Saturday, January 9, 2021

New Projects

 I decided sometime over the New Year to try some new to me things or finish an old project every week.  I was tired of the same old same old in Isolation 2020 that carried over to Isolation 2021.

Baking dinner rolls from scratch.  I have made bread from scratch but not dinner rolls.

They don't look much like the photo that was on Facebook but they were still good and easy peasy. 

Big Fat Yeast Rolls

1 cup warm water

1 package or 2 1/2 teaspoons of dry yeast

1/4 cup sugar

1 teaspoon salt

3 Tablespoons softened butter

1 egg beaten

3 1/2 to 4 cups of flour

Put water and yeast in a large mixing bowl (I mixed this gently with a spatula)  add the sugar, salt, butter and egg. Beat with dough hook until well blended.

Add 3 1/2 to 4 cups of flour, mix until soft dough forms that is not sticky.

Put the dough on a floured board and knead a few times until smooth.

Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm spot for about 45 minutes.  I  use a corn/rice bag that is toasty warm after a few minutes in the microwave...I nestle the bowl onto the top of the bag. 

Punch down and turn onto a floured board. Divide dough into 12 large pieces and shape into round balls. Place in greased 13 x 9 inch  baking pan. Cover with plastic wrap.  Let rise about 30 minutes on a warm corn/rice bag.

Bake for 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Brush tops with butter. 

I timed this and you should start the recipe about 2 hours before you want warm fresh out of the oven dinner rolls for supper. 

Far Guy liked them...and I liked them also so we declare it a winner of a recipe!  I used all white flour but will try it with my mix of whole wheat and white flour..I mix my own flour... half and half.

Old project: Looking through all of our woodcarving magazines and books.  I tear out instructions for projects that I might want to do someday and put them in a folder and recycle the rest of the magazine after Far Guy has paged through them...I keep more than he does.. This project is about half done so it will continue a few more days.  

Far Side


  1. I love yeast rolls! But I have never made them myself.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. The rolls sounds easy enough, glad they were good!

  3. I've always wanted to try making breads & rolls. I've never worked with yeast much except in the bread machine we had years ago. The machine did all the work.

  4. I make buns all the time, but not bread because I've never learned how to shape a loaf so that it doesn't end up lop-sided. Mine don't have egg though, so I may have to try these to see what the difference is.

    Good luck with your projects.

  5. The rolls sound wonderful! My mom always made crescent dinner rolls and I like to make cinnamon rolls on occasion. Good luck with your projects.

  6. A good looking pan of rolls!! I've never had good luck with any kind of yeast dough. Even the dog wouldn't eat some of my attempts years ago. And I thought farm dogs would eat anything. LOL

  7. Each time I have tried making anything from scratch with yeast I have failed, but maybe I'll try this one. It seems pretty straight forward. Thanks for the recipe.

  8. My Mom made the best yeast rolls! Thanks for triggering that memory this morning.

  9. Glad the rolls worked out well. And I think tackling those old projects in between trying some new to you ones is a fun idea.

  10. They look really yummy!
    Getting through old projects is such a relief.
    Have a great weekend. :)

  11. They look very successful. You found some new energy.

  12. I have never made bread. My great aunt was famous for her rolls each holiday. Her home smelled so good with the bread baking. Glad you both enjoyed them, Larry gave me a selection of jelly for Christmas that would be good with hot rolls.

  13. Yum!! I don't have a corn/rice bag (or dough hook) but these rolls sound and look delicious. Thinking I should try making rolls from scratch at least once in my life time :)

    1. I made my own corn bags...I sewed up some flannel pouches added some corn from the feed store an sewed them shut! My Kitchen Aid has a dough hook but there is a tool out there that I heard was wonderful for dough. It has a handle and a wire spiral thing:)

    2. TEEVEA Danish Dough Whisk Stainless Steel Dutch Style Bread Dough Hand Mixer Wooden Handle Here it is...I have this on my list!!

  14. Thank you for the recipe. I loaded up on yeast during the beginning of the pandemic when I wasn't sure we could purchase bread. I need to start using it and this looks delicious. And we could use them for sandwich buns, too.

  15. This recipe sounds delicious and very similar to a sandwich bun recipe I have. So good! I think it's the amt of sugar added to the recipe that makes it extra delicious, you think? Yes, I couldn't agree more.... Isolation 2020 has rolled right over into Isolation 2021... almost with added urgency because of the new variants of the virus. I'm stuck in a rut since right around Christmas time and haven't managed to lift it yet. I think I need spring! :-) ~Andrea xoxo

  16. I always buy yeast for my Christmas bread and then have the rest left over. I always tell myself that I that I should make more bread over the winter months, but I rarely do. Maybe this time.

  17. I like your thought of finding new things to do for Isolation 2021. Because of the new, more contagious strains of the virus it seems even more important to isolate now than in the early months. I let myself get lazy last year so I'm hoping to find more energy this year.

    Those rolls sound delicious! I have never made yeast rolls so I might give it a try. Have you ever made scones? I've been wanting to try that too but I've never even eaten scones so I'm not sure I would know if I had them right! Ha!

    1. Yes scone warm from the oven were a great afternoon snack! I haven't made them in a long time:)

  18. Never learnt to bake bread my mum and nan could but not me

  19. My baking never looks like the pictures either but taste is the main thing. Great that yours were good. Pizza dough is what I'll be making later on today.

  20. I love homemade bread and I'm sure I'd love your dinner rolls, too. I don't think I can smell them from here, though, thank goodness. :-)

  21. When I read your blog, I get revved up to want to do things....cause you're always so busy! Your rolls look good and I can almost taste them from here! I love that pic of your Chance and the Shiny Brite tree in your header. It's so big and beautiful. Chance was beautiful too. I'm glad you got so many good pics of him! Have a good rest of your weekend.

  22. Those fresh rolls must have been a treat with dinner. I don't do yeast breads, but am fortunate that both my husband and my daughter have taken to various types of rising bread doughs, so I'm spoiled on that account.

  23. i have a tried and true yeast roll recipe too...kicks any meal up several notches to serve them along side...enjoy!

  24. Thank you for the recipe! I have never tried yeast rolls either. They look yummy! I like your idea of "something old and something new". I'm bagging up things and picking one and work on it until done....pray for me.

  25. Mmmm the smell of freshly baked bread... (or rolls!)
    Whatever happened to the milk can project?

    1. I got all the dog hair sorted, washed and carded. It is all in rollags in paper bags waiting to be spun:)


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