Friday, March 12, 2021


 It snowed.  Winter white is back again but melting fast. 

The roads were slushy but mostly okay when we went to town. 

Two grocery stores, a fill with gasoline and by the drive through at the bank, a short wait in the Clinic parking lot for Far Guy and we were on our way back home again.  I had to call one of the stores again...they never seem to get it right...they left me a note that they no longer carry Deans Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream...why then did they charge me for it?  That was my question...they said they were sorry yet again.   I am certain that they are tired of hearing from me and I am tired of calling them and pointing out their errors. 

We are still disinfecting everything.  We have a process...I wipe everything down, it sits on the counter to dry and Far Guy puts it away. 

Just for fun I cleaned the microwave...much easier than the oven and I washed a bunch of stuff in the open shelves above the more drawer was that is 6 out of 17.  I would like to be all done with the kitchen by the time I get my last vaccination next week.  Just in case my arm doesn't feel like scrubbing cupboards. 

Far Guy worked on some woodcarvings.  I watch some movie called Stupid Crazy Love which I give a 2 out of 10...I watched the beginning, fell asleep and woke up for the ending and in time to cook some supper...French Toast...I have not made that in a long time...possibly the last time I made French Toast it was for Adam....several  many years ago.  Far Guy had syrup...I had some of that marvelous Chokecherry Jelly slathered all over it!  I am not a fan of syrup on anything...except with some pork sausage in an acorn squash.  

Far Side


  1. I have cleaned 7 drawers of 13 in our kitchen. Everything is cleaner and tidier which is good, but I am still searching for a beautiful silver ladle which has unaccountably vanished. I am worried it was accidentally thrown away by family when we were in lockdown in Switzerland. But several more possible drawers to go.
    After that I suppose I will move on to the improbable drawers in other rooms.
    How annoying about the ice cream!

  2. The microwave is a much easier cleaning task than the oven, for sure!
    Our snow was melting like crazy the next day and down to puddles and soggy snowbanks. But it all looked clean and white temporarily. ;)

  3. I hate the slushy kind of snow. Glad the only issue with the errands run was that one thing from the one grocery store. Hope you can get the kitchen cleaning finished before it's time for your next shot.

  4. Sounds like a "fun" filled day. Hahaha So do you think the store will ever get an order right? I saw my first Robins yesterday.

  5. We still disinfect groceries too. I'm the one who does the shopping so hubby unloads while I surgeon scrub my hands and put on gloves. I unload the bags, sanitize the groceries and place them on the back counter. Hubby does the surgeon scrub before putting the sanitized groceries away. Then I go back to reorganize everything he put away lol.

  6. I'm sure you already know this but when you get your shot ice it down. My niece had a reaction the first time sort of like you - so with the second shot she immediately iced it and it was much better.

  7. I haven't had French Toast in ages, but you sure made me hungry for it in your description!

  8. My grandkids think I'm crazy, but I prefer butter and jelly on pancakes instead of syrup.

  9. It's still warm here, but the weather is supposed to turn on the weekend with snow on the way. Hopefully not quite as much as you got, but it's always possible!

  10. Nothing better than pure Michigan syrup....but I can understand other people's points of view too. I need to do what you're drawer at a time. Maybe tomorrow.

  11. The bird houses look pretty all covered in snow. I watched that Stupid, Crazy, Love movie. It was a little draggy. Karen

  12. Your yard looked just like mine yesterday morning, with about 3" of wet snow on top of the bird feeders and deck railing, and the ground. By noon the streets were turning to slush and by this morning the streets are dry again. There is still snow in the shady areas. But we're expecting more snow on Sunday night. Boooo!

  13. Pretty photo!
    When I think about 17 drawers to clean, I am thankful there are only 5 in my kitchen!
    Have a blessed day!

  14. My Aunt Vera loved to cook and once when she was visiting us, my mom was going to put a ham in the oven and Aunt Vera grabbed the imitation maple syrup and poured it all over the meat. My mom was taken aback -- I had never seen her put syrup on a ham. but my aunt said it would be great. It was.

  15. I think mistakes in grocery orders is pretty common. It happens here too.

  16. It's a mystery why the grocery store can't seem to get your order right. I bet they'd do a better business if they did things correctly the first time.

    You definitely got a good dump of snow! If you're getting our current temps, it will soon disappear again.

    Take care, stay well.

  17. That is a beautiful snow! We still disinfect our groceries too, in fact it is second nature now after doing it for a year. Tom sits at the table and unpacks and cleans it all with a disinfecting wipe and I put them away. It takes several wipes to get them all but at least now they are easier to find! You two have a wonderful weekend!

  18. I like to order fancy French toast when I eat breakfast at a special restaurant. I do have syrup.

  19. Dad used to put Maple syrup on Ice cream! Crazy! We thought he was nuts, anyway. I like syrup on my hotcakes and french toast. Cheryl makes a wonderful Japanese Pan Fried Noodles with Maple syrup as well. ( Secret ingredient. ) It's messy, but so worth it. Looks like a lot of snow! Hope it melts fast so you don't have to think Spring is too far away.

  20. The easiest part of the microwave to clean is the tray I put that in the dishwasher

  21. Your french toast sounds good....I like maple syrup but wouldn't mind trying the jelly slathered all over it too! Sorry you couldn't get your ice cream. You sure are getting alot of cleaning done. You're a cleaning Champ!

  22. Would you consider posting some pics of your kitchen? I keep thinking....17 drawers. She has 17 drawers!!!

  23. You are staying on task with that spring cleaning ~ me not so much :) So at least the snow covered up all of the mud and other stuff. Spring is just around the corner!

  24. The red really pops in that photograph!

  25. More snow! We had 50's today and I had the door on the RV open. It was so nice to have fresh air inside. Thank you for your sweet comment today. I think we'll be like you are with Chance. Several people have asked us if we're getting another dog when we get settled in Omaha. I don't think so. I honestly don't think we'll get another one. Chloe was so seriously perfect, she would be a hard act to follow.
    I had no side effects from my first vaccine. Not even a sore arm. I had a bit of a headache on Tuesday, but I put that down to Chloe's vet trip and all of the crying I did.
    I've been told the second one is much worse so we'll see.
    Blessings and hugs,

  26. I just bought some brioche bread to try with french toast, you've reminded me I should get those out and try em! Maybe lunch today. --Sherry in MT

  27. Yes, maple syrup on acorn squash stuffed with pork sausage! A winner!

  28. My dad hardly ever cooked but he made delicious French Toast. Your jelly sounds delicious as a topping.


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