Sunday, November 14, 2021

More Snow

 Not sure how much more is out there...enough.  Our big excitement yesterday was almost getting stuck in a snowdrift with Ranger Blue....we took recycles to Osage.  We were ditch riding until the snow got too deep. 

It was nice to get out of the house.  It is nice and warm in Ranger Blue, after awhile you wouldn't even need a coat. 

I rested most of the day just doing a few things, I crocheted and watched a couple of Movies...Silver Linings I give it a 4 and Begin Again  I give that one a 6 out of 10.  I watched The Holiday a few days ago and I give that one an 8.

My yarn for my new project is stuck in West Fargo ND since Thursday morning at 8:34 AM...hasn't moved at all in days.  Buggers.

I felt better yesterday and hope today is even better.  I need to get back to normal...I must have been making antibodies to beat the band.   

Far Side


  1. First I am so happy that you are getting back to normal! Well, it is no fun journey but I am happy for you.
    I saw a notice from one company I was browsing yesterday and the notice said that due to weather, shipments could be delayed.
    Even the local NOAA advised that people take care because they haven't had time to brush up on their winter driving skills.

    Glad you guys didn't get stuck!

  2. Do they "close" your trails in the Winter to 4 wheelers, or can you ride all Winter? WI does, or at least where we ride our sleds they do. We only got very light flurries, if you even want to call it that. Flakes blew in, and stopped just as fast. Everything is still green here, not a single flake stuck. Soon. Let the Winter photos begin!!

    1. We can ride the trails as long as you can get through the we are probably only going on township and county roads for the rest of the winter. :)

  3. I'm glad to hear you are feeling some better. It sounds like the Blue Ranger is a fun vehicle to use.

    More snow on the way here too. I'll take it over the freezing rain.

  4. Our little bit of snow melted by this morning. Hope you continue to feel better. More rides in the Blue Ranger might be the cure.

  5. Many people feel the same. It would be nice to get out of the house. I get out of the house because I walk and of course, visit a bit.

  6. Make those antibodies, kiddo!!!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO ~Andrea

  7. I'm glad you are feeling better. Winter has come for you. Sigh

  8. I was just going to ask if you can take ranger out in the snow....that sounds like fun. Just be sure and take your cell phone in case you get stuck. The Hawks beat the Gophers yesterday but it was a great game...more like a ping-pong match! LOL!
    Amy said it was snowing last night but not sticking. Stay warm and I hope your yarn comes SOON! Are you going to finish your other blanket before you start WW or are you finished with it already? I'm really enjoying the CAL so far. I can't wait until you start!

  9. I'm happy you are feeling better and I hope you get fully back to normal soon. It sounds like Ranger Blue got a good test in snow. I'm sure he/she is a welcome member of the family! That's a pretty snow picture!

  10. I'll be housebound today as the incessant rain won't let up. But at least it's not snow. Glad you were able to get free without much problem. :-)

  11. Ugh! That looks cold! I'm sure we are due any day now. Time to whip out the Snow Mobile. (Snow Machine?) Folks in Alaska called them "machines" but in Michigan we called them "Mobiles." They should be able to handle any depth of snow.

  12. I'm happy to know you're feeling better. As DJan said, we're having incessant rain. I like your snowy picture. Much more picturesque than rain.

  13. We had some flakes on Friday but nothing stuck. You've got LOTS more. I'm glad you're having fun with the Ranger but really happy you didn't get stuck.
    It wonderful to hear you're feeling better. That's about what I did with the booster.
    Have a great evening my friend.

  14. Glad you are feeling better! My daughter had no side effects from her two vaccines, but her booster hit her like yours. She had stopped for it on her way to work and barely sat through a meeting with chills and a headache. She had to cancel the rest of the day and went home to sleep for over 12 hours! Luckily it was a Friday so she could recover by Monday to return to work. Snow has it here, too. We went to visit kids and the salt trucks were out on the way home.

  15. What a pretty picture to end your post! Now we've got snow that's sticking too! that ride in Ranger Blue would be fun, but not the getting stuck part! Feel better soon!

  16. I read that the shots travel through the muscles and not the blood stream. That is why it caused us to ache so much.

  17. Good thing it was Ranger Blue you were out in. Hope your yarn has shown up by now, and you're feeling much better by now too.


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