Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Someone is One and Snow Stick No Winner

 Cee Cee is one year old today...the baby we have never held is now starting to walk.  She had a birthday party last weekend.  We went along via facetime.

Photo by Jen

She had a unicorn cake, she is wearing a unicorn headband and a shirt that says one on it and a pink tutu.

What a doll!  Happy Birthday Baby!  This is your special day!

The snow, ice and water are gone from the snowstick ...and no one guessed March 9th.  The 60 degree weather we had with a wind really melted snow.

We may get snow today, if we get more than 5 or 6 inches I will start the contest again with the same guesses....and if that doesn't happen I will draw some names.  

Far Side


  1. We are to get rain out of this ... I hope you don't get snow. I spent yesterday picking up sticks and did some raking. We still have snow in the deep woods.
    Oh ... and ticks!

  2. PS...I hope you soon get to see Cee Cee!

  3. Happy Birthday, CeeCee! Wow, i never figured it would be this warm, this early and melt the snow. We have had unusually warm temps also and most of our snow is gone. Woke up this morning to 53 degrees F.

  4. Happy birthday to little Cee Cee! I'm just glad to dee it warming up there for you, that more important than a winner!

  5. Happy Birthday Cee Cee! What a cutie!!

    Wow the snow sure disappeared quickly. We got a dump yesterday but only about 2.5 inches. I'll have to shovel later this morning.

    Take care, stay well.

  6. Happy Birthday to your little one. Our little one has a birthday today, she'll be 3.

  7. I thought I was being optimistic with my guess! It will be nice for you to see green again.

  8. Happy Birthday Cee Cee! I hope you get to meet in person soon. She is such a cutie pie

  9. Happy Birthday, little one! Hopefully, you and FarGuy will be able to hold her soon.

  10. Happy birthday to that adorable Cee Cee! We have a granddaughter turning 9 this Saturday. It's raining here today but it's possible we might see some snow later in the day too.

  11. Oh my word.... what a darling little angel Cee Cee is!! Happy Birthday precious little lady and may all your birthdays be happy & bright. Yep, I've heard about the cool down coming here to northern Indiana too, starting sometime mid-March (which starts next week... aghhh!!). It might even snow but the consolation is... the snow won't last, if it does. We got this, Connie. Winter is almost history for another season! Hang in there! ~Andrea xoxo

  12. Happy Birthday Cee Cee! She is just adorable and I can hardly believe she is one already. I love that photo and I see that Jen took it. Jen is really a talented photographer! I love the way she set it up with the balloons and unicorn theme.

    I had a feeling the snow stick would not last much longer. I am glad for you that the snow is going away. Have a great day!

  13. Happy birthday to the cutest little toddler ever!

  14. What a wonderful 1st Birthday photo! I hope you get to hug her soon.
    Is this a first for a no winner snow stick contest?

  15. Nothing like first birthdays. They have grown and matured so much in one year.

  16. Your snow is melting fast and I'm sure that's just fine by you. DST this weekend and official Spring in 10 days!!

  17. One already boy that has flown the birthday cake sounds lovely.

  18. What a pity that you couldn’t hug the little sweetie for her birthday. How very sad. You’ll have to make up for it when it’s all over.

    No more snow I hope, it’s March!

  19. She is a sweetheart. We saw our little grand daughter last night. She is learning to talk and make three word sentences. It is hard to be distanced from them.

  20. Can hardly wait until everybody gets the vaccine so you can go hug that little girl! :)
    Snowing here right now.

  21. Happy Birthday Cee Cee! One already! Look at that, no snow at the snowstick!

  22. Well, I'm not surprised that all your snow melted around that snow stick. We even had an inch of rain today....but I'm guessing there will be more snow on the way in the next couple of months. We couldn't be this lucky....could we? Time will tell. Hard to believe that Cee Cee is a year old already. She's so cute and starting to walk. time flies.

  23. Those warm hugs you will feel one day from Cee Cee in person are going to be really super special!! Our snow disappeared so fast from everywhere but deep shaded tree areas.

  24. Oh, what a cutie pie she is! Happy Birthday Cee Cee!!! I'm sorry you weren't able to be there. I think you're supposed to get more snow this week.

  25. I can't believe baby Cee Cee is already one year old! A very visual reminder of how long this COVID thing has been going on. Hard to imagine her growing up so fast when you can't even get to see her in person. Hope that will change, and soon!

  26. Oh she IS adorable! Hopefully you'll get to see her in person this year - fingers crossed!!!! --Sherry in MT

  27. Here I've been whining about not see two of our grands since summer and you haven't even held your beautiful Cece yet! I can't believe she is one already. I hope that you get to see and hold her very soon!


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