Wednesday, March 17, 2021


 I have my second vaccination...I am done!  Yeah me!  My arm is sore and I have a bit of a headache other that that I am far anyway. 

I finished the majority of the kitchen spring cleaning...all the drawers and cabinets and even the fridge...I keep waiting for my new fridge to word on that.   I still have the open shelves to do...but that will wait until my arm is better.  I also did the dining room except for the light fixture!   Far Guy did all the ceilings!  

There was a movie star activist in our area and she made all the not impressed.  Enbridge Line 3 is a big deal...but she arrived in a car..not on a horse ...although I hear that horses will be used...probably when the weather gets warmer...they do war paint and everything.  No one has been protesting inside the pipes lately although some people suggested that she squeeze her skinny body inside a pipe and stay there:)

I am done with Bridgerton...I give it a 5 out of 10 stars.  I enjoyed the gowns and hair styles...the story line was written like a steamy romance of my readers described it as a bodice-ripper.  Wealth, Lust with a capital L and each his own. 

I started watching Anne with a E...marvelous production!  I already give it a 9 out of 10.  I think there are three that will keep me busy for awhile.  It is much more to my taste in entertainment.  Plus I have not read any of the Anne of Green Gables books.  The actress who plays Anne is excellent!

A trail cam photo...showing a couple of survivors after Deer Hunting was over. 

Happy St Patrick's Day to those who celebrate it! 

Far Side


  1. So glad you got your second vaccine shot. Hope all goes well with it. Happy St. Patty's Day to you.

  2. Happy St. post Urho's & vaccination, Patty's Day!!!

  3. Anne of Green Gables is one of my favorite books. When I was a young girl I resorted to reading books meant for boys. I wanted books with adventures, not romance and not reading about girls being patted on the head for being good and kind.

  4. Glad you are finished with the vaccine now and hope you will continue to feel fine!

  5. We're celebrating St Patrick's day going to the fire departments pancake supper tonight with green eggs & pancakes. Karen

  6. So that line is there and needs rebuilding. I see who showed up and not impressed with her either.
    I liked Anne with an E ... but the other half doesn't so I only have watched one episode.
    Hopefully the vaccine won't cause you issues.
    I was thinking of ordering a new laptop and one company had a delay of up to 8 weeks for one I wanted.
    So I am looking at In Stock items.

    Have a wonderful day. This is another holiday that doesn't get celebrated here.

  7. Congratulations on being done! You must be relieved to have that behind you. Onward to SPRING!❤️

  8. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Glad to hear your second shot hasn't caused too much of a reaction.

    Take care, stay well!

  9. Congratulations on that second shot!! Yay!! My first one is Friday afternoon, and my husband finally has an appointment next week Friday. As I was online this morning putting in my grocery pickup order, I was thinking about whether I would go back to shopping in person once this is over.

  10. Hurray for final vaccination!!!

    I agree with you on Bridgerton - it could have been much better. But it is based on romance novels, so it lives up to the source material. Anne with an E is fantastic. I haven't watched the third season, but the first two are great!

  11. Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you also, Connie!

  12. My second shot is tomorrow. I’m still pondering about getting it in the other arm. Anne with an E is a fun series.

  13. Glad you got the second shot! I get mine tomorrow.
    I've never seen or read Anne of Green Gables. Might have to try the series. :)

  14. Yay! Congratulations for completing your vaccinations! I hope you have no side effects and if you do I hope they are small. We get our second shots next Wednesday. It will be good to have that behind us.

    I'm happy to hear that you like Anne with a E. I've had that on my watch list for awhile now and I really need to start it. I haven't read any of the books either but it is the kind of show I usually love.

  15. I enjoyed Bridgerton, but like you said it was good but not great. I'll try Anne with and E since you recommend it. Congratulations on getting your second shot. Mine will be next Tuesday. :-)

  16. Good thing you weren't desperate for that new fridge.

  17. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too, Connie. I'm glad your 2nd vaccination is behind you. May you not feel too poorly and recuperate from it quickly. ~Andrea xoxo

  18. I hope all is well now with your second shot. You'll have to let us know how it goes. I have never read Anne of Green Gables. As much as I read as a child, I can't believe I did read those. Our daughter loved those books.
    Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and Far Guy!
    Blessings and hugs,

  19. Yay!!!! So glad you are fully innoculated! It takes a little of the worry out of being close. We used to say the same thing when they came out with birth control pills! LOL! I hope you don't have too bad of a reaction. I had a headache too and the rest of it I just "slept off". It was a few days before I felt like myself again. Whatever that is. I agree, Anne with an E is great! I read all the books years ago too.

  20. I am glad you got your seconded shot without any drama

  21. Our teacher read Anne of Green Gables to us when I was in Gr. 4. I liked it and have never forgotten. We were involved in the story.

  22. I loved AnnE. I think I've seen all versions of the story. My forty year old daughter is identical to the young gal who plays Anne. She takes lots of jokes about that.

  23. Just got back from a delicious dinner of corned beef and cabbage at one of our favorite restaurants on the lake. It was the best we ever had. Hope you and far guy had a good day too.

  24. My second shot is scheduled for next week and I cannot wait to be done with this. Hopefully for a good long time. I loved the Anne of Green Gables series on Hallmark way back in the day but I haven't watched Ann E series yet. Not sure I will because the actress in the Hallmark series was just wonderful.
    Have a great weekend!

  25. Glad you got your shot. Hope you continue to feel relatively ok.

  26. I am really behind on my comments. I get distracted easily with the shot and concentration is a little hard at times.


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