Friday, August 20, 2021

Three R's

 Not the 3 R's you would imagine.  Replace, Readjust or Remove.

Far Guy had appointments at the University of Minnesota this past week.  He had a bunch of tests.  He is going downhill.  Losing weight, extreme shortness of breath and feeling rotten.  The Surgeon says it is the valves that were placed on May 10 2021.  They are not working.  They must be replaced, readjusted or removed and soon.    Far Guy now weighs less than he did in high school, suspenders hold up his pants...and his lung function has dropped from a high of 28 %  on May 10 to 19 % August 18. His oxygen sats drop into the low 80's with the smallest exertion, he doesn't turn blue yet but gasps for breath.

So that is the scoop.  One day at a time...the Surgeon put him back on Prednisone to make his breathing easier until the procedure can be scheduled.

Not many people in the waiting rooms.  

We left on Tuesday and got back home late on Wednesday...we are both tired.

We hope the procedure will happen in the next week.  The surgeon says that if the valves are removed in time some lung function will be restored.

Far Side


  1. Oh poor Far Guy. Hospital visits are exhausting at the best of times and this is obviously not the best. My husband has lung disease and is gradually getting slower and slower but he’s his own worst enemy and always tries to do things more quickly than he can. Best wishes to both of you and good luck for the procedure.

  2. I hope also that the surgery will be soon followed by a quick recovery.

  3. How could valves put in in May already be such a problem? I'm so sorry, and worried, as I know you must be too. I will pray for a quick appointment and a good outcome. Sending you both hugs.

  4. Fingers crossed that all will go well with the procdedure.

  5. Oh dear.. What a heartache that must be for both of you.
    Sounds like the sooner the better for removal? My heart is in my throat and I am thinking of you both.

  6. Lots of prayers are being said for Far Guy. Hope something helps him soon.

  7. Oh no! I am sorry to read Far Guy has to go through an “R” surgery. What a shame the values made things worse. I guess you don’t know until you try. Thinking of you both!

  8. Sending you both lots of healing energy and hope it will be done soon.

  9. So sorry to read about Far Guy, not doing well. Praying for him! Hoping the Doctors can restore some breathing for him.

  10. Prayers for both of you but especially Far Guy! This hurts my heart to read. Praying they get him in quickly for surgery and that they will be able to restore better quality of life. This is a scary time for both of you.

  11. God be speedy in your help for Farguy. In your name. Amen.

  12. Oh my - I sure hope they can schedule him for the procedure in the next few days. My fingers and toes are crossed for successful and recovery of some decent lung function. Rest up!!!

  13. I'm so sorry that Far Guy has to go through this again so soon but very hopeful that the surgery will go well and he will heal quickly with good results and improvement in all of those stats. I'm praying for you both my dear friend
    Blessings and love,

  14. I pray all will work out better than thought possible. My heart and prayers are with you. That God will give unexpected air for Far Guy to breathe. The sooner the surgeon can fix this the better. 🙏❤️

  15. OH! MY! GOODNESS! I hope the surgery gets scheduled ASAP! Hugs and Prayers for you both.

  16. Oh gee! Sending lots of good healing vibes his way. I hope they can get him in quickly.

  17. Prayers for a successful procedure and an successful result. And continued prayers for strength for both of you. (hugs)

  18. Horrible news. Sending my best wishes that the procedure can be completed very soon and Far Guy gets some relief.

  19. Praying Far Guy can get some relief soon so he can breathe and feel better.

  20. I hope he can get the surgery in short order and it helps him immensely!
    Lucky it was not busy there. Essentia hospital and clinic have been super packed.
    I pray you hear soon and you both stay safe and everythig goes smoothly and well. *hugs*

  21. I am so sorry to hear about this new problem. Hoping the doctors can figure out something to make him more comfortable

  22. Oh, I’m so sorry! I hope and pray he gets scheduled for the procedure ASAP and improvement is quick.

  23. My heart goes out to both of you having to deal with this. Did I ever ask you is he on supplemental oxygen? I sure hope they can fix it soon! I can't imagine how scary it much be to not be able to get a full breath. I am praying!

  24. Prednisone is a wonderful drug my dad use to take it but it did make him short tempered, well more short trmpered then normal. Dad was short temered to start with. It's good that it helped Far Guy

  25. Holding you both in my heart and on my mind.

  26. I'm sorry to hear this and I hope that some improvement can be made.

  27. All I can say is I’m so sorry for all the hardships far guy is facing.

  28. Oh dear, I feel for you both. My hubby was on full-time oxygen and still his O2 stats were in the low 80s and then would drop further if he tried doing anything. It can be very scary, so I hope things improve for you soon.
    Sending you lots of love and hugz, Mxx

  29. Hoping they call you soon with a date ~ we are thinking about you guys! Sending prayers that this will help Far Guy out.

  30. Oh you guys, I'm so sorry to hear this. I think you had an inkling that something wasn't right, right after he had that procedure as he didn't seem to be getting better. I'm praying they can get him scheduled ASAP. How horrible. I hope somebody with brains is going to figure out what to do next! Praying hard for far guy and you too. Please keep us in the loop. God Bless!

  31. I've been away from blogs for a day and I am so very sorry to come back and read this. At least they finally discovered what was causing these problems and I hope they will get him in soon to correct it. You two are always in my prayers but I'm adding some extra ones for this. Connie, I know you take good care of Far Guy but remember to take care of yourself as well! Hugs!

  32. I hope they can schedule Far Guys's procedure soon. My heart is with you both and I will be keeping you in my prayers. ((hugs))

  33. I hope that unvaccinated people with COVID won't take up too many beds and that he will be able to get the medical treatment he needs soon.

  34. Yes, they need to fix it. A surgery shouldn't have put him into such danger. Prayers for success and a better result.

  35. Stay strong. We are all behind you both.

  36. I'm sorry to hear life is tough for Far Guy. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

  37. Those numbers are scary. Will be praying for the right doc for the right procedure at the right time!


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