Saturday, March 13, 2021

Sunshine can be a shovel

 The snow is melting off the patio...I didn't shovel the patio as this last snow was really heavy.  Sunshine was my shovel!  We may have more snow coming soon...perhaps it will go south of us and get the banana belt of Minnesota.

I worked in the kitchen most of the day...12 of 17 drawers have been cleaned and a bunch of cupboards.  Not sure that I will get the entire kitchen done by Tuesday...we will see.  I am not holding my breath!

 By 3PM I was shot and went to my office on the couch and watched the second season of Virgin River...I liked the first season very much and have been waiting to watch the second season...a reward after cleaning works for me!  I give the Series a 9 out of 10 stars.

Far Guy went for a walk several times and worked on his carvings.

Far Side


  1. It sounds like a good productive day at home! You're an example to follow in the kitchen, a well deserved reward for all the work you did! 😊

    Stay warm and enjoy your weekend!

  2. Glad the sun helped with the snow so you didn't have to shovel it.

    Keep up at the pace you're going and you will get the kitchen done before Tuesday.

  3. I loved Virgin River too.
    After the kitchen remodel I have 3 drawers now instead of 1! ")
    We may get snow on Monday.

  4. You're getting there. I'm glad you reward yourself for your hard work :)

  5. You are moving along at a quick pace with your spring cleaning this year!
    Our guest room has been decluttered (it becomes a catch-all at times) - and two pieces of furniture rearranged - - drawers and shelves in armoire organized. What we did with the furniture really makes it look bigger.
    My husband has really worked hard in the garage this week since we had beyond gorgeous weather for a few days.
    So glad to hear your snow is melting - - - and hoping you don't get a bunch more.

  6. We haven't had any more snow and what we had is about 98% gone. Glad to hear you took a break from cleaning. Have a great weekend.

  7. You have me thinking about Spring cleaning. Notice I said thinking, ha ha!! Nothing wrong with letting Mother Nature undo some of her doings.

  8. The sun shoveled our recent snow yesterday too except for some shady areas. However, last night's weather forecast said we could expect from 4-10" of snow on Sunday night through Monday. Wonder how much that forecast will change before it shows up? I'm hoping it doesn't start until late Sunday so we can go to our granddaughter's 9th birthday that afternoon.

  9. Virgin River is a good series. I liked season one better than season two. Blizzard warning is out for tonight and tomorrow. I’m as prepared as I can be, so I’ll be hunkering down until the monster storm passes.

  10. My favorite part of retirement is waiting for Mr. Sunshine to melt the snow off my car windows so I don't have to go outside and scrape them. We had a brief glimpse of spring with temps in the 60's this week! But today's high is 40 and it's all downhill again from here.

  11. Funny, how at this time of year I don't mind a bit of a snow fall - just a few inches - because I know that the sun will melt it soon enough. We can use the moisture too.

    Enjoy your day! Take care, stay well.

  12. I love it when the sun shovels the snow! At the rate you are going you will be done with the kitchen in no time! You two enjoy the weekend!

  13. The sun usually shovels our infrequent snow.
    We enjoyed Virgin River too.

  14. I'll have to check out Virgin River. And laughed at the image of Mr. Sun holding a shovel. :-)

  15. The new snow has pretty well melted here. It was just at freezing and sunny so we went for a drive hoping to discover some new back roads to explore. Everything looks so dingy and dirty now. The sand on the remnants of the snowbanks and all the buried debris in yards. My yellow dog looks like she has been dipped in chocolate when I call her to me. I throw a stick or something so she can plow through the remaining snow and get cleaned off.I'm looking forward to seeing some green!

  16. SOme days we get lots done and need a reward other days we need a reward for just breatging

  17. Most of the snow is gone here. Only a few places in the shadows. Even then, I think most of the snow is gone after the last few days of warmer weather. I'm hoping Winter is leaving us for good now.

  18. It melted so fast here I hadn't time to think about a shovel. I don't have the tree protection for the snow here that you do.
    I hadn't heard of Virgin River. Have to look it up. Thanks. :)

  19. I hope that latest snow will give you a miss.
    I will also look up Virgin River and give it a try.

  20. We hear tell that our kids in Southern Wisconsin will get some inches of snow this coming Monday....but it's supposed to miss us here. Hope it misses you too. Congrats on all the cleaning you're getting done.

  21. It was almost 60 today and 61 is forecast for tomorrow. It's glorious. We had the door and windows open all afternoon and Dennis took my snow tires off. If it does snow, it shouldn't last very long. I wanted them off for my drive to Omaha so I don't have to find somewhere to do it right after I arrive.
    You're going FAST on your cleaning. At this rate you'll be done with spring cleaning before spring even arrives!

  22. You are so freaking productive!!!! --Sherry in MT

  23. Glad you didn't shovel! I need to follow you and your cleaning routine. Glad you liked Virgin River. I watched all 20 episodes and I am waiting for the next season but a lot of them got postponed because of Covid.

  24. Yay for the sun melting the snow. We have had some high 70s days but rain and cooler temps are headed our way.

  25. In the photo you share you definitely are in winter.


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