Tuesday, January 5, 2021

New Ornaments

 We received a few ornaments in the mail.   We opened them Christmas Morning.  


Our friend Sue from Indiana sent these ornaments...she works with vinyl stencils. 

She also sent this little donkey.  Thanks Sue! 

 The Legend of the Donkey

God used a little donkey to carry Mary to Bethlehem, where Jesus would be born.  Many years later a donkey would carry Jesus to Jerusalem, where He would die upon the cross.  God marked the donkey's back with a cross.  It is a reminder of God's Son Jesus, who was born and died for all.

This year our ornaments were hung on the fireplace mantle where our children and grands stockings usually hang. We were just not feeling like putting up a tree...maybe next year.

 I did take the Santas down from the wreath by the door.  Time to redecorate it with snowmen.

I have not made a list of things I want to accomplish...yet.

Far Side


  1. I've never heard The Legend of the Donkey before. Very nice. Have a great day!

  2. Hubby and I didn't feel much like decorating this year either. We put up a small tree that is lit with LED lights and I put out a few snowmen. Just didn't feel much like celebrating this year without family and friends around.

  3. Your mantle looks lovely. I wasn't in the mood for decorating but Mom was so I finally did and am glad I made the effort. We usually "undecorate" on New Year's day but I don't want to let go of their cheer this year.💖

  4. Beautiful ornaments and I love the donkey too!

  5. I have a mini Christmas tree I've had for years. Quick & easy to put up & take down & sets the mood. Kevin & I don't exchange gifts anymore. I mailed presents to my Moma, Daughter & Grands so we don't need a big tree to put presents under. When were out riding, we pick out trees that would make good Christmas trees. Thanks for sharing the donkey legend. That is a cute donkey. Karen

  6. I've heard the donkey legend as I've raised donkeys. I actually miss have them around. Beautiful ornaments!

  7. I've never heard The Legend of the Donkey. Thanks for sharing it. The ornament gifts are very nice and a wonderful gift. I haven't gotten in the swing of things for the new year yet. I need to get moving. I hope you two are having a nice week.

  8. Love the donkey story. Thanks for sharing! I have a goal of switching out the big Christmas quilt hanging in my dining room for my snowflake quilt. But I have to get my husband to help as I can't reach the hanging rod easily even standing on a chair.

  9. Very nice ornaments! I haven't taken anything down yet. Though all I have is a couple crocheted snowmen and a ceramic Christmas tree. I guess I could get that cleaned up in the next couple weeks! LOL. I'm leaving the outside lights (there's just one tree) on through February I think, because it's so dark and cold here for so long.

  10. What a beautiful gift of ornaments. I have heard the story of the donkey before and it always touches my heart. God is aMaZiNg isn't He?
    I decorated early but then put everything away before the new year. I was ready. I just got the things out of storage for Valentine's Day instead of having to drive back over there in a few weeks. It's early, but that's okay.

  11. Yes, this Christmas sure was different. I only had two decorations up this year... a 4' tree with about a dozen or so ornaments on it and a little tabletop fiber optic tree. Both were back in their boxes and put away, down the basement, by noon on the 26th. Bah-humbug. Maybe next year will be better. ~Andrea xoxo

  12. The ornaments are nice, and I love the story of the donkey. I've seen the donkeys with the cross on their back. Sure would love to have one of those donkeys. I didn't realize til now that you didn't put up a tree this year. I almost didn't, since Christmas was so different. Happy New Year!

  13. My minimal decorations came down last week. I didn’t feel like putting everything out this year. Love the donkey ornament. I’ve heard the legend before, but the message never gets old.

  14. What a sweet story about the donkey. I had never heard of it before, but it's a perfect tale (tail?).

  15. I haven't decorated now for a few years. Not much room, our Christmases have been at McFamily's, and I have my colored lights (a bit of Christmas cheer) up around the patio door and window all year round.
    Lovely gifts and I like that Christmas tale of the donkey. Sweet! :)

  16. I'm feeling very cluttered right now with all of my tools and apparatus around me. my decluttering will have to wait awhile.

  17. Lovely gifts. I did decorate this year. Mostly for something to do. We don't usually exchange gifts since we have all the family here the weekend before and enjoy treating the children and grandchildren. Since we were home alone this year, I did some secret shopping on Amazon on Cyber Monday or Black Friday or someday that they sent me an email about. Mr Merry received a transistor radio that can pick up the weather. It was 7.99 and he loves it so much I thought about getting them for my sons and son-in-laws. But regularly it is $30 so I think I will wait until next year and hope for the sale again. I also found him a rechargeable flashlight which he thinks is pretty slick, an electric thing to hard boil eggs which we had never heard of and, what he really needed, bedroom slippers. Unfortunately I ordered x-large in women, not men. They have now been replaced. Without his knowledge or consent, he gifted me a new bathrobe, a book I have been wishing for and one of those thermometers that scan your forehead. It was a fun morning.

  18. I don't think I've heard that legend of the donkey either. Sweet.

  19. Although I am downsizing some things, Christmas isn't one of them- it is still a time of wonder and joy for what Christmas is really about. I kept my tree up until Sunday, the feast of the Epiphany, and my Wise Men visited the Nativity scene then- and left back to the Orient by a different route today :o)

  20. It totally makes sense that this year was so different that it didn't seem like the right time to put up all the Christmas decorations. But somehow, we decided to go through the effort anyhow, in the hopes that it might make the year seem just a little bit more normal...or less dismal. I'm glad we did, at the time...but now we have to put it all away again! (We wait 'til Epiphany for that, though.)

  21. What nice gifts you received. Hopefully next year you will feel like putting up your beautiful tree again. A good friend of ours just had a baby boy tonight....that gives us a reason to rejoice! May we have more reasons in this new year!

  22. I like the little donkey ornament. I stared my take down and it will take me all month to do so.

  23. So thoughtful and such cute ornaments. Donkeys have a cross on their back?


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