Monday, August 23, 2021

Tomatoes and rain

 It rained on Friday afternoon and evening we got 2 1/2 inches.  Sunday afternoon it rained again...not much yet but things are wet.

I picked tomatoes in the rain....I laid them on a towel to dry.

It was a good year for tomatoes...and we have enjoyed them everyday...especially the yellow pear tomatoes.  

We had a quiet day on Sunday, I did some housekeeping and laundry because I was behind on both, in the afternoon I watched a movie on Netflix called Flipped and I highly recommend it...I give it a 10 Plus plus....totally my kind of movie. 

Far Guy woodcarved and had a nap. 

I visited my baby brother for a bit, he is very sore after his bad fall.  Baxter was happy to see me and stole my shoe...but brought it back to me.

Far Side


  1. I am so glad your brother wasn't seriously injured when he fell. Thank the Lord for that. Your tomatoes look very delicious.

  2. Rain threatened all day yesterday but we never got any. I was so looking forward to some moisture. Glad you got some.

  3. Ha ha, Baxter! Our Tank was obsessed with stealing footwear (and socks, towels etc) and always brings them back too. He has never chewed anything. I think it is attention/game driven. Tank does it much less now that he is 2.5, or maybe we have gotten better at putting things where he cannot get them. Glad you are enjoying your 'maters! It has been a good gardening year. We have had a bumper crop of everything we grow, except for strawberries. We had plenty for us, but it seemed like they ended just as fast as they started. Every year is different.

  4. Baxter knows how to make you feel loved. :)
    Rest, all of you.
    Tomatoes look yummy.

  5. Sounds like a perfect way to spend a rainy Sunday to me. And rain - what a blessing! It rained here a couple of times - for about 5 minutes each time. But a bad storm slid just north of us yesterday evening. We had a tornado warning but nothing came of it luckily.

  6. We were supposed to get rain last night but it split off and went north and south of us. The last three rain chances all did that. I hope the snow follows that trent once winter gets here. :-)
    I hope your brother is feeling better and not so sore. Baxter sounds so mischievious and he obviously thinks of you as one of his own.

  7. Ouch, your baby brother will be sore for a while. We just had an inch and a half of rain with more on the way.
    First no rain, then too much?

  8. I haven’t eaten a pear tomato in years: my Mom grew them in her garden. Happy to hear of the nice rain total and that Baxter has warmed up to you. I have a feeling your brother is going to be sore for quite a while - thankfully he wasn’t seriously hurt.

  9. We've picked a few tomatoes thus far but the main crop is still green due to the long cold, wet spring.

  10. Hooray for the rain! We had just over 3/4's of an inch yesterday and more in the forecast for today. I picked any tomatoes that looked ripe yesterday, along with some peppers because we were getting cool last night. No frost in the forecast but it's getting close now.

  11. You are lucky to have had a good tomato harvest, as they can be expensive in the stores.

  12. I"m glad your brother is OK, that was scary! We are having more tomatoes than we got last year too. We only planted 6 plants, different varieties. They sure are good!

  13. It seems to be a good year for tomatoes. Your plants sure are doing well.
    Good to know your brother is doing okay.

  14. I've never tried pear tomatoes. So next year I'll try them.

  15. Your tomatoes look colorful and delicious. We had a big juicy one on BLTs for lunch today.

  16. We are enjoying out home grown tomatoes too. Still no rain for us.
    I'll have to check out that movie. I'm in need ot pleasant entertainment.

  17. Ah! Thou art a rom-com fan. :)
    So very glad we got some rain here, too!

  18. How wonderful that Baxter was happy to see you! I bet you are becoming one of his favorite people! I'm happy to hear you had some rain. That should help your garden and by the looks of those tomatoes I think it did!

  19. We need rain desperately here in northern-most Indiana. Every time they predict it, nothing happens. My shoulder feels somewhat better today so I **MUST** go outside & water this evening. I'm not looking forward to the chore. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  20. Home grown tomatoes are usually the best, not that I eat then

  21. It's been a really bad year for our tomatoes!

  22. Your tomatoes look good and I'm sure they are tasting great! I have been thinking about your brother since his fall....I bet he is in some awful pain. Sounds like Baxter is liking you more and more! Take care you two!

  23. Our yellow pear tomatoes are just now ripening. I am glad far guy can keep carving. Baby brother is lucky to not have broken anything. I fall on bad days and that I don't feel so good the next day so from a ladder would be really bad.

  24. We had a crappy year for tomatoes here. Lots of blossoms but not much fruit.
    Maybe I will get enough to make green tomato mincemeat.

  25. I was going to plant the yeallow pear tomatoes this year, but I'll be dogged if no one carried them for once! My dad always grew them and everyone loved their taste, including the grandkids. I couldn't even find seeds for them. Maybe next year. // I want to see your lovely glass rooster on the windowsill! My kitchen is decorated in roosters (and a few chicken, just 'cause they're cute). I also have tiny little glass animals in my china hutch that I collect, thanks to my daughter-in-law and granddaughters always buying them for me.

  26. We are enjoying lots of tomatoes this year too. I wish I had planted more, they did so well. Thanks for the movie recommendation, we are running out of things to watch on rainy days.

  27. Glad your tomatoes did so well. I love tomatoes. Funny about Baxter stealing your shoe... At least he returned it.


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