Wednesday, January 6, 2021


 Jen and Andy came by yesterday to bring us a Christmas gift from them and all the grands.

Jen read instructions and sometimes Andy listened but mostly he did his own thing...and irritated his wife. 

It is a patio runs off of propane.  After a little while it warms up nicely... enough to warm your hands and make you step back.  The flame is going up a glass tube.

Andy shoveled a path to the greenhouse/workshop for me was on my list of things to just a few minutes he was done.  It would have been at least two leaners for know the amount of time you lean on the shovel handle to rest before you begin again..  

It was good to see them even if it was just outside on the patio. 

Far Side


  1. Oh, what a WONDERFUL gift! I absolutely love that patio heater!! How fun! I'd have my hiney warm in no time at all. *LOL* ~Andrea xoxo

  2. What a nice gift. Glad they also helped shovel.

  3. Wow! That is cool! So it will allow you to visit outdoors on the patio with others of the family right?
    What if this becomes a thing? More people using the outdoors to visit, I mean?
    Pretty neat.

  4. That is a lovely gift and I'm sure you will get plenty of use from it.

  5. What a thoughtful visit & nice gift!! It will no doubt extend your patio enjoyment.

  6. What a fun gift. I've never seen one like designed like that. And help with shoveling is probably always a blessing.

  7. Wow, that looks like the perfect gift for you! I like the description of "leaners" that you describe. I know them well while hiking on the trails. Instead of a snowshovel, though, I lean on my hiking poles. :-)

  8. Ohhhh, it's a heater. I thought it was a decorative windmill at 1st. What a nice gift since ya'll do a lot of visiting outside right now. Karen

  9. I love the new heater, it's awesome! Glad you got a little help with the shoveling.

  10. That is a thoughtful gift. I know it was nice to see them.

  11. Much needed warmth, and very nice looking heater too!
    Have a blessed day!

  12. OMGosh! That is awesome! Have never seen anything like it. I hope it works well for your outside visits. Looks quite impressive, that's for sure.
    Why is it so often the hubbys don't like to read instructions?

  13. What a nice gift. That should make your patio visits more comfortable!

  14. That's a good gift Considering all of the outdoor visitors you have.

  15. What an excellent gift idea! May you have many visitors and staying warm and toasty this winter.

  16. That is a NEAT gift! YAY! And the shoveling is the wrapping on the package.

  17. Have never seen that type of heater. Something new to enjoy!

  18. What a perfect gift! Both of you and all of your guests will enjoy it. I have heard these are hard to find these days as restaurants are buying them up for outdoor dining. Enjoy!

  19. AND they brought their own heat! I bet that is pretty at night as well.
    Two leaner ...I like that.

  20. I have never seen one like that heater. I hope is does help with the outside visiting.

  21. That was a brilliant idea. We used one at the lake ALL of the time because even in summertime it gets cool at night here in the mountains. Now you can visit for longer periods in the winter.
    I'm glad the shoveling was done for you too. I always have to lean several times too. It happens to the best of us! :-)

  22. I wasn't sure what it was - but a propane heater for outdoor visits! What a lovely, heart thought gift! I have been so happy to hear that the Far Guy's health has done well with limited contact. This is the best of all worlds. What a loving thoughtful family you have!

  23. Beautiful heater. Pretty enough to be a sculpture.

  24. What a wonderful gift! I'm sure it will be nice to use on your patio visits.

    My son has the ability to shovel like Andy. I wish I could be.

  25. We are not allowed to meet friends or most family at all. Not even outside. Not even miles apart. And no “picnics”. As if anyone picnics in London in January. We can only meet for exercise. One person at a time.
    So I’m afraid I met my best friend this evening outside in the freezing cold (both of us heavily wrapped up) for a drink.... because we haven’t met for a month. So we stood as far apart as possible to be able to hear, and swopped presents. And talked at length because it’s important to keep up with your friends. No heater though!
    And no snow to be shovelled either. It hasn’t snowed properly in north London for a while.

  26. That’s a perfect gift for social distancing visits on the patio!

  27. Sometimes we have just shoveled enough and it's nice when someone does it for us.

  28. What a thoughtful gift Especially since we have to do all of our socializing outside!

  29. I had to laugh. I always read the instructions but hubby never did and it used to annoy me as well :))

  30. A wonderful gift...ahhh perfect for my back porch. You have great grands.

  31. That's a really neat heater, and pretty too. Glad you got a break from shoveling snow. That was nice of them.

  32. Wow cool....a patio heater plus a gift of shoveling too. Lucky you guys. How nice to keep receiving gifts in the new year. Blessings to you both.

  33. Wow! What a practical gift--just perfect for this year! Last year, our family gave ourselves one of those practical gifts, too, and have enjoyed it every day since then. One of those little details that make everyday life a bit more live-able. Kudos to Andy and Jen for such a brilliant idea!

  34. I think you'll use that heater a lot before the winter is over. I've seen propane heaters somewhat similar around here on restaurant patios. They're not nearly as nice looking as yours though.

  35. Love that line about being st least two leaners!

  36. With all the outside visits, a patio heater is a very good gift idea.

  37. What a wonderful gift! Now you can enjoy family visits pretty much all winter. My daughter and family have one and they have been using it on their deck to have friends over.

  38. That is awesome!!! What a great gift! They must really love you guys! LOL! Of course they do! Just kidding. I loved the 2 leaner....I didn't get it at first but I am right there with you!


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