Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Looking for Spring!

 We have a bit of nice weather...but it will not last it is Minnesota after all.

I went looking for Spring. 

Water in the corner ditch. 

My other baby brothers grands writing with sticks in the sand. 

The new neighbor puppy ...wearing a spring coat of dead grass. 

This is Titus a Border Collie/Great Pyrenees cross.   He is very friendly, has a soft mouth and seems real gentle.   He keeps Putz and Snoopy on their toes.  I had a good visit with Steve and Jo outside in the sunshine while watching the dogs play. 

I am done with Spring Cleaning the bathroom...not sure what I will tackle next...decisions...decisions. 

There is still snow, water and ice at the snowstick. 

Far Side


  1. Your grandkids sandwriting is sure cute! Love the pup too!

  2. We are having Spring like weather here also. Snow is melting , which makes me very happy, and birds are singing.

  3. You have motivated me to start my spring cleaning. I don't remember even doing spring cleaning last year but I must have as I do remember hauling bags and boxes of items to Salvation Army for donation. My doctor said I had Covid-19 fog. lol I tend to agree with him.

  4. Cute puppy. Will be interesting to see how his traits shake out with that mix. Glad you are out and about enjoying early Spring.

  5. Titus is a cutie - I want to pet him so badly! The writing in the sand has excellent penmanship - good to see!

  6. It looks like spring is knocking on your door, even if it's in Minnesota. :-) ~Andrea xoxo

  7. Sure looks like sings that winter is on it's way out the door.

  8. Spring is on it's way. We've been seeing geese flying north & are seeing robins in the yard. We didn't get much snow in our area this year. Talk of the town is about how dry it is. Karen

  9. I really like the reflections in the water of the first photo.
    Cute pup!
    Have a blessed day!

  10. A beautiful Pyre. Does he have double dew claws?

    1. Yes he has at least one that I noticed. Is that typical?

    2. It's typical for Pyres but the even the purebreds may not have them.

  11. What a cute puppy! I really loved the border collie we had many, many years ago. Such smart dogs! No snow left here at all now. We had 73 degrees yesterday and expect the same today. Yay!! But then winter returns on Wednesday. Boo!!

  12. We saw Robins and Red Wing Black birds today. So it is coming but snowfalls and cold weather can still come.
    2nd shot for hubby today.
    Oh and those submerged snowmobile trails. Love it.

  13. What a cute puppy! I'm sure he's quite the character.

    We're getting snow today - it won't last as we'll be back above freezing by Thursday but in the meantime, it makes the roads messy.

    Take care, stay well.

  14. My husband saw two robins at the school bus stop this morning! We are having warm weather this week and have a hope of a coming spring.

  15. It does look like spring is making it's way back to Minnesota. I'm sure it's not "real" spring but a nice sign that it won't be long.
    It's cooler here than last week but no snow here in the valleys, just in the mountains, so I'm content with that. Although I do wish we could stop running the expensive propane furnace. :-)

  16. 63 degrees today and then a band of snow coming through tomorrow. From sweaters to parkas--LOL! Snow may or may not hit us here--saying 1-6 inches but most of it likely going south of Fargo. I'll be curious if any gets added to the snow stick. ;) Sweet dog. Beautiful days.

  17. Great photos! Two storms are predicted this week and over the weekend - typical March storms with heavy, wet snow. We need the moisture!

  18. I love the writing in the sand! Titus is sure a cute puppy and he looks like he has been having a lot of fun! The more grass in the fur, the more fun!

  19. I remember writing with a stick in the sand or dirt

  20. You had to get creative to find those signs of spring! What an interesting border collie mix. I bet he is a very special dog.

  21. I saw a few more Robins. I wonder what they'll find to eat because there sure are no worms yet.

  22. Looks like the heat wave is hitting you as well. Supposed to be colder here next week.

  23. You have such beautiful dogs in your life.
    Keep stalling on that snow stick for a few more days. I could win. :-)

  24. Oh that puppy is so cute! We've actually had spring here today. Full sun and 65 degrees...and 9 days without rain. I'm sure it will not last. Hope you find spring there real soon.

  25. I'm amazed that snow stick still has some snow at it. I see that Duluth has a winter storm watch starting tomorrow afternoon....will you guys get some of that? We have to build up the snow around that stick until the middle of April!!! :)

  26. We still have ice and frozen ground here but out temps are supposed to get all the way to the low forties tomorrow or Thursday. The puppy is so cute! Oh, how I love puppies.💖

  27. Glad you're seeing signs of Spring over there, and have successfully tackled another room in your quest to Spring clean the whole house. Hope the next room can be tackled as quickly.

  28. It does look like you found some signs that spring is coming soon to a place near you. :-)

  29. It will be interesting to see how big that puppy will be. Young dogs are so fun to be around unless they chew on your shoes.

  30. Oh, how my heart aches to get a dog but it wouldn't be fair to the dog. What a great combination.

  31. Someone has really neat handwriting--even in the sand!


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