Monday, April 26, 2021

Snow again

 Winter wants more time with us! 

The huge icy wet flakes fell for quite some time late in the rained first and then it changed over to snow.   I took the photo just before supper.

We had a quiet via the computer in the morning and the rest of the day was uneventful other than a Facetime call from our youngest daughter Jen...we got to see Adam's cat, Noah and his dog...and Little Elvis. All are doing well! 

The wild flower area in the distance really needs to be mowed...I had hoped to do that on a warm dry day.  Maybe when Spring gets here as sooner or later she must push old man Winter out the door.

Far Side


  1. Hubby had to mow our yard so Charlie could get around the big tall clumps of grass. We had a hard frost Saturday night and sleet on Sunday. Spring is not happy this year? :)

  2. So sorry Mr. Winter refuses to leave for the year. I said some very nasty words to him last week when he made an appearance here. My flowers especially were unhappy. Hoping you get nicer weather soon.

  3. Seems winter has returned everywhere except Florida.

  4. We are finally expecting warmer temps this week so I'm guessing my husband will have to mow by next weekend. I'm tired of being chilled. We went to see 2 of the grands play soccer on Saturday morning. It was only 34 degrees at 9:00 that morning when they started. I was sure glad I brought mittens at the last minute.

  5. We went fishing & one section of the road was coved with ice & snow. Karen

  6. Oh no! We've had a couple of snow days too since Spring began. Thankfully, it quickly disappears. Hope you have an amazing day!

    X Chy

  7. Looking forward to seeing your wildflower area in bloom. I want to do similar, but get discouraged when I read up on prep/maintenance. Wish I could just sprinkle seeds and watch them bloom :)

  8. Snow in April, I don't like it but I can live with it. But I absolutely draw the line at snow in May. Spring better get its act together ASAP.

  9. Tomorrow we are supposed to get to the 80's in northern Ohio. This makes me think that next week we might have snow again. Nurseries are already selling flats of flowers and people are buying them. I guess their gramma did not tell them you never plant here before Mother's day - and really Memorial Day to be safe.

  10. Just read Miss Merry's comment. Since I am in southwestern Ohio, I am cautiously optimistic that our spring has arrived. The birders are seeing the migrating warblers...yellow warbler, prothonotary,etc. We had snow this past week but it was gone by afternoon and I don't think it damaged the flowers.

  11. We had a wee bit of rain yesterday, just enough to make the pavement appear damp. No snow though thankfully.

    Hopefully you'll be out mowing soon.

  12. And I thought our Spring was retarded this year! However, we had a 60 degree day last week! Pretty soon we will be complaining about the heat and humidity of Summer. I want to thank you for your visits to my blog and your helpful suggestions which I have taken advantage of. I love the bloggy community!💖

  13. Spring hasn’t pushed Winter aside here yet either. Hopefully the moisture will turn to rain soon.

  14. How nice to facetime with some of the family and grand pets too! Old man winter has really been stubborn this year. We've had winter and snow the past two weeks but this weekend it started to warm up. I even got the grass cut and they say we will be in the 80s today and tomorrow.

  15. I hope your spring comes soon. I'm almost embarrassed to post our already exuberant spring here in contrast. I'm really not bragging or trying to show off. it's just that spring comes on time here and is so beautiful.

  16. Now if your snow had happened in the south, we sort of have a saying, . . . . . "Hey, NY or MN, etc. - - your weather seems to be lost and is in our backyard. Please come and take it home."

  17. We've had a spell of nasty weather. It doesn't seem like spring but it is.

  18. Yes, rain, sleet, itty-bitty hail, and beautiful big flakes of snow...all gone in the blink of an eye. Grass still turning green as best it can. Happy spring, I guess--LOL! ;)

  19. After the nice warm days we so enjoyed we're back to cloudy and showers. I rescued the Petunias I foolishly planted out ( luckily in a pot). I brought them in to the enclosed porch. I'm sure the onion sets and such will be fine.
    Have a good week.

  20. Goodness! It snowed in Michigan on our way back home. Rain... then snow. It was 35 degrees. I could almost not believe it. But then again... Michigan. Even in Iowa, I have tempered my expectations on the weather.

  21. We have 92F right now in Omaha! Saturday night it was freezing! Spring is definitely crazy this year more than usual. I did break down and buy a pot of geraniums for the front steps this morning. If it gets cold again I'll just take them into the garage.
    Take care and stay warm.

  22. Yep....cold and icy here today...ground covered with snow. But I hear good things about a warm up by the end of the week! Here's hoping. Glad you got to facetime with family.

  23. A cat is a new thing for all the dog loves in your family.


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