Friday, January 8, 2021

Little things

 It was a very frosty day.  

I took a photo of the Flowering Crab that is near where I park for picking up groceries.  It is full of frosty berries.

Grocery pickup was not remarkable.  No Glad Press and Seal...I prefer it over Saran Wrap...they have substituted that once already.  No Original plain Naan Bread...just Garlic thanks.  At least there were no huge mistakes.  In the messages I put my suggestions and their prior weeks errors all in CAPS!!  Since I show up every week about the same time...I am sure they draw straws out back to see who wants to bring me my groceries.   This was order #43...same time same place.   

I handed Far Guy my camera on the way home...he took some frosty photos. 

I joined a Zoom meeting Book Club...only four people were there. I ordered the next book  Untamed Land by L. Snelling hope it gets here in time for me to read it!  I have always wanted to join a book club...and Zoom works better for me than a gathering.  Safer!! 

Talking about little things...look at these little stitches! 

Jen made these...a Partridge and a Pear 

I think this is Number 1 as it says so on the back...must be a series!  I cannot believe how perfect her French Knots are.  She loves working with felt...her Great Grandmother also loved to work with felt...I can recall Far Guy's Mom looking all over for felt kits to make Christmas Stockings because she knew her Mother loved to work with felt...and her stitches were perfect also! 

Far Side


  1. Jen’s ornaments are beautiful. The frosty berry photo is gorgeous. Grocery shopping is such a chore these days...not much choice and sky high prices. Wishing you two a good day. Mildred

  2. I love those perfect little stitches too. That comes from a lot of practice, I believe. The more you do, the better you get. That looks like a mighty cold drive! ~Andrea xoxo

  3. Wow, those little birds are amazing!

    I love your frost, as long as the roads weren't slippery.

    I did the order pickup grocery thing for a few weeks just after we were sick with covid. I figured no one wanted to be around me yet. :) It went OK, but wasn't perfect and I missed browsing, so I'm back at the store, but only go once a week, in the morning, middle of the week...which is good except they never have more than 1 cashier at that time, sometimes zero cashiers and that really sucks when everybody has a big cart full.

  4. That's nice your daughter is carrying on the felt work tradition! Enjoy the book club!

  5. Let's hear it for no major mistakes with the grocery order this week. Yaa!! Love the little felt ornaments. Those sure are some tiny stitches. Tell Jen she does good work. Have a great weekend.

  6. Sorry they were out of some stuff again, but glad the grocery pickup wasn't too bad this time.

  7. That is a lot of berries left on that bush. We have also had a stretch of (foggy) frost, turning everything into a pretty wintery scene - especially the trees. Beautiful crafting of the brightly colored Partridge & Pear!! I wouldn't have the patience to do those tiny stitches.

  8. Love those photos! Those little felt creations are works of art! I like them and could be interested in trying something like that. Not sure I could do the stitches though.
    We may have ended our long days of fog and frost. But the clouds will stay.

  9. The little Partridge and pear are very pretty! Have fun with the book club :)

  10. The stitched ornaments are lovely and she does have beautiful stitching. I've had the same issue with Press n Seal not available and Saran wrap substituted. I've been ordering for pickup, but yesterday I did my shopping myself. It was kind of a treat to browse and make impulse buys of things not on my list. Guess I'm easily entertained these days.

  11. I manage two virtual book clubs. One has been going for four years. It's the B&B club, for Books and Brews. We started by meeting at a local beer pub near the local library (in Lexington, VA). We've been virtual since June. The other is just starting this month. It's called A Mysterious Book Club. We currently have 7 members. Looking forward to this one especially since it was started by a friend and me from the B&B, but this one only about mysteries. I know you will enjoy your club. You seem to be the right kind of person who would. If it doesn't work out, and you still would like try another one, you would be welcome in ours. My email is Good Luck!

