Monday, March 22, 2021


 On Sunday my parents came out for a visit on the patio.  It was a tad chilly for them...we had coffee and cookies from the freezer left over from Christmas...Gluten Free Cookies that my sister Julie and daughter Jen made. 

Far Guy and I made lasagna...we used a different sauce ( Prego Four Cheese) was okay.  Give me Chef Boyardee or Hunts any day of the week but both have discontinued their lasagna sauce.

I worked on the mosaic crochet project...I am working on the border now.  Several more days and I will be done....maybe by the end of the week. 

I watched Yes Day  I give it a 4 out of 10...the first part was good but the last part was just stupid and possibly  had different writers.   I also watched more of Anne with an is a delightful show.  Then just for fun I watched most of Dances with Wolves....the buffalo scenes were hard to watch so I turned the channel to Naked and Afraid!!  

We have a quiet week planned...a video appointment on Monday is the highlight until Adventure Grocery Day.  I am feeling much better...some lingering fatigue that will eventually go away.

Far Side


  1. Your mosaic crochet project is very pretty. Can't wait to see the finished project. Glad you are feeling better. Have a great day.

  2. Wow, you have accomplished another wonderful crochet project! I am so glad to hear you are past the hard part of the vaccination. I get my second shot tomorrow! :-)

  3. Nice that you visited with your parents! I visited my mom this weekend too. She was a trooper and agreed to a short walk outside. We didn't go far, as she uses a walker. Distance doesn't matter tho, it is the effort that counts. I was so proud of her! You must be fast with a needle, you progress through projects very quickly. I make my own lasagna sauce (organic tomato paste, water, lotsa oregano/italian seasoning and a smidge of brown sugar). Glad you are feeling much better!!

  4. I so glad you are feeling better. Your project is coming along beautifully!

  5. Glad to hear that you're feeling much better. Your crocheting is lovely and that is such an interesting pattern.

    Nice too, that you were able to visit with your parents. It won't be long before it's warm enough for longer visits outdoors.

  6. So glad you are feeling better, and that you are able to visit in person with family. I'm pleased to say I had no side effects from my first shot received on Friday afternoon. By bedtime on Saturday my arm wasn't even sore anymore. I'm sure hoping that is the case with the second one in April. LOL

  7. I Always look for the Chance photo in your new headers :o)
    The colours in the mosaic go really well together.

  8. I'm not sure if you can get it in the states, but my favourite sauce for lasagna is Classico Four Cheese. I've used the Prego, and I agree it's just "Ok". The Classico is much better. The Classico is expensive compared to the others (it's usually $3.99 here), but every so often it comes on sale for $1.99 and I stock up!

    You afghan is looking lovely!

  9. When I had a family to feed I used to make my own tomato sauce. I haven't done that in quite a while now, or made lasagna either. I use Prego and add more dried basil.
    I haven't visited with my kids for a while in person, but we have been in contact electronically.
    Your crochet project is wonderful. I can't imagine doing all of that finger work and keeping track of that pattern.

  10. Terry and I just watched Dances with Wolves (again) and Hostiles...both very good shows from the past.

  11. I can’t say I’ve ever seen lasagna sauce in a grocery store. I’m happy to hear you had a nice but chilly visit with your parents.

  12. Nice that you got to visit with your parents. I haven't seen my dad since August. We are self-quarantining this week before we head out to visit our daughter's family, but I am looking forward to porch and fire pit visits when we get back. It has been so long since we have visited with friends and family. But we are all vaccinated now so I think if we're cautious we will be okay. Have a great week!

  13. I'm glad you were able to have a visit with your parents. Spring is coming and hopefully it will all be better soon. I use Prego Four Cheese sauce a lot but always add a few spices of my own to make it a little "zippier". :-)
    I'm glad you're doing better. Get lots of rest. Crocheting is the perfect solution and your mosaic project is so pretty.

  14. Your mosaic crochet project is just beautiful! I love the pattern. Isn't that for Far Guy's new/old car? The colors will be perfect for it! Thank goodness you are feeling better and I hope the tiredness goes away soon. Years ago I made homemade spaghetti sauce but these days we use Bertolli. I hope your video appointment goes well today!

  15. Very carefully we can move around a bit.

  16. That is a lovely crochet project. I am happy you ar feeling better. Glad you could visit with your parents but sorry to hear it was cool.

  17. Your mosaic crochet throw is beautiful.
    Good to know you're feeling better.
    Nice that you could have a visit with your parents even if it was chilly.
    Have a good week.

  18. We survived our grocery store visit and I picked up stuff at the pharmacy. Brought home a breaded tenderloin for lunch. I made it outside this pm to get the mail from the box.

  19. Your crochet project is just wonderful. The mosaic is so interesting. We are awaiting the second dose the week after Easter. Now that we are almost vaccinated, we are getting nervous about leaving the house. I was actually laughing at a group of posts on facebook this weekend. All the people we know who hang out at the local Eagles were saying they had colds or headaches. Today's facebook report was the start of positive covid tests. (surprise). I know one of the people had been posting she was NOT getting a vaccine. I was snarky and commented I was sorry she was sick and hoped she could get a vaccine soon. She replied that she was calling her doctor to see how soon she could register for a vaccine. . . . I just shake my head. Our county has just passed 5,000 cases over the past year. - 26 new cases today.


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