Wednesday, March 24, 2021


 Brown in all least mud brown is gone so we can walk to the mailbox ...mud and ice are all gone. 

It was a gloomy day.  The Juncos stayed all day...I wish they would go where ever they go...North...and stop being snow storytellers.

The Trumpeter Swans are here and the Canadian Honkers too.   They fly over on their way to the grain and corn fields...there must be some open water down at the lake.

I had a fairly rotten day yesterday...just not myself yet.  I had a long nap in the afternoon.

Far Side


  1. Awwwww poop, Connie! I was hoping you'd be feeling better by now. You will... it's just going to take more time than any of us would wish for. I wonder if the severity of symptoms post-vaccination is any indication of how sick you would have gotten if you had gotten the virus itself? Gawd, I shutter to think!!! I'm glad you're now fully vaccinated, kiddo. Hang in there~ Andrea xoxo

  2. It was a very dreary day here yesterday also. And it rained - better than snow. Today isn't supposed to be much better. Sure doesn't help my mood any. Guess we'll both just have to hang in there while we wait for better days.

  3. You and I both have had longer reactions to the covid vaccine, sounds like. The exhaustion is enough to make anyone feel off their game. I have not even been able to appreciate the spring weather. Hope you have a good day, Connie. :)

  4. Sorry to hear it was not a good day. I don't like rotten days. Here is a cyber hug...the only kind that can be given safely.

  5. Yep, very brown. Just rest until you feel better!

  6. Soon! I got my second shot yesterday and so far only have a sore arm. Waiting for the rest to hit. Hope you are back to normal soon! It's a shame you have to get so sick.

  7. Brown is indeed the color of the day for us Midwesterners. Sorry you are still feeling subpar. Today is a new day, hope it is a better one for you. Love your winding drive!! As far as I know our Junco's migrate south most years, or used to. Some hang around for whatever reason. I still have a lot of them at my feeders.

  8. Those honkers are leading the way for spring. I'm ready for some colors other than all those shades of brown, too. There are green grass patches all around in the yard. Karen

  9. The honkers end up on the arctic coast long before any open water. They sit on the ice for two or three weeks.

  10. Hoping you feel better soon. When we take our preschool granchildren home at night we play "I spy with my little eye" and guess colors. Right now it seems our game is all "I spy something brown". The possibilities are endless.

  11. I just didn't feel like myself yesterday either. Maybe we both need some sunshine!

  12. I'm so sorry you are not feeling well. I hope by tomorrow you are feeling much better.

  13. I'm sorry you had a bad day. I hope today is much better. We get our second shots today so we'll see how it goes. We are just now coming out of all the brown everywhere you look with bits of green starting to show in the grass. The trees are still bare but starting to get buds.

  14. I’ve been more fatigued since the second vaccine shot and haven’t accomplished much of anything.

  15. If it weren't for the spruce tree out front all I would see is brown too. I sure hope your fatigue eases up soon.

    Take care.

  16. Sorry to hear you are having difficulty recuperating from the shot. Maybe tomorrow. I am glad to hear you are taking naps. That should help.

  17. We've had Canadian geese flying over for a few weeks now. It's a gray and dreary day here today too. I'm so sorry that you're still not yourself. Dennis only had a mildly, very mildly sore arm and as it's been two days I think that's it for him. I hope mine goes as well next Monday. As I said before, I heard that Pfizer isn't as harsh in side effects. I guess we'll see. I'm praying for you my dear Connie. May God bless you with rest and healing.
    Blessings and hugs,

  18. Hope you feel better! I'm sure spring green and flowers are just around the corner.

  19. You need the robins to come and sing "Cheer up, Cheer up!"

  20. I'm sorry you're still feeling yucky. I bet it took me a full week or a little more before I really felt good again. It will happen though! My cousin who is a year older than me has had both shots and just a sore arm. I bet she had the Pfizer vaccine and not the Moderna. I need to ask her and I'll let you know.

  21. Brown is a lovely colour just not when it's the earth that should be green

  22. It has been muddy here too after much rain, I am sorry you feel so bad. Hope you have a good night and have a better day tomorrow.

  23. Even though it's brown....I love your winding lane pictures! Hope you'll be feeling good as new very soon!

  24. I’m still sick too. I’ve decided to go to the Dr. I continue to have fever blisters and feel horrible.

  25. Brown ~ I was hoping for some rain! Our snow now in the yard and the edges is pretty much gone. Hope you catch up after the vaccine soon!

  26. Hope the effects wear off soon.


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