Monday, January 18, 2021

Third or fourth time a charm

 I finally got it!  A new pattern learned...Mosaic stitch called Apache Tears.  It is worked row by row and you have ends on each side...lots of ends...reminder do not cut them too short. 

After some discouraging moments I finally figured it all out.  

The finished border from the front.

And from the back.

Yeah me...not perfect but I learned so much!  The swatch has an envelope type border it encloses all the ends...much better than a fringe and way better than sewing all those ends in. 

I have a project in mind for this pattern. BUT I had to see if I could do the stitch and do the border.  So it is a go.  

However I have two shawls in the works and this old project that I had tucked away upstairs. 

This was a join as you go Granny Square project.  It is almost large enough to be a more row and then some kind of border. 

We had a quiet Sunday...listened to church...made yeast rolls, potato salad and meatloaf for supper it seemed I was in the kitchen most of the day.

Enjoying Public TV...All Creatures Great and Small. 

Far Side


  1. That is neat but golly that seems like a ton of work!

  2. Very nice! Nothing seems beyond you, and I am very impressed with your abilities. Sending you some virtual hugs. :-)

  3. I like All Creatures.... but have you seen the old series from the late 70's? I loved that one.

  4. Go you! I love the lapghan too :)

  5. I agree! The new production of ACGAS is as good if not better than the original.

  6. Good for you on persisting until you mastered that stitch. The granny square afghan will be bright and cheerful and very cozy!!!

  7. I love the idea of the envelope border, I must check it out as I hate having to sew in the ends on afghans. It's also why I don't like making granny squares...all that sewing is a pain.

    Have a great week!

  8. Is that show about the veterinarian? I read all four of those books probably close to four times in my twenties and thirties. I will have to look for those. Thanks.

  9. Your persistence paid off: the border looks great!

  10. It's good to challenge the brain with new and difficult things.

  11. Hurray! Glad you figured it out. The other throw is so colorful and fun.
    I saw the old series (and loved it) but haven't seen the new one. Have to wait till it shows up on Netflix or Prime.

  12. I love the new stitch pattern. I knew you would figure it out! It sounds like a good Sunday except for all the time in the kitchen. We had meatloaf and mashed potatoes last Sunday which is good comfort food in my opinion. I hope your week is starting out good!

  13. I am really enjoying All Creatures Great and Small. I have read that those who remember the 70's version think this one isn't realistic enough. Personally I think we all have a little too much reality right now. This is perfect! Did you happen to watch Masterpiece Theater's Miss Scarlet and the Duke which premiered right ahead of it? I think I might really like this show, too.

  14. I like the Apache Tears stitch. It is great not to have to work all the yarn ends back into the piece. I am crocheting small hearts for Hospice to pass out to patients and caregivers. I hadn't crocheted for years but it came back to me.

  15. That it a really pretty crochet stitch and to be able to enclose all of those ends is a wonderful thing! :-). I don't mind sewing in ends like a lot of people, but to be able to just crochet over it is great. The grannies are so colorful and happy too. We grilled, well Dennis grilled, a steak yesterday. It was 29F and he was all bundled up, but boy it sure tasted good. I made homemade breakfast potatoes and a caesar salad to go with it.
    I'm behind on mittens since I've been making Dennis's sweater and the blanket and cross-stitching, so that's on my agenda for this week. Playing catch-up with them.
    Wishing you and Far Guy a great day.

  16. A blogger friend, Lefty Crafter just finished a Havanna blanket with that stitch. It is quite stunning. I knew you would figure it are so smart and persistent! Are those the colors you will be using? Your granny square afghan is do pretty. I love granny squares. I'll have to check PBS as I read the books by James Heriott and I watch Yorkshire Vet which is where Heriott practiced. Supper sounded really good!

  17. It looks so good not something I could do

  18. I like the colorful granny squares. It is fun to finally figure out a project. I remember doing that with my trellis.

  19. I love those colors, and congrats on figuring out a new pattern. It’s so satisfying when you “get” it!

  20. That is am impressive border on the swatch. I will anticipate what bigger project you have in mind.
    PBS on Sunday nights, so welcome. I never saw the original All Creatures series but we are enjoying this one very much. And oh, the beautiful British countryside!

  21. Well done, mastering a new stitch! I can't wait to see what project you have in mind for it. Your granny square blanket is so colorful and cheerful!

  22. I like crochet projects that attach as you go. I hate having to sew stuff up. I like the border on your new stitch's going to be cool, whatever you do with it!

  23. Well, your apache tears turned out great, as I knew it would! Love your colorful lapghan too. You are a master at projects. Can't wait to see what you're cooking up next. Oh, that reminds me, your supper sounds yummy!

  24. Love the afghan...all those beautiful colors! I am watching the new All Creatures Great & Small, and then on Brit Box I am watching the old.

  25. DH watched the new All Creatures last night too. We enjoyed the original series back when it came on TV. I glanced at the one on last night but the different cast seemed somehow wrong. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood for it.

  26. Loved the James Herriot shows and books! Oh, just realized this is a new one, hmm, wonder if I would like it. Hard to switch to a different cast, depending on the cast of course.


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