Saturday, March 20, 2021

Happy Spring!

 Taking it easy is hard when you are used to being busy!  I did some laundry and we ran some errands in town, we recycled and then dropped off old medications at the Sheriff's Office...they dispose of old medications properly.   Someone once told me it is more fun for them to identify medications so I tore all the labels off. 

I ordered some seeds in December we will grow two kinds of tomatoes, carrots and several varieties of lettuce.  The containers I used for lettuce worked just great last year and kept us in lettuce greens all Summer into the Fall.   We purchased a Sheep Tank ( a short water tank) it is galvanized  and will be placed on some landscape timbers out by the Sauna...Far Guy will come up with some kind of fence for it so the Deer can't help themselves to tomatoes and carrots. 

Our weather is so Spring like...we have to contain our excitement a bit because we do live in Minnesota and we could still get Winter in our Spring.  One of my old friends planted her tomatoes and pumpkins already...I can only imagine those vines and limp tomatoes:)  We cannot safely plant gardens here until June 1st.  Before that you may have to replant...or be dedicated to covering stuff up.  Luckily we have the old greenhouse /woodshop to use for a bit of early May 1st.

I worked on my Mosaic Crochet project and watched Anne with an E and then had a nap.

I feel much better, still tired and my tummy is a bit "off" ...I wouldn't call it nausea.   The headache is mostly gone...and my arm is still a bit sore.  I feel like my body is trying to fight something...guess it must be making antibodies to beat the band!

My Mom's Lilies and in the background Hollyhocks last Summer.

Happy Spring!

Far Side


  1. Last year I planted too early and had to replant. Even here I normally don't plant until June 1st or 2nd.
    I doubt I'll plant more than just some corn and green beans unless it is flowers but of course I change my mind a lot before planting time!
    We are supposed to get a dab of snowy stuff on Tuesday perhaps?
    Glad you are doing better and the weather is nice ... double bonus.

  2. Happy Spring to you too! I know what you mean. I lived in the UP of Michigan for 6 years in the 80s, spring was always a long time coming and teased us each season by showing up early and then retreating in the face of more snow. Even down here in lower Michigan we get fooled. We always get at least one snow in April and seriously can't plant until Memorial Day unless we are prepared to be disappointed.

  3. Hope you continue to improve each day. Happy spring. Nice that you are enjoying milder weather. Your mom’s flowers are pretty.

  4. Glad you are starting to feel better. As much as it stinks to feel poorly, it really is a good sign that you still have a good immune system.

  5. Yes, happy spring! I am glad you are past the worst of it. Hubby got his second shot yesterday, and he seems to be faring moderately well.

  6. Waiting to garden is hard. So temping to clean up whats left in beds, so you can see what is spouting. If you do, they are sure to freeze there little toes off! Us long time gardeners know that planting early is never a good idea, just stunts growth - if plants even survive. Our last frost date is May 10, but I usually wait until closer to Memorial Day. Depends on the year. So glad you are enjoying Spring like weather, and feeling better!! As for your tummy, if you haven't already try probiotics. Floragen is a good one.

  7. Spring is happening here too, and like you I know that winter could come back anytime. Or it might stay spring. We never know.

    I got my first Covid shot about supper time yesterday. The arm is sore and I have just a slight headache, but so far I feel OK. Hoping that remains the case!

  8. Happy first day of Spring!
    I am anxious to get gardening too. I have to move some strawberry plants, as the neighbours have taken over last year's garden spot to run their chickens in and all I have left in there are some strawberries. I have gone to raised beds around our house instead of the shared garden. I am resisting the urge to head to the local greenhouse to check out flowers.....

  9. I'm so glad to hear you are feeling some better. That's good news.

    We always plant around the long weekend in May (Victoria Day) which falls on May 24 this year. I have put out plants earlier than that, but as you say it means keeping them covered most nights and often replanting.

    Take care!

  10. Yep, it sounds like your body is making good antibodies, Connie. Hurray!! It sounds like your recuperation is "going in the right direction" too, which is always a plus. Yes, spring is here on our land too, despite the iffy temperatures on some days. But certainly not time for planting anything yet! ~Andrea xoxo

  11. I'm glad things are looking up for you but sorry that you still have lingering effects from the vaccine.
    We had 60F on Thursday and light now during the night last night. It's gone now and supposed to be 49F today.
    We are told not to plant until after Mother's Day here. The few times I did it anyway I regretted it. Everything froze despite my best efforts.
    What kind of planters did you use for lettuce? I would like to try that at the house. We have lots of deer in the back yard so I will need to keep the pots close to the house, on the deck. Fresh lettuce all year sounds wonderful.

  12. Glad you're feeling a bit better.
    I have to force myself to wait to sow seeds indoors. They end up getting too tall and lanky and fall over before it's ever warm enough to put them in the ground. I'll buy my tomato plants early in order to get the variety I want but those I'm willing to baby ( put them out on sunny days. Bring them in for nights and on damp and chilly days).
    Here the pharmacies dispose of old medications. I think all I've ever done is use a black felt to hide my name.

  13. Gosh, the lilies are so pretty.

    Back in the 80's my friend was expecting an April baby. I am not sure what morning in April it was, but her husband left their farm with her in the four wheel drive pick up. The snow was so deep that he called for help on the CB. He finally made it to the highway where a snow plow waited. Her husband and the driver hoisted her up and took off to a smaller hospital, not the one where her doctor waited. Her daughter was born fifteen minutes later.

    I do not trust April in Ohio no matter how many warm days or spring flowers try to convince me otherwise!

  14. Happy Spring! Today is also my youngest son's birthday so I will deliver a cake and gifts to him later. I'm glad you are starting to feel better. I hope you will be 100% soon! Enjoy the great weather for as long as you can!

  15. Our first day of spring is cold, cloudy, with off and on light rain. Typical spring here. Since the first part of March was rather mild, the second part of M will most likely be cold and wet. In like a lamb, out like a lion.
    Out chilly wet springs prevent us from planting very early here too. About the first or second week of May usually works, but often seeds have to be replanted and seedlings shiver.
    I'm glad you are feeling better,

  16. Happy First Day of Spring - it is a nice day out there but quite windy over here. My garden plans are on the kitchen table (time to make a list and plan).

  17. Yes the covid shot can keep your stomach upset and you get aches and pains about any where. When we were at the funeral home the other day, the guy wanted to share stories about the shots.

  18. Gardening here is in the vey distant future , But when it comes it's awesome.

  19. Happy Spring! I live in northern NY and totally understand getting some winter in our spring! We've been known to have a winter snowstorm in early April more often than you would think. I'm sorry that you are still experiencing ill effects from your vaccination. I hope it subsides soon. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  20. Taking it easy isn't something I am good at, I like being busy

  21. Glad you're feeling a bit better. Love the flower picture!

  22. I kmow that feeling, and agree: it's hard to take it easy when you're used to being busy.

    Glad you're improving. At least not being able to plant stuff yet gives you time to let your body finish making all those antibodies, and recover from doing so, before you need your energy for gardening.

  23. I'm glad you are recovering albeit slowly. Is Far Guy going to drill holes for drainage? That is nice for a raised bed garden. Do your folks still live in the country or did they move to town? I thought they had a farm. I love hollyhocks as they remind me of when I was little. Everyone had hollyhocks back then. I agree....I think your body was making lots of antibodies! You'll be rarin' to go in no time!

    1. It has a drain hole on the side! Mom and Dad live in town:)

  24. What a beautiful picture of the lilies! Makes me feel all summer-y, even though we're barely into spring.


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