Saturday, March 6, 2021


 We have had a few warm days!  Sadly June the snowbank is almost gone in March.   We have so much less snow this year...but winter isn't over yet.  March can be a fickle month and so can old man winter. We have some mud in the yard and the puddles of water freeze every night making a bit of a skating rink.

There are still about five inches of snow at the snowstick.

Yesterday I had a busy day.  The Living Room is completely Spring cleaned...yeah me!   I was at loose ends and didn't know which direction to go to next so I headed to the kitchen to make Far Guy's favorite dip.( Italian Sausage, Hormel Chili with no beans, Philly Cream Cheese, Velveeta Cheese and Jalapeno Peppers. ) Then my other baby brother and she who sees robins first came by to sit in the sunshine out on the patio.  After that I worked on my mosaic crochet project and had a half hour nap...getting up just in time to help Far Guy cook supper...pulled pork quesadillas....the dip is perfect to go along with this meal.  It also freezes well.

My Covid Arm is finally better! I still have a sore spot but the temperature is gone along with the red spot!  Now it will have time to get all better before the next shot in 10 days. 

Far Side


  1. Maybe you can be one of those people who have reactions first go 'round and nothing on the second shot?
    I have been doing some of that deep cleaning here too. I have to ! Come warm weather, it will be fence repair time!

  2. Glad to hear your Covid Arm is better. My friends and I are almost giddy with joy now that most of us have had the vaccine.

  3. It sure did take a LONG time for that red spot to go away. My appointment for the first shot isn't until March 19. It's hard to be patient. Our snow is pretty much gone except under some of the low pine trees, and the mud looks awful in a few spots of our yard.

  4. My COVID rash is finally fading, but the circle around the injection site is still vaguely visible. It was so warm yesterday, I sat in the sun visiting with a neighbor. I have a slight sunburn this morning, but the warm sun recharged my “mental batteries.”

  5. Our snow has been gone for a week or so except where the plows piled it up. We've had a very nice few days and now today it's cold and dreary again. Of course we have outside stuff planned. I think my Hubby would enjoy that dip too. Lots of his favorite things. Take care.

  6. Glad to hear your arm is better, hopefully the next shot doesn't cause the same reaction.

    We're melting here too, but very slowly. It freezes hard overnight so the street and my sidewalk on the side of the house is covered in ice. I manages to chip it off the driveway and front sidewalk so anyone walking by would be safe. I expect we'll so more winter before the month is over but for now I'm enjoying the warm up.

    Take care, stay well.

  7. 40s and 50s for the next week--OMGosh! I know we can still get snow but it shouldn't last long if we do...or should I say when. It might not take long for the snowstick to be free of snow at this rate. Seems early.

  8. I'm so happy to hear your Covid arm is better! By the looks of things the snow stick may be bare of snow long before April. Welcome Spring! I think this year, more than any other, we are all especially ready for Spring!

  9. Your snow is fast disappearing!
    Good that your arm is almost all healed. Hopefully the second shot won't have the same effect.

  10. Go you on the deep cleaning! I'm glad your arm is finally feeling better. Sounds like you two had a yummy dinner yesterday. Enjoy the rest of the weekend :)

  11. Good news about your arm. That dip sounds delish.

  12. The sun is shining bright in Northern Ohio, but it is deceptive. The temperatures are below freezing and we have a strong wind that is making it worse. But it is pretty to look at our the window! We have our shots scheduled for next Saturday and are so excited. We won't know what vaccine we will receive until we get there. Our county has all three so we shall see. Glad to hear you are doing better with the reaction.

  13. Melting fast, having a cool start to this day

  14. Sitting in the sunshine visiting sounds just lovely!!

  15. Glad to hear your Covid arm is better. And I truly hope the next one will be unremarkable!

  16. It's melting here but we still have lots of snow.

  17. 10 days.. second shot. (Faints) We had to get a Japanese encephalitis shot before deploying to Asia. They called it the "Golf Ball in the Ass" because it was a HUGE needle and it left a golf ball sized welt on your bumm. Not a fun pre-deployment event. And the catch.... You needed 2 shots! About 2 weeks apart. double the Painful memories!

  18. So glad to hear that your COVID Arm is better. You have been very productive... I wish I had been! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  19. You're sure a busy lady and that dip sounds pretty delish! So does your supper. I'm surprised there's any snow left at that snow stick.....we're supposed to have quite a few nice days coming up.....and after that will we get more of the white stuff? We'll see. Glad your arm is feeling better!

  20. I am glad that it is melting. Ours is going fast today Sunday. Any steps towards spring is a big deal. The lakes look familiar from our old place.

  21. Glad to hear your COVID arm is better! I've heard some horror stories of side effects from others near here, but at least your symptoms are gone now. Nice to be able to sit out in the sunshine and visit, too!

  22. So glad your arm is better! Good for you on the Spring cleaning! That dip sounds so good as do the pulled pork quesadillas! I made your Chicken in it's own gravy and it was very good!


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