Sunday, January 24, 2021

Snowy Day

 It snowed.  

We went to recycle ...our big excitement for the day. 

The sky and the snow are the same color. 

Someone waved to us on the way back...not sure who it was...perhaps a neighbor or someone that was really friendly.  We did not recognize the vehicle...but then someone may have gotten a new vehicle. 

Face it we are out of the loop.

The roads are still icy in some spots from the wind and the snow last week.  

We made Moons Over My Hammy for supper.  I make a plain omelette pile some cheese and ham over it plop it on a slice of bread...cover it with another slice of bread and  throw it is a pan to toast both sides.  Breakfast for supper.   It was one of Far Guy's requests. 

Far Guy's sister and  brother in law got the Pfizer vaccination yesterday in Indiana...and have no side effects so far.  They got their shots from their vehicle and then were directed to an area to park and wait...Jan said they were waiting to see if they would die... we asked what were they suppose to do if they had a reaction...honk the horn??

Far Side


  1. You cook some of the most interesting dishes. Hubby likes breakfast for supper too.
    The vaccine roll out in our state is interesting. I got an email from a VA 6 hrs away that they had walk in openings. Nah, not driving over just to find out they don't have any left.

  2. I suppose if they find someone in their car slumped over and not breathing they'd know they had a reaction. But I suppose we really shouldn't joke about such things. Glad they were able to get their vaccines.

  3. Never thought of an omelet sandwich - interesting idea!
    Have a blessed day!

  4. The snow here has been followed by the cold, -27C (-16F) here this morning. Hopefully that cold air doesn't hit you next.

    When I'm driving in the country, which isn't often, I always wave to the passing vehicles. It's a leftover from when I was young and living on the farm.

    Take care, stay well!

  5. Glad Far Guy's sister and brother-in-law didn't have to honk their horn. I am still looking for an open appointment...maybe this coming Wednesday morning...if I can get through to sign up. My granddaughter got hers the first day they were available in our area. She is a receptionist in a dental office.

  6. We are fortunate to have no snow at the moment. In fact we have seen the sun several days in a row. However, it is very cold and windy so I stay in regardless of blue skies. Enjoy your Sunday! ❤️

  7. I love having breakfast for supper! They are doing some drive through vaccines here too, yes they are supposed to honk the horn if they start feeling bad after a vaccine. But Michigan is still all messed up and not distributing the vaccines as fast as they could. I hope they figure it out soon.

  8. I just spent my first full night in my bed, post surgery. I actually slept fairly well, just one wake up to go to the bathroom, after which I managed to go back to sleep after a bit. I woke up at 7:00 to a dark, cold, wet morning. I have made it as far as our upstairs office where I am parked in front of my computer. That breakfast sandwich sounds very good right now!

  9. It's snowing here. Finally! We have really needed some snow. Although, it's isn't my favorite of things, it is a necessary part of SUMMER!

  10. I hope the second shot is just as easy for FarGuy.
    We had light snow most of the day here, too. Cleaned up the earth a bit. ;)


  11. the honk the horn is really funny.

  12. Moons Over My Hammy sounds good and I love the name. Isn't it interesting how what constitutes excitement has changed in the past year. I am happy every time I hear that someone else has gotten the vaccine. It's one arm at a time for this one. Even though we are on a list with the health department and they were suppose to start the over 65's last week, it could still be months. Our state is not receiving nearly enough vaccine.

  13. I love the name of that meal! I am still trying to find a way to get the vaccine, but still no luck. Apparently places around here are running out of vaccine doses.

  14. The sandwich sounds delicious and something we would enjoy for supper too. We do breakfast for supper a couple of times a month. Pancakes and sausage happened one evening last week. We had snow all day yesterday and ended up with about 3”. Just as we were going to bed last night Dave looked out the window and saw 5 deer in our front yard pawing at the snow. We watched them for about 15 minutes until they wandered off one by one.

  15. No honking if your dead though.
    I'd eat that, sounds good.

  16. I am so out of the loop, I am off to the side wathing the loop

  17. I remember on the prairies my Dad would wave to every single vehicle he encountered. Just a small lifting of his right hand from the steering wheel ( sometimes just his pointer finger).

  18. Waiting to die? Or waiting to EXPLODE! BOOM! No honk required... What was in that shot anyway....? (Messy) Driving in the snow is fun with Subie. Unless there are white out conditions. Then the driving is very scary. Stay away from exploding parking lot parked cars!

  19. Chuckled when I read about your in law's vaccine adventure. We get ours on Feb 1st and I'm told that we will have to park and wait 15 to see if either of us has a reaction... no mention of death! Hehehe... have a great week!

  20. Well that's a cheery thought....pull your car over to that lot and wait!!! I'm praying that your relatives and everybody who gets the vaccine will be safe and well! Your supper sounds good...I like breakfast for supper! Take care you 2.

  21. Fun times to the recycle place. Dennis and I were just talking today about when the last time we ate out was. He picks up a pizza on Friday nights on his way home from work. I call and order and pay. They bring it out to his truck. Big excitement. He did eat out at a Cracker Barrell in September while driving back to Omaha. I think the last time I ate out was last April or May!
    Dennis is on the list, but no vaccines available. Who knows when either of us will get it. I hope soon. Mandy works with people after their vaccines. They call her if they have questions. She said the second Moderna shot has quite a few side effects but they don't last long and are a LOT better than getting Covid.

  22. We have been taking toast and putting ham and cheese inside. The egg would be good but I have those every morn for breakfast for high protein diet. I cheat and have a piece of toast with that. I can't eat much bread, whole wheat and told none would be best for my diet.

  23. Thanks for that giggle at the end! Haha!

  24. We got snow on the weekend too. Glad Far Guy's sister and brother-in-law seem to be doing fine after getting their shots.

  25. Maybe that's why my pictures looked like there was no color. Thank you for the Moon over My Hammy! What a clever name too! I got my shot and I have to wait 15 minutes before leaving but they do that with the flu shot too. In case you have a reaction. I've never had one thank goodness.


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