  12. I love felt work. Jen is a wonderful felt artist

  13. I used to love working with felt but kits aren't as easy to find these days. Did Jen use a kit or a pattern book? I'm always looking for ornament ideas for the family.
    Our Walmart order this week only had two subsitutions so not too bad. Except instead of my stone ground whole wheat bread I got a loaf of Great Value White bread. Bleh.
    The frost photos are beautiful. Lots of frost on the internet today. It must have been cold everywhere since there are a lot of pictures of it. I even took one myself this morning! Stay safe.

    1. I think a book:) I will ask her to make sure!

    2. She put up a link Betsy...scroll down the comments!

  14. I love the partridge and the pear; they're so colorful and beautifully stitched.

    Take care and stay well.

  15. Your book club sounds sun, I too have always wanted to join a book club, I sort of did but never made it to a meeting yet lol. Anyway I checked out An Untamed Land on amazon and bought the kindle version it sounds really good, so thank you for the recommendation.
    Love the partridge and the pear, I think I may have the same or similar pattrens in a Corinne Lappiniere book.
    Have a great weekend,

  16. I love the partridge and the pear. That's very skilled felt work.

  17. Those felt pieces are truly gorgeous. Not being up on stitches, I think those little white ones are the french knots? And red on the other piece? Beautiful work!

  18. I love Jen’s beautiful ornaments! How cool that you have a Zoom book club. Wonder how you find those??
    Thanks for the tip on historical archives from the Star Tribune. Sadly, I was too late. Maybe they will do it again sometime so I am making a list of things I want to look into.

  19. Your daughter is an accomplished stitcher. French knots are not easy to make and hers are perfect. Beautiful pieces for you to enjoy.

  20. Beautiful ornaments.

    I gave up and ordered the press and seal on Amazon. I need a certain stain remover and can't find it anywhere for a reasonable price. For some reason it is almost four times more at Amazon.

    I have been going into the grocery store properly masked, but in our rural county we had EIGHTY FOUR new cases yesterday. The wife of a classmate of mine died after a few week battle with covid and the younger sister of another classmate died right after contracting the disease. I am probably going back to curbside and will live with what I get.

  21. The ornaments Jen made are gorgeous! I'm glad your shopping yesterday went basically well. I buy groceries on Thursdays as well and recently I've been able to find most items. I hope you enjoy your book club. I hope you'll let us know how it goes.

  22. The partridge and the pear are so famn good

  23. Those are beautiful ornaments! Jen must take after her grandmother. That's really nice.I like the Press and Seal better, too! ;)

  24. That will be a fun project for Jen, assuming you is going to do all the verses of the song.

  25. I still go to the grocery store but I am debating about pick up.


  27. The felt partridge and pear are super cute. Until I enlarged the picture I thought the tiny stitches were beads she'd sewn on.

  28. Your frosty winter photo looks like I feel right now. Post-holiday blues. Jen's cheery felt crafts are just the antidote. She sure has a steady hand.

  29. Jen's work is gorgeous.
    Draw straws to see who gets your groceries. ;)
    So far it is all they don't want to get the real thing.

  30. The felt ornaments are beautiful. Only once did my daughter do the grocery shopping for me. I was glad to go in the next time and pick up good deals on things I saw. I don't go every week, and try to make my trip short and sweet.

  31. I love your patridge and a pear tree! I wonder if she's doing the whole set! That would take awhile! My best friend gave me a pretty set of Christmas bulbs of the 12 Days of Christmas this year. Your frosty tree picture is beautiful. Sorry about your grocery order. Do take care.

  32. She does a great job on these. It looks like she had fun with all the decorating with stitches.

  33. Those little ornaments are gorgeous (beautiful Jen!) - I do the same thing with magazines etc that I see projects :) Great idea for doing a new project and finishing an old, I have a list.

  34. How beautiful they are! If it is the 12 days of Christmas you need to hang in there for the next 11 years to be able to get them all! LOL! Great job Jen!!!


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