Friday, April 23, 2021

Not much new but yarn

 I am certain I will become bored with these colors before long....since I have 26 skeins. 

These are the colors for a new project.   It will be interesting to see how the colors come together on this  Mosaic Patchwork Project. 

The grocery adventure was okay this week.  Made a trip by the meat market too.  Our new fridge has more space on the top freezer than our old fridge...and less space in the bottom.  Go figure. 

We are getting a bit bored with our normal menus...I suppose the comfort food of winter should be replaced by more summery menus.  I should try some new recipes....we got some farm fresh eggs...and that made a great breakfast for supper! 

I took my Dad to Bingo, I won $45  (we play one wins we all win and split the pots) so we can go back again next week:) 

Far Side


  1. Love the hot pink and emerald yarns, I would never get sick of those colours :)
    What fun having a great win like that - and now you can have more fun spending it!

  2. Pretty yarn, I think my favorite is the blue.

    New recipes are fun. I bet you readers have some favorite summer recipes they'd share.

  3. Those are gorgeous colors for your yarn. Can't wait to see what ideas you come up with. Congrats on your Bingo win. Have a great weekend.

  4. I like to browse recipes occasionally on the internet. Taste of Home website is my favorite. They even have "healthy" and "low carb". I don't know if you are Salsa eaters but Pace has some good ones, too. My favorite we have concocted is Pineapple Chicken. It is about 1/4 or 1/3 cup pineapple preserves (store brand) - - Worchestershire- - - probably at least six shakes - - garlic and/or onion powder. I put chunks of raw boneless chicken breasts - - cook/simmer until done - - about an hour. For the last 5-10 minutes, I add fresh pineapples chunks from the freezer. It is so good!
    You could add bell peppers or pieces of sweet onion sometime during cooking if you wanted, also. Serve it over something like rice or noodles or just have side dishes with it.

  5. Congratulations on your BINGO win. That's always nice and keeps you wanting to go back. Your new yarn is lovely and the colors are so pretty. I'm looking forward to seeing your new project. I think I'll be working on Piper's blanket for quite awhile so maybe I'll make other things while crocheting it so I don't get too bored. Soon she won't need a heavy blanket until fall rolls around again anyway. :-)
    I know what you mean about being bored with your meals. I'm going to get busy and make a meal plan again. It really helps and takes a lot of stress away from deciding each day what to make.

  6. I get bored when sewing too if I have to do too many things all the same color. It's probably part of my UFO problem. LOL And I've been bored with cooking for years due to living with a really picky eater.

  7. Winning is fun and sharing is even more fun!

  8. So pretty. Farm eggs are the best - a whole different flavor. We are coming up on our two week mark after the second shot. And we are still pretty hesitant about shopping. My best friend's 40 year old nephew who was an engineer on the railroad tested positive last Tuesday. Went to the ER Wednesday, on a BiPap by Friday and transferred to a big hospital on Saturday. Put on vent on Monday and died Tuesday. Vaccines have been open to everyone. Our community had a walk in clinic on Saturday with 2000 shots available. 524 people showed up . . . .

    1. Aww so sad that such a young person died...and with shots available :(

  9. Cooking is one of the most boring things I do. My hubby is a meat'n potatoes guy who thinks salad is romaine lettuce with salad dressing on it. So I take my creative culinary urges out in baking- but then I have to eat it all because he only likes chocolate chip cookies (boring!!!)

  10. I'm at the point where I'm bored with my meals as well. Breakfast makes a great dinner, we have it once a week. Since I bought 30 eggs on sale for $5 this week I expect we'll be eating it more than once.

    Beautiful colors in the yarn. Enjoy your project!

  11. Have fun with your new yarn and congrats on the bingo win!

  12. I love those yarn colors and look forward to what you plan to make with them. Congratulations on the Bingo win, that will keep you coming back. I have been totally bored with trying to plan meals lately. I need some new choices too but they need to be quick and easy. The older I get the more tired of cooking I am!

  13. I especially like that bluish-teal color of yarn.
    Congrats on the bingo win!
    Farm fresh eggs--delicious! :)

  14. Yarn colors delightful . I think the blue and green together would be pretty.
    I shall see later what you are coming up with.
    New header, don't know where you were heading with it , but I really like it.

  15. Congratulations on your bingo win.I miss real bingo ! Is yours a small hall do they social distance.? I am a faithful reader.thanks!

    1. Yes the tables are far apart and you can chose who you sit with we always sit with friends who have had the vaccinations:)

  16. I love the colors of the yarn....they are beautiful.

    We have breakfast for supper sometimes. I think I like it better then than of the morning.

  17. Congrats on winning at Bingo.
    Making meals is a daily problem that won't go away. I think we all struggle with coming up with something day after day.

  18. Your yarn colors are just gorgeous! It would take me a long time to get sick of those. Our new refrigerator has a lot less freezer space than our old one. I am always stressing about how to get everything in there! Breakfast for supper sounds good! Take care!

  19. Love the thread colors. I am happy you and your dad can enjoy going to BINGO.

  20. Congratulations on the Bingo winnings! I know your Dad appreciates that you accompany him.

  21. I love Stylecraft yarns....there are so many colors and it is so soft! Those colors are really pretty. I can't wait to see what you're making.
    Hurray for your winning at bingo!


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