Sunday, April 18, 2021

Happy Birthday Trica!

 Our oldest daughter is 49 can she be that old?  Time passes...we all get older.

A long time friend sent us this photo.  It was taken of Trica and her Dad in the summer of 1972 in Janesville Minnesota.   I always made sure she wore a hat...Mothers don't do that anymore.  The blanket she has is one that was made by her Great Grandma Henderson...corduroy of different colors ( A Crazy Quilt) on one side and an animal print on the other.   Far Guy had lots of hair back then. 

Hold onto your good memories.   Live in the present and make the best of each day.  Sending our daughter birthday blessings all wrapped in love.  Happy Birthday Trica! 

Far Side


  1. Children seem to have a way of growing up on us don't they? Both of my boys are in their 40's now and that make them old and not me. Hah ha. What a great photo from the past.

  2. Happy Birthday to Trica!! Hope she has a Fabulous day!

  3. Good advice...holding onto good memories and living in the presence. Sweet photo of a tiny Trica. Hope she has a happy birthday.

  4. Happy Birthday to Daughter Trica. Memories, yes lots of good memories. Karen

  5. Happy birthday to your daughter! My daughter turned 50 in January. I wish I could have been with her for her birthday.

  6. Happy Birthday Trica!! I hope your day is wonderful from start to finish! ~Andrea xoxo

  7. Happy birthday to Trica!
    So glad you have that picture now. Sweet! :)

  8. Happy birthday, Trica. And that old picture is almost three decades old! FG has held up quite well. :-)

  9. A very Happy Birthday to Trica! I hope she has a wonderful day. That picture is precious. I agree with you on hats for babies. It also bothers me when I see young babies with bare feet! I hope you both enjoy your Sunday.

  10. Happy Birthday Tricia! I hope it's a wonderful birthday. Our oldest is 41! I don't know how that happens either. It goes by so quickly. I'm trying to spend more time living in the moment and not wishing time away, but I AM missing Dennis and wish it were time for him to make the move too.
    Blessings and hugs,

  11. Happy birthday to Tricia. Time goes by quickly.

  12. Birthday blessings to Trica, great advice.

  13. Yes, visiting the good memories of the past is sweet, but then we embrace the present and all of the life and love around us. Happy birthday to your daughter.

  14. Happy birthday Trica. The little hat reminds me of my babies too.

  15. Lots of birthdays! Happy Birthday to Tricia! I really think time is moving faster and faster.

  16. Happy Birthday Trica!!! I did not recognize Gene! LOL! We all had more hair back then...even me! Yes, there was always hats for the little ones. How precious that photo is.

  17. Happy Birthday to Tricia. I hope she had a great day.

  18. Happy birthday to your daughter. That’s a sweet picture of her and her dad.

  19. Happy Birthday to Tricia! What wonderful memories the photo provided.

  20. Happy Birthday to your eldest. Hope still have that quilt.

  21. Happy Birthday to your Trica! Hope she's had a great day. Love that old picture!

  22. My oldest son is just three years behind her. Where did all that time go?


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