Saturday, November 6, 2021


Phoebe belongs to  our youngest grandson Adam.   But then again who really owns a cat. 

Phoebe is vocal...sometimes she sounds downright sad.   If something isn't to her liking she whines.

They lock her in a series of three rooms for the night...craft room, laundry room and bathroom...because otherwise she caterwauls at 4 AM. 

When you open the door in the morning...she is out of there like she has been shot from a cannon!  I know this from first hand experience. 

She is a beauty!  A Calico beauty.  Adam rescued her from the animal shelter.

Far Side


  1. Phoebe is a beauty, but she's actually a tortoiseshell not a calico. There is a saying that torties have tortitude. From my experience, they are very vocal and very dramatic.

    1. Our Tortie, Genesis, is not very vocal. Her brother, Exodus, is very vocal. Genesis is very inquisitive. She likes to hide in boxes or under blankets!

  2. She is gorgeous! Are her legs tortoise colored or solid? We knew one who had the tortoise-colored body but one black leg and one the pretty gold - - - front and back that way.

    1. I will have to look the next time I see her.

    2. Mostly black legs with feet a mix of black, white and gold.

  3. Phoebe is beautiful. She sounds like she has an individual personality too. :-)

  4. Phoebe has the BEST calico coloring! She's a beauty! We tried shutting our cat out of our bedroom at night - but that was a failure. Any closed door (except those leading outside) just meant he would sit at the door and beat on it with his front feet until someone opened it. And add occasional howls just to punctuate his dislike of closed doors. You're right - no one really owns a cat. My brother-in-law reminded me that to my cat I was just "staff".

  5. I just read that torties never have any white fur, so it sounds like she's a calico with a tortie attitude like our tortie has!

  6. Gorgeous cat! She sounds like she may have some Siamese in her - they tend to do a lot of yelling too.

    I've never been able to lock my cats away at night. The youngest, Saku would take the door down in an attempt to get out.

  7. She is beautiful!
    Have a great weekend!

  8. What a pretty girl.
    Rupert is a whiner too - he whines far more than he meows.

  9. Phoebe is gorgeous! Some cats are very talkative, especially if you talk to them. I have always talked to our cats and they seem to like the attention. Enjoy your weekend!

  10. What a pretty girl!! I love cats & their curious ways!

  11. Phoebe is a gorgeous mix of colours.

  12. Calico cats are one of my favorites: tabbies are another favorite.

  13. She is indeed beautiful. And you are right, nobody really owns a cat. :-)

  14. Interesting name for sure. She is a beautiful cat.

  15. You are right....Phoebe is beautiful! I have always liked that name and now I know a cat with it!!!

  16. Phoebe is absolutely beautiful, Connie. I lock up Goldie too but unfortunately with me, in my bedroom! She sleeps right next to my pillow on the bed. She snores!! ~Andrea xoxo

  17. Phoebe sounds like she has quite the personality. LOL!

  18. Interesting cat. My daughter has a cat she rescued who was living in a groundhog hole. (Long Story) Its name is Cat because my daughter did not intend to keep her. However, Cat has stayed. She even takes a shower with my daughter occasionally.

  19. Good for Adam! Phoebe is such a pretty cat. We used to put Bickett in the laundry room at night. I loved Bickett so much but could not trust him...he liked to bite, but he was my sweetie pie.

  20. I love cat personalities. Phoebe deserves to have cat-itude cuz she’s so pretty!

  21. She is a beauty! I shut my door at night because otherwise the cats keep me up! They are night creatures...what was I thinking?


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