Sunday, January 10, 2021


 There were some fresh tracks out by the sauna. 

Never mind the tubes by my garage...I use them to hold glass flowers during garage sales and I leave them in the ground.

It was a frosty grey day. 

My other baby brother stopped by in the late afternoon with his new set of wheels. 

She who sees robins first and my other baby brother.  This fancy new buggy has heat....they just picked it up on Friday. 

I got to see all my siblings yesterday.  My baby brother dropped Baxter off for a visit and my sister hiked over and sat outside while we visited with her through the window. 

We are having really nice weather for Minnesota in the winter!  It was 27 F or -3 C eh! for a high yesterday!

Far Side


  1. I know you enjoyed seeing family. I love that buggy!

  2. How wonderful to have some safe visits. Seeing loved ones always boosts the spirits, indeed. And I like that buggy!! And heat!!! Hurray!! ~Andrea xoxo

  3. I am looking into getting one of those and putting a little plow on it. I'm thinking of getting one with a dump box in back. I'll trade in the old 4 wheeler and cart. I think hubby would like it once he tried it with me.
    It sure would be nice to have for pasture clean up!
    So what were the tracks? Deer?
    We have had some rather large coyote tracks up and down the driveway!
    Have a good day!

    1. Yes deer! I have heard that some places give a Veteran's discount on Side by Sides so be sure to ask!

  4. Nice new ride! It's 42 here this morning and I'm freezing lol!

  5. I'm so glad you were able to have good visits with your siblings. It would be so nice to be so close. I like that 4 x 4. I know Dennis would love to get one to take to the desert and ride the dunes. We went on some fun rides with friends on the Oregon Dunes and it was so much fun.
    Our weather has been unusally warm too for winter but I'll take it. It makes RV living much easier.

  6. Do you know what made the tracks? We've been seeing lots of deer tracks in our backyard, but haven't actually seen any deer since early in December. They must be coming through in the dark.

  7. It is nice that you have family so close by. My younger brother and I talk almost every day, but see each other just a few times a year although we live just a 1/2 hour apart. He's busy with work and family. My other sibs live in another province and we rarely get together.

    Take care, stay well!

  8. Great buggy with heat for sure! It's been mighty cold here too and no sun! Not our usual weather down here. Glad you get so many visitors.

  9. How nice to have all the visitors!
    It is supposed to get warmer, the 30s! At least for a little while. :)

  10. Visitors are lovely but when all leave it can be lovely as

  11. So those buggies are called side-by-sides. I Googled after you dropped the name, because that was what I wanted to find out. Looks like a perfect vehicle for running around the "wilds" of Minnesota.

  12. We have a nice forecast for the next seven days!

  13. I really like seeing the photo of Chance and shiny bright tree. We both miss our dogs a lot. I hope you can put a tree up next year. I have two of them down and another will be taken to the basement leaving the decorations on it.

  14. Our MN Weather has been amazing ~ heat and doors that is great!

  15. Finding tracks are one of the nice things about snow. I even enjoy looking for little bird tracks. That is one cool vehicle your other baby brother has there! It must be perfect for snowy drives. Definitely good that it has heat too! How nice that you got to see all your siblings and Baxter too. I bet Baxter is warming up to you two by now. He sure is a cutie!

  16. How nice that you got to see everybody. Yes the weather has been pretty nice here too....not half as cold as usual. and not nearly as much snow, so far, as usual. Your brother got a pretty cool ride, I'd say and heated too. Stay well you two.

  17. I was wondering what made the tracks, but upon reading the comments, I found out that it's deer. I also love to see Chance in your header and hope you never stop including him there. :-)

  18. That looks like a vehicle that could be both fun and useful. Perhaps a snowplow is planned on the front?


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