thinking? Losing Chloe was awful.
    I like to think of all of our fur babies playing with each other across the Rainbow Bridge while they wait for us. Love to you.

  23. Beautiful memories. Each time one goes, I feel my heart break just a little bit more. Love the photos.

  24. It is so hard to lose them. i still tear up every time because the loss never really goes away. It looks like Bailey had a good life though, surrounded by people that loved him.

  25. I've lost many dogs to death. Part of the reason I started getting cats was to avoid the grief of losing dogs. Now, I have five cats, and I know that I will grieve as much or more for them as I ever grieved for a dog.


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