Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Baxter: Burrs and the lake

 Baxter visited yesterday...he was full of burrs.   

I got out a special dog brush and in no time he was free of burrs.  Baxter is about 9 months old now. 

He is pretty good at sit and come and he shows a bit of interest in a ball, and sometimes a frisbee.  His herding instinct is strong.  On Saturday when there were lots of people outside he ran around herding them up.

He will come up to me and let me pet him and he really likes Far Guy!  He likes the snow.  He is learning how to get out of the lake as he has gone off the dock a few times ( my baby brother had to rescue him a few times).  He is a good watch dog (he even barks at doorbells on TV)...he misses Annie as she had to go back home with my sister...they kept each other out of trouble.   Baxter is keeping my baby brother and his bride on their toes.

Far Side


  1. What a handsome dog! He seems to be coming around too. My neighbor has two border collies that she uses to move her cattle from one pasture to another. Amazing and energetic dogs.

  2. He is such a cute dog. Lucky you getting to spend time with him.

  3. Baxter is a cutie pie! We had a border collie named Betty. She was the smartest dog we ever had.

  4. I'll bet he loved being brushed by you. He's a fine looking dog.

  5. LOL!!! Rose feel in the pond while sniffing for beavers during our Thursday evening outing. I had to rescue her. Baxter is beautiful. We saw mountain goats on our way to our fishing spot Sunday. The goats were covered it burrs. Karen

  6. Glad you got all those burrs out for him!

  7. He's a handsome dude! I bet he will ALWAYS keep your brother and his bride on their toes!

  8. What a sweetie pie! I bet he does keep them busy!

  9. Over the years, we shied away from long haired dogs just because of the burr situation. My grandfather broke that rule once with a collie and we had to shave it nearly to the skin all summer long or it was a miserable animal.

  10. Baxter looks like he’s full of mischief.

  11. Love him, what a cutie pie herding his people!

  12. He is really cute! I love those freckles above his nose. It sounds like he is learning and advancing quickly. Baxter must keep your baby brother and his bride busy but I bet he brings them a lot of joy too!

  13. Beautiful dog! Glad you got the burrs out.
    Good to get your dog fix for a while, too. ;)

  14. Such a sweet dog. How nice to spend time with him. My niece and her mom have always had border collies.

  15. Baxter looks like a bundle of fun.....and a bunch of trouble too.:-)

  16. He is SO cute. I love how he is beginning to accept you into his circle and you were able to get his burrs out. I'll bet he is the cause of a lot of laughter at his house. I'm finding it nice that Mom has a cat for me to love on since we won't be getting one. I miss having animal loves.

  17. Luckily you had a brush that could get the Burrs off Baxter's thick fur. It doesn't even sound like it hurt ( which I would have thought).

  18. That Baxter is a real cutie! Thanks for sharing the pics of him.

  19. He is such a great looking dog. I like his fur colors. I bet he turns into a better behaved dog as he matures. I hope he learns to swim better.

  20. Special dog brush for burrs? Do tell, when you have time.

    1. Safari De Matting Dog Comb https://www.chewy.com/safari-de-matting-dog-comb/dp/155266

  21. He is so cute and what a beautiful fur coat he has. They have life jackets for dogs I think.

  22. Baxter sounds like an adorable handful.


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