Friday, January 15, 2021

Winter Storm

 We have a winter storm.  It rained early Thursday and then froze a bit. The bulk of the storm was suppose to begin about 3 PM on Thursday.  Plenty of time to get Far Guy to the Infusion Center and curbside pickup for groceries, a stop by the drive up teller, and a fill of gas...the first since Dec 24 and we still had a half a tank. Anyways it began to snow as we approached town.  

We got everything done and were back home by noon and snow continued.  We didn't get much snow...yet.  I took some photos just before dark.

There are six inches at the snowstick Jan 14 2021

I lightened up this photo so you can see how little snow there is.   The winds are suppose to come up.  We covered up the new patio heater and Far Guy put an eye bolt in the wood siding and he secured it with straps. 

The trip to town was uneventful...missing grocery was a slice of all in all that was pretty good.  I even got Press and I ordered two...hoarding...and I am not ashamed.

We came home and disinfected all our groceries and had a nap....and waited for the storm. 

Far Side  


  1. We got some of the storm last night. First rain, then snow making for a very slushy snow removal this AM with ice underneath. More snow expected later today through tonight , into the morning. Don't feel like a hoarder over the Press and Seal as I am still hoarding T.P.

  2. Glad the trip to town was uneventful, and the grocery pickup went well. Hope the storm doesn't get too bad or do any serious damage.

  3. We are getting rain, maybe a little snow in the next few days. But...Jeanne and I went down to the swamp. The skunk Cabbage is up. Spring is coming.

  4. I like snow cams! I used to look into Iowa's snow plow photos too. Of course our state doesn't have it. There is a community group on FB and many locals do post road conditions of the back roads which is helpful.
    Seems our storm wasn't too bad? All of the main roads are considered slippery.

  5. Hope the storm isn't too severe. I worry that this warm winter will wreak havoc on the plants and trees if we get a cold snap while everything is in bud here. I really don't want to lose my magnolia bush.

  6. Glad you were able to get everything done and get back home safely before the storm!

  7. We got wind. Hauled for 2 days nonstop. Wind gusts reported of over 100 mph. The toilet water sloshed & the house creaked. Karen

  8. I guess you're getting some of what we had on Wednesday night into Thursday morning. Lots of wind here, as high as 122kph (75mph). Take care, stay well!

  9. It’s nice to hunker down safe at home during a winter storm. We left a day early and drove to Omaha yesterday afternoon instead of this morning to beat the blizzard moving in. The wind has been horrible but we are safely tucked in at our niece’s house.

  10. We're getting rain now that is supposed to change to snow. Our dirt roads are a frozen skating rink. Best to stay in and see how this progresses.

  11. I hope the winds aren't as bad for you as they were here. Securing the heater was a brilliant idea. We know two people who had theirs destroyed in the windstorm Wednesday. I'm glad you made it to town and back before the worst of it.
    Reading your comment on my blog this morning made me realize just how close we all are. I spent a LOT of time in Missouri Valley as a child. My best friends Grandma lived there and we would visit her often. Mandy lives in Elkhorn! Maybe we're related! Ha! Sometimes I wouldn't be surprised. :-). Blessings, Betsy

  12. We had very high winds two days ago but no snow.

  13. I enjoyed watching two men clear my driveway and walk. I will pay through the nose for it but I still liked having it get done.

  14. I'm happy to hear you got back home yesterday before the storm got too bad. It's been snowing here since last night and is still coming down. The wind is so strong it blows much of it around so it's difficult to see how much we actually have gotten.

    I worked the jigsaw puzzle last night that you linked yesterday. It is a great puzzle to work because it is a little challenging but not too much. I don't like puzzles that are too easy however I have gotten a few that were too challenging! Thanks for the puzzle link!

  15. Glad you got done with the Thursday trip without too much winter storm trouble. :)

  16. Oh my, clicked on your link & there was talk of "critical disruptions" so I'm guessing your snow is coming down now. We only got the rain, no snow & no wind. I don't know if that's going to change or not... but for now all we see is green grass with an occasional clump of snow here and there. I'm glad you & hubby got all your chores finished and are back home safe & sound. Take good care during the storm! ~Andrea xoxo

  17. Nice to hear your trip went well with not much snow I have been sweating like it's the middle of summer, which it is............

  18. I'm glad you had a safe trip to town before the storm.
    We had a storm here this week, lots of rain and flooding and then a wind storm that brought down trees on houses and power lines. Lots of folks were without power and the clean up continues.

  19. Seems like everybody has either had a storm or still waiting for it to hit. Glad you got to town and back home safe. It has been a windy day here with turning cold and high winds for tomorrow. Nothing bad. Stay safe.

  20. Ha! Thanks far side, for the snow plow cams. They're a hoot. We haven't really gotten much snow...a couple of inches last night that must have forgotten to fall in your yard!!! :) So far this winter has been pretty decent around here. We'll see the next months bring. Take good care you 2.

  21. Glad you got home safe and sound and got your press n' seal. I finally got my softner salt this week. Our weather here is boring but it could be worse! I tried the link to the snowplows but nada.

    1. I took the link down, it worked for a couple of days


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