Saturday, November 27, 2021

Cranberry Lake

 You can only see this lake in late Fall after all the brush has lost its leaves.   Not sure why it is call Cranberry Lake....maybe there are some Highbush Cranberries nearby.  Come Spring I will have to watch for the blooms.

We had a really nice ride in the hills the other day. 

As you can see we still have snow.  Imagine that!

We finally emptied the deep freeze...the last thing in there was ice cream so we just had to finish it off....must be the reward!  Now to completely defrost it! 

Far Side


  1. It looks like winter to me, with that snow, but very pretty in any event!

  2. Soon enough all of the snow will cover things and make it look so gorgeous ... until March when we all wish it away!
    I found high bush cranberry near Lake Michigan on one of my winter visits a long time ago!

  3. After the leaves fall we see many things that have been hidden for the last six months.

  4. We're getting above freezing temps for a few days. I suspect it will head your way.

    You're certainly getting good use out of the Blue Ranger (did I get that right?). Enjoy the ride!

  5. You are making good use of Ranger Blue under all of that blue sky!

  6. You have such beautiful property, Connie... I am envious... in a good way. :-) I can smell the clean, fresh, cold air right through your pictures. There's a lot of our woods that we can see once all the leaves have fallen. In the summer we can barely see beyond the edge of the woods' line.... but in the winter we can see clear acres into the woods. Our woods aren't really "walkable"... too many ravines, gullies, and downed trees. The only nice thing about that is... strangers can't walk it either, so people stay away. :-) ~Andrea xoxoxo

  7. It's very lovely there. I'm so glad you have the side-by-side to get around in so we can see your marvelous world.

  8. Haha, yes, of course, you have to finish the icecream! I hope you enjoyed it :)

  9. Ice cream sounds like a good reward. ;)

  10. That is a beautiful little lake and I always love to see the forests! The snow gives it all a Christmas look. Before you know it you'll be putting up the Snow Stick.

  11. Sounds like you had a nice time exploring. And, yes, the icecream must have been your reward for all your hard work.

  12. The fall snow looks so pretty in the woods. I know you get tired of it after a while, but the first snows are lovely to behold.

  13. Love the pics! We have snow too! And our lake is freezing over now because it's been pretty cold the past few days and nights. Glad you had a good ride and had an ice cream treat too!

  14. I’m glad the Blue Ranger is allowing you and Far Guy to explore more this year.

  15. I had trouble "publishing" to your post yesterday. I'm hoping today will be better. I love your pictures of the lake and the trail. Glad to know your fever blisters are healing. My Mother used to get them. Your blanket is so pretty! I love the colors!

  16. Pretty ride! I will have to look up Highbush Cranberries.


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