Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Young Robins

 Somewhere in our woods a pair of Robins raised some young and brought them into the yard.  At first we didn't know what kind of strange birds we had. 

Kinda different looking.  Yes that Oak tree is a bit dead...it is one of several "bird trees" in our yard...not many leaves and straggly looking but a good landing place for birds.

We had a busy Monday...Far Guy had an appointment for part of his pre op.   I saw my orthopedist, I have a water filled cyst on the pulley at the base of my left thumb.  He said ''we can schedule you for surgery or give you another injection."  Well you can guess what I chose...there is time enough for surgery next winter.  I am pretty good at knowing what irritates it...and will try to pay more attention.  I hate the injections...hopefully it will work! 

Far Side


  1. I also hope the injection works, and hopefully it will mean you will be able to be there to help Far Guy more when he gets his op. Wouldn't be much fun having your hand out of action at this time. Hugz xx

  2. Juvie robins sure are cute! But an injection in your hand sounds awful! I hope it worked!

  3. Ouch on the thumb cyst. I know I did not choose surgical intervention on the thumb joints as the recovery time was sooo long.
    Fingers crossed for FG's upcoming procedure. Uffdah.

  4. That is such a neat picture of the young Robin. Prayers for Far Guy and his surgery.

  5. It is a challenge to ID nature with all the evolving stages, birds included. I wouldn't choose to double up on surgeries either. Good luck with the thumb, hope the injection makes it worth getting.

  6. Fingers crossed that FG gets a successful surgery.

  7. We've had a couple juvenile robins hopping around here. I love their spots.

  8. You have an animal sanctuary in your yard and woods! How fun. I'm sorry you had to have the injection and I really hope it helps. You and Far Guy sure have more than your share of medical things don't you?

  9. Young robins are so motley and scruffy.
    You have eough going on without hand surgery. I hope it works and gives you some relief. :)

  10. Oh, how do I keep getting behind reading your posts! Sorry you have to get the injection. I hate them too! But better than surgery. That young Robin looks sweet. Robins are one of my favorite birds. That bear, on your game camera! How amazing. I've got to show that to Dan. Glad your brother says he is a polite bear. :) Wishing the very best for Far Guy. Been busy in the sewing room and will send you a picture soon.

  11. You still have Robins!!!! Ours left us the second week of July. Which is a month early.

  12. Is that what juvenile robins look like? I love their coloring.
    Wouldn't you know when it rains it pours! Your poor thumb! That's where I first noticed my RA was the base of my thumbs by the wrist. I still rub that area when it acts up. I hope the shot fixes it for you. Please take care of yourself and Far Guy too. My thoughts and prayers are with you both!

  13. I saw three juvenile robins yesterday near my patio. Since the large trees were cut down, the crows haven’t been hanging around and the smaller birds are enjoying the respite.

  14. I hope the injection helps, and Far Guy's operation happens soon and successfully.

    Sadly, I had a juvenile robin hit the window of the sunroom the other day and it did not survive. I'm always sad when that happens.

  15. Those Robins are kind of late! OR perhaps it is their second brood for the summer. Our robin nest above the window has been silent this year. Probably found a new place to make a home.

  16. I hope your injection fixes you up for a while and Far Guy’s pre op goes well. Seems pretty late for those baby robins. They have a big trip ahead of them. Unless they are one of those few that hang around for a Minnesota winter.

  17. Hope that injection works, and that you can postpone any surgery for longer.

  18. Praying for Far Guy, Connie. I wish he didn't have to go through this but... I'm glad he's going to get things fixed before the snow flies. Please keep us posted, ok? ~Andrea xoxoxo

  19. I hope that injection deals with the cyst.

  20. I imagine that Robin family knows your place is bird friendly! I hope your injection helps and is not too painful. You both remain in my prayers that Far Guy's surgery goes smoothly and successfully.

  21. We always try to put off surgery as long as possible.

  22. Oh Connie, so if far guy is having pre-op does that mean his surgery is scheduled for very soon or are you still waiting for a date? Praying it's soon so he cam feel much better. We had a robin's nest just outside the door this year too. Sorry about your thumb....sure hope it gets better fast. Sounds like you've had that before! Hubby is making all kinds of plans....wants to take the "new to us" RV down to Arizona this winter. We shall see.

  23. Prayers and good thoughts for you both.

  24. I hope the injection works for your cyst. My husband had one of those cysts and he opted for the surgery, but by the time they had it scheduled the cyst had disappeared... he was very happy!

  25. Hope the injection is enough, and you can avoid hand surgery.


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