Thursday, November 4, 2021


 Seems like we were busy everyday so far this week.   A couple of windows have been washed.  Grocery day had to happen substitution that did not make me happy...again ...when I said no substitutions.   We got a loaf of non moldy is practically a miracle.  

Far Guy's Godmother Marge died on Halloween.   That is "Marge Grass" in the photo.  She gave us a start of that plant about 20 years ago.   Services will be held at a later date... Marge was 88 years old. 

Psalm 23 Verse 6  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. 

A very nice young man...age of 60 died last week from Covid,  he worked at the place where we used to take Chance to be groomed.   He was always so cheerful and happy to see time when we picked up Little Elvis from a grooming he hollered "Elvis has left the building! "  

Far Side


  1. Glad to hear you received good bread, today.

  2. Sorry for your losses. Glad you got some non-mouldy bread this time around in your grocery order.

  3. I was touched by today's post. Most of us have memories, ignited when we look around our homes or read the obits, of those special people that have graced our lives in one way or another. "Goodness and mercy"...does surround us.💖 Thanks for sharing.

  4. So sorry to hear about the death of Far Guy's grandmother. She is with the Lord now. Also sorry to hear about the nice groomer that passed away ay such a "young" age. Sure hope 2022 is a better year.

  5. The deaths have been difficult. We lost two people close to us over the past year. Really tough to mourn.

  6. Sorry to hear of your loss.
    Covid has been taking at least 3 residents a week in our county. Yesterday it was a young woman in her 40's. :(
    Busy busy week for us too, as was last week. After the 15th, I think we can say it should settle down. I hope!

  7. A chilly fall day sprinkled with sadness. Our hospital publishes a graph on Facebook each morning showing hospitalized Covid patients. Those vaccinated are blue paper dolls and unvaccinated are white paper dolls. There is an occasional vaccinated covid positive blue person hospitalized (I knew someone in their 90's and another with COPD). But they are just "patients". All of the hospitalized paper dolls in ICU and on ventilators are white unvaccinated people. I am so sad that people are so afraid to be vaccinated that they are taking a chance on death. Our largest case numbers are in the 10-20 range and the age of those in the hospital is largely 35-50. Almost everyone over 65 is vaccinated in my county.

  8. I am sorry to hear of your loss, although 88 is a good long life. Sorry also to hear of the young groomer who died of Covid. What an awful disease.

  9. I can't imagine seeing what someone else picked out for my groceries, or thought I might like instead.

  10. I am so sorry for your losses. Plants are a wonderful way to remember people.

  11. Gosh! Sorry for your loss. We are seeing more folks coming down with COVID here. So Sad.

  12. It's been a tough week. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. It is nice that you have memories of these two who were part of you lives.

    Take care, stay well.

  13. so sorry for your losses. There have and continue to be too many. I'm glad your bread wasn't moldy... things are looking up!

  14. Awwwww.... may Marge and the grooming guy rest in peace. I don't like it when folks leave the planet. I want everyone to remain forever... at least the ones my friends and I like!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  15. I'm sorry to hear of the loss of two special people in your life. Those special and happy memories we have, such as the ones you shared, are among the greatest tributes to those we have lost. I send my best to you and Far Guy.

  16. Too many losses in the past couple of years. My sympathies for those who’ve left you. Covid numbers had gone down to nearly nothing in our county, but we’ve had a surge again recently. Grrrr!

  17. We are also losing one or two people a week to Covid, still today. I am sad to hear of it happening in your area, too. Sorry to hear about Marge's passing. :-(

  18. I am so sorry to hear of your losses this week. So many young people are being lost to Covid. 60 is young. It sounds like he had a great sense of humor.
    Glad you got bread. I was in Walmart this morning. The shelves are definitely taking a big hit around here. They didn't have a LOT of things and are stretching items out just to take up space.
    Take care and enjoy the afternoon my friend.
    Blessings and love,

  19. Sorry for the loss of Far Guy's Godmother. No matter how old people get it's still so final when they pass away.
    Nice to know you got unmoldy bread.

  20. Sorry to hear that Far Guy's Godmother and a friend of yours has died. November is a month for many prayers and we will go out and pray in cemeteries this weekend. Plus our weather will be lovely in the upper 50's so it's a good time to go and do that. A month for being thankful for all we have and all those we have known and loved. Blessings to you both.

  21. You are dealing with a lot of loss. It seems it is everywhere. I got news this week that a co-worker of mine died of covid last week. He was a good guy, and only 42. I don' know if he was vacinated, or had underlying conditions. He had moved to AZ and I haven't heard from him for several years. was hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact he died. I just want this all to stop. I want you to be able to go to the store and get your own darn produce, pick out your own loaf of bread. All of this is just too much sometime. I'm so sorry about your husband's godmother, and your groomer.

  22. We lost a friend a few days ago who lived in Wyoming. We were glad he got to live his dream of living in the hills near Cody and build his own cabin. He loved riding mules up and down the mountains. He was 74. Too close to my age.

  23. My condolences on your losses. May their souls rest in eternal peace.

  24. So sorry about Marge but what a wonderful gift she gave you and you will think of her every time you look at it. Yes, 60 is unnecessary too.


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