Friday, November 12, 2021

Grocery Day and Mosaic Crochet

 Grocery Day was eventful, now they are substituting when I requested no substitutions.  Buggers...this is at the "other" grocery store in town...not at Wally World where I would expect some shenanigans.  Wally World seems to have their poop in a pile for a change. 

I got the booster shot for Covid...the booster is 50 % of the normal shot.  They would not give me the third full strength vaccination.  

We had a bunch of errands to do in town.  On a good note Ranger Blue is back at home after its first service call.  

I am going to Bingo with my Dad and hope I get home before I feel rotten from the shot. 

  It snowed during the night Wednesday night then it turned to rain and it rained most of the day on Thursday.

I finished a bit more on my Mosaic Crochet CAL (Crochet A Long)

Week Three

Week is getting more colorful every week!  The mustard color was a stretch...but after the next part I think it will all make sense...or not.

Onto week five out of seven while I am waiting for the yarn to arrive for my next project! 

Update:  Back from Bingo safely, we are getting rain and snow and the roads are getting slippery.    I had one bingo for 24$ Bingos for Dad but he was one number away many times.   Shot arm is sore and I am tired.  

Far Side


  1. That mosaic is beautiful. Sorry that your arm is sore. I am looking at some projects to keep me busy this winter also.
    But nothing as beautiful as this!
    I should set up a table after Christmas maybe and return to sewing some toys or something. I can do that because I stink at knitting and crocheting!
    Hope your arm feels better quickly.

  2. Your crochet is looking amazing!
    Hope you're feeling better!

  3. Glad you made it to Bingo. Sorry dad didn't win, though! Grocery shopping. Who ever dreamed it would develop into such an adventure. And I still can't understand why. My neighbor (unvaccinated and did suffer through a bad bout of Covid) goes from store to store and reports if one store is completely out of something, another store has overflow of the same item. Supposedly there is a turkey shortage. First people were grabbing them at any price. Now our Aldi is stocked with Butterballs for 82 cents a pound and they are piled high. She made it to a neighboring town and said Meijers had turkeys for 32 cents a pound with a dollar amount purchase. There is no turkey shortage here! Sometimes I think things could be normal if news broadcasters would just calm down.

    Meanwhile, the mosaic is just lovely! I enjoy seeing each new color and pattern.

  4. I'm guessing by this morning you are in a blizzard area? We got a dusting of snow but have 40 mph winds to swirl it around. We listened to that wind howl all night. Your Mosaic project keeps getting prettier! I like that mustard color in there.

  5. Beautiful mosaic. I have been doing my own shopping. I wear my mask and try to go when the old folks shop. Late morning on a middle of the week day seems to be best. Some of the old folks are still using their masks and the grocery stores require that their employees use masks. And our state still has more cases every day though fewer than they did for a while. They are reporting daily numbers. Back when Tom and I were kids, the daily numbers for polio were reported in the newspaper. That was a scary time, too.

  6. What a beautiful crochet project. Much more intricate than I have ever attempted. I hope the sore arm is the worst you feel after the booster. I had about 48 hours of body aches and a slight fever along with the arm stuff.
    "Poop in a Pile". HA HA! I love this. Never heard it before but will definitely use it. Thanks!
    I'm so glad I got a turkey last week. I just need to buy potatoes and I think I'm set for Thanksgiving.
    Congrats on the BINGO win last night.

  7. I too am enjoying seeing the crochet patterns and colors. I have never used a grocery store delivery. It's easier for me just to get small amounts of things and carry them home from the bus. Or better yet, let my partner do it! :-)

  8. Congratulations on your bingo win, the progress on your blanket, and getting your booster shot. Here the dosage for booster application of the Moderna vaccine is .25mL The original jabs of Moderna were .5mL ... so you're right, it's 50% for the boosters. My COVID nurse-friend said that's not nearly enough for the booster but it is what it is. I hope you feel better soon. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  9. Beautiful crochet, you are so talented. Hope the Shot doesn't affect you too badly.
    Hugz, Mxx

  10. The mosaic is gorgeous and your stitching is perfect!

    Hope you're not down long with the booster. Take care, stay well.

  11. Your mosaic crochet is simply gorgeous! I don't think I have seen any like it. It's good that you got out with your Dad and even better that you won! I hope you have no ill effects from your shot yesterday. I'm looking forward to the next stage of your mosaic!

  12. That is amazing chrocheting! I've never seen anything like it. Really beautiful, and I think the mustard color is fine. I hope your arm is feeling better by now, and that you don't have any side effects.

  13. It is grocery shopping day here too. I had cream cheese go in at the wrong price and was quite plesaed to get it free. Do you have the same deal out your way? If a product goes in at the wrong price you get it free. Can't beat that. I do wonder how many people take the time to stand and check it all out before leaving the store. And once you get home...who wants to bother going back.
    It's raining here. Snow is prettier.

    1. No if stuff goes in for the wrong price you don't get it free, and you have to go in store to get it straightened out!

  14. Your continuing adventures with grocery orders at least give you something to write about. My trip to Safeway this morning was uneventful, except that they have not received a delivery of fresh cranberries yet.
    Your crochet work is beautiful.
    Oh, and we are in another atmospheric river - rivers rising everywhere.

  15. That's ugly weather at this time of year. We need moisture but not nasty rainy snowy freezy stuff.

  16. That mosaic pattern is a winner. It is beautiful. I am the only one to buy groceries in our house right now and I am learning where everything is. Many med runs for us allows me to pick up a few things each time.

  17. I figured you guys would get snow ahead of us. IT does not look to stay here, but there are flurries in the air and it is cold and windy. Congrats on the Bingo.

  18. Gorgeous crochet! I really like the different patterns and colors.

  19. I love your mosaic!
    Substitutions are tricky. I just did an order, as JB isn't able to. I really don't care about substitutions myself. I'm just happy not to go in the store.

  20. What a beautiful crochet, both the pattern and the crocheting. Alana

  21. What a great & colorful pattern!!

  22. Your blanket is gorgeous! That is an amazing amount of work as I have only done 6 1/2 rows on WW CAL and there is no watching t.v. for me while doing it. Congrats on the bingo and glad you got out before the snow hit! Up north you never know how long you might be stuck in. I hope you feel good fast.

  23. Wishing you a speedy recovery from your Booster Shot. Love the blanket.

  24. It makes me think of Indian blankets.

  25. Bahahahaha! Poop in a pile! That's a good one! // I looooooove your mosaic crocheted blanket!! I'm partial to mustard color anything so I think that part looks amazing next to the others. You do such great work! Feel better soon, my friend!

  26. Sorry you're having issues with grocery pickups, but glad you managed to Bingo, and also that you got home before the weather got too bad.


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