Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Bluebird Houses and Mice

 We cleaned out all eleven Bluebird houses one day...making sure they are ready for Bluebirds that should come any day now.   I really need to make a better pattern with a more slanted roof...and a piece of wood near the door with a screw in it so I can swivel it down or up to cover the hole for the winter mice don't take up residence.  We cut down brush away from the houses...cause mice will climb up the brush and sneak their way in.

This bird house was a gift from neighbor Arvilla a long time ago.  It has hosted a number of Bluebird families.

Yesterday I mowed  the wildflower garden east of the house...I chased out a mouse that ran up a tree.  My lawn mower may make it another doesn't smoke as bad since Far Guy changed the oil and the oil filter!  Our Lilacs on the far end of that area may have a few flowers this year! 

Spring is coming slowly! The Butter butts (Yellow Rumped Warblers) came yesterday however a number of Juncos are still here. 

Far Side


  1. The blue birds arrived here a few weeks ago and have set up house in an old cherry tree that has a hole in it. I love listening to them. I heard a warbler last night!
    The biggest thing I miss in the fall and winter is the bird songs. I do love hearing all that chatter.

  2. I wish bluebirds would visit my yard. we don't seem to have any in my neighborhood. Those nasty mice and voles always seem to do damage to my yard every winter. Glad you lawnmower is still working; new ones are so expensive.

  3. I'm glad spring is finally sneaking it's way in.

  4. We have bird houses up & so far only a swallow has resided in one. Black birds & robins here so far. Karen

  5. Lots of birds here and I'm waking up every morning hearing birdsong. However, most of the birds I'm seeing are robins, sparrows and wrens so far. Although I did see a cardinal and a bluejay on Sunday.
    You've been busy! I do think spring may really finally be here. We had the first thunderstorm since I arrived here, early this morning. It was wonderful to lay in bed, reading my Bible and listening to the thunder roll across the sky.
    I hope your day is wonderful Connie.

  6. Butter butts, what a cute name :) We have our first bluebird nest in one of two nesting houses my hubby built (the other is still empty) and not on the rafters like last year. Hopefully it will be calmer this way, and the crazy bluebird doesn't stalk me again this year. Eagerly watching for eggs. Enjoy the arrival of Spring's many firsts!!

  7. We have had bluebirds flitting around for a few weeks. Some never left for the winter. We had our first lawn mowing of the season last week, and it's already looking like it needs mowing again. Luckily for me, it's started to rain so I guess I don't have to mow right now. I am pretty sure I saw a junco this week...they should be long gone by now.

  8. A good reminder to check the houses here but they should be ready to go! Aaah Arvilla bluebird house. The sun is shining!

  9. We have a dawn choir of songbirds here now, this morning I heard them shortly after 4 am.
    The swallows are back in their nesting box on the foaling shelter. I saw 4 of them flying to it, and I wondered if last year's babies are trying to nest in there along with mom and pop.

  10. I'll be glad when the blackbirds leave because they harrass the other birds. We had a hawk sitting up in a tree behind the house yesterday - and he was surrounded by scolding blackbirds.

  11. OH! Lucky! Lucky you. The Western Bluebirds move through here in March sometime but they are on the move. Not staying here.

  12. We don't get bluebirds here, so I'm a teeny bit envious. I laughed at your mouse up a tree. My brother sent me this text this morning:
    "Played a trick on the cats last night but this only works in an old house. I was in the bathroom and a mouse ran under the door with a cat paw swiping at it. So I opened the window, tossed the mouse outside, shut the window and let the cats in. They went nuts trying to find it. They both might need therapy."

    Have a great day!

  13. We had a neighbor put up a bluebird house behind ours in the fall of 2019 and the first bluebirds raised four chicks to the delight of my girls. Last year the blue birds tried three times and each time the chicks were nabbed by raccoons before they could fledge. We hopefully racoon proofed the house but didn't get any bluebirds before winter. This spring we are anxiously awaiting the first bluebird occupants and seeing if the racoon proofing works.

  14. I didn't know mice so readily climbed trees--but it makes perfect sense.
    Hardly any trees here really so the birds that show up are of limited variety. I am glad the mourning doves are back. Love to listen to them coo. The grackles--are like crow's dumber noisy cousins--LOL!

  15. We have a lot of birds but I have never seen a bluebird here, although I wish we would get them. You've been busy, cleaning out all those bird houses and mowing!

  16. that poor old birdhouse is really a long time ago. I'm busy making a bird house right now.

  17. We have several bird houses that have residents each year, but they have to do their own cleaning. they don't seem to mind.

  18. No bluebirds here just some cockatoos, rainbow lorikeets, doves and an owl

  19. We currently have bluebirds in our house. No sign of hummers yet, though.

  20. So your bluebird houses are all cleaned out and ready for occupancy! Can't wait to see and hear how many you get. You sure are ambitious folks...always getting so much accomplished. Good for you! You've got the energy of the young.....good for you!

  21. It must be a job keeping up eleven bluebird boxes. We have five or six. I sure didn't know mice would get in the boxes. We have baby bluebirds in a couple of the houses. I can see the parents going in and out the box with food. Looking back...Baxter is so cute!! Oh and Hailey is a beautiul girl. I love her prom dress. Good to see your mom and dad.

  22. I had no idea that mice would spend winter in a birdhouse. We have trouble with House Sparrows taking over any birdhouse they possibly can get into.

  23. How sweet that you clean out their homes for them in readiness for the spring return. I love bluebirds. Actually I love almost all birds.

  24. I’m sure the bluebirds will appreciate the housecleaning. They have nested here already and a pair hung around our bluebird house for several days and then moved on. We thought it was quite nice. Not sure what they objected to!

  25. I need to get some blue bird houses as they are my favorite or at least one of them. You have a lot of houses to clean out!

  26. I work really hard to keep my sliding glass door shut when working outside. I don't want mice in the house.


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