Friday, January 29, 2021

September 4, 1916

 Last summer Far Guy's cousins Jack and Pat gave me a pretty little wedding booklet that was with some stuff that they bought for their antique shop. 

Well...anyone that knows me...knows that I am always curious.   Wouldn't someone like it as a remembrance?

The only real lead I had was the find a grave page

The couple were parents of two children.  Their son was a 19 year old Marine who was killed in Iwo Jima March 21 1945.  They also had a daughter.   All leads to return the booklet to family seemed like a dead end.  I scanned the booklet and put it up at Find A Grave at Robert and Luella's pages...they coincidentally have the same last name as Far Guys Maternal they could be related...who really knows for sure.

Yesterday I got an email from a relative ( a cousin of Luella) who is thrilled to get the Wedding Booklet. 

So the mystery is solved...and the booklet will be on the way soon. 

One less thing for my daughters to discover and say "Why in the world was Mom saving this?"

Far Side


  1. That is so fantastic. That was really nice if you to do that.

  2. It is so nice of you to find a relative and pass it on. Makes you wonder why it wasn't given to extended family to begin with.

  3. How wonderful that the keepsake has found its way to a relative. Well done!

  4. A wonderful treasure for the relatives of that couple. Your curiosity is a blessing!

  5. How incredibly kind of you! I'm so glad the wedding book will be going back where it belongs. ~Andrea xoxo

  6. Well done, reuniting this bit of history with the family. Definitely a treasure!

  7. A treasure indeed! I often wonder what will become of all my mementoes and the plethora of photos that I have.... most will be relegated to oblivion, I'm sure.

  8. I love that you go out of your way to do things like this!

  9. Thank so much for your hard work returning this to the family. What a treasure! Just yesterday I saw a post on facebook which sent me to Ebay where there are hundreds of family bibles for sale. There were civil war era bibles with family history going back to the 1700's and many included photo sections. My heart was broken. Most were in the hundreds of dollars and scanned so poorly that you could identify the information. It just makes me so sad.

  10. I had a picture that my husband’s cousin given me in a box of old photos. I posted the picture at a web site for the county the family was from. The lady’s daughter saw it and was amazed. She’d never seen it. The back said it was her wedding day, she asked if I’d make her a copy. I said—no— and sent her the original.

  11. It is amazing how you can find out the history of a lot of things. I had touse Find a Grave for my Aunts death to see where her stone was and then found a lost great Uncle at the same cemetery.

  12. Kudos are helping the booklet find its rightful home.

  13. Good job finding a relative that might want the little book ( which is a treasure!!).

  14. Oh, good for you! You did a wonderful thing, and had a fun puzzle to solve in its doing.

  15. That was so sweet of you to go to the work of finding the family of the wedding book. Not many people would have done that. It is always so sad to me when items like that lose their way out of the family. Thank you.

  16. Quite a treat to have this happen but it takes effort on your part.

  17. Wow ....good job finding the relatives for that special booklet! You did a very good deed.

  18. Oh, your daughters surely know better than to ask a question like that!

    How exciting to see you are back at that wonderful random-act-of-kindness way of returning old memories, photos, and keepsakes to the descendants of their former owners.

  19. Nice you found someone who's glad to have the wedding booklet.

    We're dealing with some of those, "Why did she keep that?" puzzles with my Nan's stuff right now. She died in August, and Dad's giving me her crafting stuff, so we're going through it. Only both among the crafting stuff and among the other stuff we're coming across while her stuff's being sorted, we're finding some things that we're really puzzled as to why she had it in the first place, let alone kept it all these years.

  20. How wonderful that it will go back to the family. I bet they were thrilled!
    I totally understand about "why was Mom saving this?" LOL!

  21. You are truly such a blessing. How lovely someone in the family can get that back.

  22. That's an amazing find and reconnect! :-D


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