Thursday, April 22, 2021


 Our weather is real cool.  Highs only in the 30's and 40's during the day and 20's at night.

It will be a long time yet before we see buds on the Oaks.  

Yesterday I made a few more cards...from my last watercoloring project that brightened my day.  I also worked on the newest Mosaic Crochet CAL swatch to test for gauge....I am not pleased with it yet.  I will get it all worked out soon....well before the new event begins.

 I also tried a new technique...called COM (Continuous Overlay Mosaic)...not impressed as it is too fiddly for me.    I gave it a good try.  I can see where it might work for some projects. 

We got Far Guy's photos all transferred over from his old computer to his new computer.  Yeah us!   He does way less cussing now that he has a decent computer.  We found one image on his computer that cracked us both up...that was the most either of us has laughed in a long time!

Here it is. 

Far Side


  1. Nice! Yes, cool here too frosty mornings which are a bit unusual. I'm looking for a new 'puter too. Mine is so old but I'm still trying to decided what features I'm looking into.

  2. Brrrr, that’s a cold April. We, way down here on the coast in South Carolina, had 39 degrees this morning. I’m thinking it might be a record for the day. Yesterday afternoon it was 83 and we had air on in the car. Crazy times!

  3. That image cracked me up. We had snow yesterday and temp this AM is 30 degrees with frost all over the ground. I mowed the lawn and as soon as I finished the snowflakes started coming down. Good timing on my part,I thought.

  4. Congrats on getting everything transferred over, that last one really is funny! I hope it starts warming up soon!

  5. Now that is cold, at least for this time of year. Brrr! And yes I can see why you two cracked up at that image. :-)

  6. I'm not normal either - that is what makes life fun! We had 3 or 4 inches of snow here yesterday. It has melted in today's sun, but temperatures remain in the 20's and 30's. The forecast for next Tuesday is 81 degrees. We all have stuffy noses. I wonder why?

  7. Can any of us really define normal? LOL You've reminded me that I need to get a new thumb drive to transfer some photos and files onto from our old computer. It is on its last legs I'm afraid.

  8. Normal is just a setting on a dryer according to Erma Bombeck. Remember her? I remember my Mom reading her books and laughing all of the way through them. Thanks for the memory this morning.
    It was cold here last night too. It was in the upper 20's but supposedly that's the last freeze for the season. Time will tell.

  9. It's still nasty here, also. The wind (it's over the top hideous this year) has given me a huge wind induced allergy mess to deal with. I am so ready for settled warmer weather.

  10. This has turned into a cold Spring hasn't it! We've been below freezing at night this week too. I bet it felt good to get those pictures transferred to Far Guy's computer. Why is it that things that should be simple often are not?

  11. It is cold here too but that doesn't stop things from growing here! Especially the weeds! LOL! I could relate to that image!

  12. Funny! It's been cool here at night but we've had a couple of really nice days - we're into our yo-you weather.

    Have a great day!

  13. It takes a while to get new computers up to date. It's great to have a new computer that is so much faster than the old one.

  14. Normal is really overrated anyway. It is good things transferred completely.

  15. We've recently been through the battle of getting everything reloaded onto new scrubbed computers. We are still having issues after more than a month. Not fun.
    Whatever normal is, I'm pretty sure I'm not it.
    P.S. Thank you for the lovely hand made card.

  16. Yaay for new computers and conquering photo transfers, and more so for sharing big grins!!!

  17. Love the image!
    Congrats on transferring all the data!! :)

    1. Request: Do you think you could add the follow option to your blog? I am going to try that way since they are dumping follow by email.

  18. we had a beautiful day here today, almost 60 degrees...but getting a bit colder tomorrow....hopefully not as cold as you have it! Nice to hear you're working on cards again and also trying out some new fancy stitch maneuvers! Glad you got far guys photos moved are handy!

  19. Congratulations on not being "normal" haha, what is normal anyway?
    Hope you weather warms up soon :)

  20. How do you move the photos over from one computer to another?

    1. We used a Flash Drive and took them off one computer and loaded them onto the new computer

  21. It is wonderful to laugh...I came across a cartoon today that included cats. It said 'IF the world were flat, the cats would already have everything knocked off the edge.'

    I read it to Roger and we both cracked is so true of the cats we have now...

  22. Thanks for the chuckle! Happy to hear the transfer of photos went smoothly.


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