Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Idiot with some yarn

 That would be me... the idiot.   When I ordered yarn for Winter Wonderland I did not double check the I have no cream color...well you need cream or white to make that blanket. 

I have lots of green. 

I quickly made another probably won't be here til next week.  Oh well in the meantime I need to do a yarn inventory and work on the other mosaic crochet blanket. 

All the Christmas Cards have their words and I signed them comes address labels and stamps.  

Far Side


  1. I do hope your cream color arrives soon so you can get to work on that new project.

  2. Beautiful colors, the blanket will be worth the wait!

  3. Lovely colors! I went through my yarn this week and now I'm feeling the need to get more.

  4. About a month ago I ordered a fabric panel and thought I had also ordered 2 yards of fabric to go with it. Nope - I got 3 panels. When I checked my original order, that is exactly what I did. LOL

  5. Yes, I can see why the white color would be necessary for your project. The green looks nice, though.

  6. Pretty colors - it will be fun to watch this project progress.

  7. I'd be surprised, when you do the yarn inventory, that you wouldn't find some white or cream already there. You've got all your cards DONE???? I am starting my first one!!!

  8. Your green project is going to be lovely!

  9. Hope the yarn comes quickly. Going to be pretty.
    You are going to be mailing early with Christmas cards. They say we should be doing that. :)

  10. I love those different shades of green. Anyone could overlook a color in ordering and hopefully it will arrive soon. Knowing you there will be plenty for you to work on while you wait! You are doing great at getting your cards done early!

  11. Hopefully you can get the cream or white yarn ASAP so the new project can begin!

  12. Hopefully you are so busy that it won't take so long to get there. I like all the colors. I am dealing with passing out more of my moms afghans.

  13. I am shocked at how often I make a list, check it twice and still leave off an important item! I can't wait to see what you make with all this!

  14. Don't you hate it when you run out of( or fail to get more) a color? I was expecting this to be a blog post about bad customer service at the yarn place. But.. discovering other bloggers have the same hang up as me is equally satisfying. No knitting for you!

  15. Pretty colors. You sure are good at getting jobs checked off!

  16. Well, I love all the shades of green yarns that you got! Good job on those Christmas cards!

  17. Those are such pretty colors. I'm so glad that you were able to order the cream you need. Dennis always is amazed that with all of the yarn I have, I never seem to have what I need. Piper needed new mittens, hers from last year were clear up to her palms instead of her wrists! Of course I didn't have the color she wanted so off we went to Hobby Lobby. :-). Hope you're feeling lots better.
    Blessings and hugs,

  18. Even the best organized folks once in a while forget something! I do all the time.
    Love those colors, they are so beautiful!
    Hope the cream color comes in swiftly!

  19. Couldn't you use that pale green instead of cream? Those are all gorgeous shades of green. I can't wear green near my face or I look sick but it is one of my favorite colors!

  20. Whoops! I hope you won’t suffer from Knitting Withdrawals while waiting for your white yarn. :-)

  21. You are always so on top of things. Wish I were more like you.

  22. Hope the extra yarn you had to order comes quickly. In the meantime, have fun with the other project. Glad the cards are almost ready to be sent out.


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