Friday, March 26, 2021

Moon and More

My walk after supper yielded a few photos of the moon. 

March 25 Waxing Gibbous 

My baby brother was born many moons ago...I think he should be my older brother any year now.   He is 67 today.   He bumped me out of the most favorite only child position in 1954.   Happy Birthday baby brother!

Yesterday Adventure Grocery Day was not much of an adventure...they were short of Lime Outshine Bars.  Everything else was as ordered....they even put the yogurt in its own bag after several were punctured during last weeks delivery. 

We received word that one of our Grands tested positive for Covid eight days after getting the first vaccination, was very ill for a day and is feeling better now.  

Anything is possible...stay safe out there! 

Far Side


  1. Oh how nice to see the sky! We haven't seen anything but clouds for a bit. Wonderful moon shots. Oh wow on getting Covid after the shot. Of course it is still out there. I heard an interesting reason for not getting the vaccine yesterday. The person said they didn't want to get sick or feel yucky for a day or two.
    I leave that comment a hmmmm?
    Sounds like the grocery shopping went fairly well.
    I have to brave up and get out for another mega shop.

  2. Happy Birthday to your brother! Sorry to hear that your grandchild who was vaccinated for Covid got it anyways. Just thankful they are feeling better now. You and Far Guy stay safe.

  3. Those are good moon shots. And I do hope your grand recovers without any after effects. That is pretty scary.

  4. I keep hearing about people getting it after being vaccinated, it's not good at all.

  5. Your brother is almost my twin. I turned 67 on Wednesday. Happy birthday to your brother!!

  6. I can't remember the numbers, but even after our second shot, we have a 5% chance of getting the disease. Hopefully your grandchild's vaccine means that they will have a light case (I think that is what I am reading). I hope and pray so!

    Happy Birthday Baby Brother!

  7. Happy birthday to your brother!

  8. Happy Birthday to your brother!

    Glad to hear your grandchild is feeling better. Great moon shots. Take care, stay well.

  9. Happy Birthday to your Baby Brother!
    I'm so orry your grandchild got sick but happy it didn't seem to last long. I guess the first vaccine is only 45% effective on it's own.
    Take care my dear friend. I hope you're feeling peppier.

  10. Happy Birthday to your brother! I'm sorry to hear about your grand. It's hard to know what to expect these days even with the vaccine. I had my second shot Wednesday and was sick yesterday so didn't get our groceries as usual. I'll have to do that today. I'm happy to hear that at least most of your groceries were OK yesterday!

  11. Grocery shopping was on our list this morning. Got that done bright and early. Looks like our sunshine isn't going to happen but at least it won't rain. Hopefully. Youngest son is doing some painting outside so rain wouldn't be so good.
    I saw the moon through the skylight in the bedroom last night. I figured it was fairly close to full.

  12. Happy birthday to your brother. Aloha from Hawaii. Take care, all, stay safe.

  13. Happy Birthday Baby Brother. Hey! Larry's Creative Zone has a birthday today as well. I just finished wishing him a happy birthday too. March 26th must have been a great day for having babies

  14. Beautiful moon shots, and in a clear blue sky!! You must have your good camera back. I heard people could get covid after vaccination as a possibility via TV, now it is a reality. Glad your grand is okay! I hope the shot at least made it less severe, of course one never knows the unknown.

  15. A mix post this one good news and notso good news

  16. Celebrations and concerns. Caution is still the name of the game.

  17. Happy birthday to your baby brother.
    Hope the grandchild will be fine. :)

  18. Love your moon pics and Happy Birthday to your brother. Have any robins been spotted up your way yet?

    1. My other baby brother and I heard one but didn't see it:)

  19. I love the moon pictures! Happy Birthday to your baby brother. My baby brother was born in 1954 too.

  20. Lovely shots! And happy belated b-day to your brother.

  21. Happy Birthday to your baby brother. I've always felt that men that grew up with a big sister or sisters were really nice men. I worked with one guy that had 4 older sisters and he was the best! They seem to understand women better.
    So sorry to hear about Covid in the family. I hope all is okay.

  22. My 78 year old brother survived the covid and then went ahead and took the shots. His renting roomer (a California thing) died from the covid. My niece also survived it with out a problem. My late wife's sister()67) had it and she too survived but it took going though 7 bad days. Youth is on your grand's side for sure.

  23. Extremely belated happy birthday wishes to your brother.


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