Friday, April 16, 2021


 We have no flowers except for the tin ones.   There is still snow in some spots....and we may get more snow next week.   Winter wants to stick around!

I took my Dad to Bingo, everyone well almost everyone wears masks until they are at their table, then they can take them off.   We did not Bingo, but we got within one number several times.   It gives my Mom a break and my Dad really enjoys Bingo.  He goes out to Doctor appointments, Church and Bingo.  I am not sure how many more times we can safely go...We are watching the Covid Case numbers and they are going up ...I also heard that the local hospital reopened their Covid has been closed.   One week at a time....if everyone would just get their vaccinations and wear masks we would have a chance of getting back to normal someday.

My Dad has some memory problems, I have to redirect him and explain things to him several times...he does pretty good for being 94.   He misses a few numbers here and there...he wants me to point them I do. Together we make it work so we don't miss a bingo.

Far Side


  1. I am so happy you can take your Dad to Bingo. God bless you for you doing that for him. Have a great weekend.

  2. Oh no, more snow! I am glad you can take your dad to Bingo. I know he enjoys getting out.

  3. I imagine we all will eventually have memory issues. Rich's mind was terrible yesterday so I just filled in his gaps for him. He seemed upset with it. But as the day wore on, he did better.
    I'm glad you got your dad out for Bingo. I am watching the Covid numbers increase all around again. Scary stuff.

  4. My personal opinion during the whole pandemic that if people would wear a mask & wear it correctly, our numbers would be so much better & by being masked we could gather together more. We lost my sister in law & a niece to this horrible virus so I guess my opinion is pretty strong.

  5. Our state is also getting higher numbers and three counties have been rolled back to stricter rules. Fortunately my county is doing moderately well. Your dad sure is lucky to have you to help him. :-)

  6. Bingo is a lot of fun! I am thankful that our senior citizens bingo is open again after being closed for months. We all wear masks, use hand sanitizer, and the tables are set farther apart. Usually a family group shares a table to limit exposure to other families.
    I won a game when we met for our once-a-month games on Wednesday!
    Have a blessed day!

  7. This story made my heart *happy* today, Connie!! How wonderful that you & your Dad went to bingo! May there be many more bingo nights in your Dad's future. ~Andrea xoxo

  8. Hurray for BINGO! I'm so glad that you and your Dad can go once again and hope you can continue. I'm thinking it's good exercise for his memory, along with your help.
    It's scary to see the numbers going up again. Will we ever return to a pre-covid life? I'm starting to doubt it very much.
    Mom's memory is not good at all. Some days are better than other. The real problem is that she knows she isn't remembering things and that frustrates her a LOT.
    Take care and have a wonderful Friday.
    Blessings and hugs,

  9. That's so nice that he can still get to Bingo. I hope they don't have to close it on him.
    Dave's Mom and Grandma used to go frequently (Grandma is 93 this May). Unfortunately, Bingo here has been closed since the beginning - and while our numbers were decent for a while, they are skyrocketing now - there won't be Bingo any time soon for her.

  10. We do what we can for our parents in their declining years. I feel sad for old folks who don't have children or grandchildren to care for them and visit them in their old age.
    Connie, can you go back to your guess on my blog and add in a time?

  11. What a blessing for you both to be able to enjoy that time together. Our Covid numbers climbed fast right after the mask mandate in town was lifted, but now they are going down again. The hospital where my oldest works as a respiratory therapist has had an increase in cases but they haven't had to reopen the separate Covid "wing" yet. She said they actually have planned for a possible wave in May, but hoping it won't materialize.

  12. Very Precious Moments for you. Very.

  13. I am so glad you are able to take your dad to play bingo, I'm sure you make a good team. :)

  14. When I moved to Richfield, Minnesota, in October of 1988, it snowed, getting me off to a bad start in my new state. When I saw snow falling at the Chauvin trial this week, I was SO glad I wasn't in Minneapolis. Even as a boy in south (subtropical) Mississippi where snow is rare, when it did snow a little, it freaked me out. I could handle it for a day, but after that, its presence was just WRONG in my view.

    Covid is on the increase here in Oregon too. I've had my shots, staying home, and double masking when I do have to go out.

  15. Rewarding to help your father as he once helped you.

  16. How sweet of you to take your dad to Bingo. My dad turned 90 in January and he loves Bingo. Unfortunately it isn't open where he lives yet. We've had some nice spring weather so he has taken himself golfing a couple of times. I agree that wearing masks and getting vaccinated is key to getting back to normal. Have a great weekend!

  17. Good for taking your dad out and looking after him.

  18. Love that you and your dad share Bingo time together!!

  19. It's so nice you're able to spend time with your Dad doing something he enjoys. I'm sure your mom enjoys the break too (thinking back to my parents.)

    Hopefully this is the last of the snow and spring is truly here.

  20. So happy to hear this. We will be two weeks after our second dose soon and I am starting to get nervous. Our numbers are going up and our health department said only 28% of those eligible in our county are getting a vaccine. The rest at our clinics are coming from other counties with waiting lists.

    Our service organizations hold special "purse bingos". You can buy a ticket or a table (I think it is 20/35 a person) and you bring your own beverages. Our table would bring fancy snacks and they do sell pizza. They also sell raffle tickets through out the night. The bingo games are for those fancy brand name purses that cost a few hundred dollars. Those are donated by area businesses since proceeds go to charity. . The event is more for fun and socializing than bingo and are very well attended. I had purchased a table for bingo 2 days before breaking my arm. My friends and family went without me and my best friend since high school won a purse! They have scheduled the first purse bingo since then for the first weekend in May. There is no way I am sitting in a closed space with 200 women without masks (since we are drinking and eating)especially if no one is getting vaccinated.

  21. You will treasure these moments with your father.
    Our Covid numbers are no going up right here, but they are in some parts of the state.
    Tom and I are a bit nervous about having attended the recent graveside service and family gathering. It was all outside but masks were abandoned, as well as social distancing. Food was catered box lunches and bottled water, so that helped. We did not attend our Friday morning breakfast group today because we are being caution. We will just be with our little immediate family for now. We will be self monitoring just in case.

  22. I don’t understand why people can’t do their part so we can lick this stuff. Same here. We finished our shots, had about a week where we actually went into stores and notice that gradually there are more and more people without masks. And the numbers are climbing here like everywhere else. Glad you and your dad could enjoy some bingo together before we’re we are forced into isolation again.

  23. So glad you were able to go back to bingo with your dad!!
    Yes, cases are on the rise again. Now the younger folks are getting hit harder. But some things are getting back to more normal--like bingo! ;)

  24. Never played bingo ever understand the game but not for me

  25. I'm so glad you and your dad are back at Bingo least for the time being. I know you've mentioned how much he enjoys it. Hope that can continue for awhile.

  26. Tin flowers are better than no flowers at all but hopefully winter will go away and stay away so real flowers can appear.

  27. I am so surprised to hear that bingo is back in business in your county. It just seems too soon to be getting together in large groups indoors. Of course, here we have spring weather arriving, so sitting outdoors and socializing with small groups of friends is possible. Hopefully, your weather will turn warmer, too, soon.

  28. My wife's brother is a lot younger than your dad and he has developed dementia the past few years. His wife has her hands full now and we really are unable to help her. She has a close sister that is her sidekick. I remember my mom had lost a lot of memory and sometimes we had to review things on a regular bases.

  29. I'm so happy your Dad gets to go to Bingo and church too. I'm fine alone but most people are way more social than I am! LOL!


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