Sunday, January 3, 2021


 I took a ride on New Years Day. There are still signs of Christmas in the neighborhood down by the lake.  

A view of the lake through the trees.

I wore a heavy long parka and really warm was a nice ride...I stayed off the side trails through the woods. Not many New Year's Days that you can go out without getting real cold. Usually this is the coldest part of the year...hope the nice weather stays!  Anything above zero is a nice day!! 

Far Side


  1. It's been in the 20's here with no wind. Just perfect! We feel fortunate.

  2. So pretty with the decorations on the trees. The snow is it is cold and gloomy with no snow which makes for really gloomy! Usually we have more sun and warmer temps but not this year!

  3. Nice! It was still with no wind here and foggy. I've always thought about getting some giant plastic ornaments to put on trees, but I don't have any small pines! I think they look pretty outdoors.
    Above zero! Nice!

  4. It sure looks beautiful but of course way too cold for me!

  5. Being from Minnesota as well, these sunny days in the 20’s are gifts in January. Walks are cold but pretty.

  6. Good Morning! Have a blessed day!

  7. I agree, it's been a warm start to the year and that's so nice. Enjoy!

  8. Cold and clean, with all of that new snow. Beautiful.

  9. You took some beautiful pictures! I love the wooded areas in the snow. I'm glad you enjoyed your ride. Have a good Sunday! (It is Sunday isn't it?)

  10. I woke up to sunshine today, the first in many days and according to the forecast, the last sunny day for awhile. We're much warmer than usual too, but I'll take it. Lots of snow on the ground here too, but I think if the warm days continue it will be gone soon.

  11. Good days are there for the taking. Glad you got out in it. It is invigorating . Gets the blood circulating and the view is so much different than from the windows.
    The house is nice and warm when you get back. Sounds like fun to me.

  12. I'm getting out for a few ours everyday. My step counter is being used like never before. I still have a week's good weather to send you.

  13. Very pretty scene! I like seeing decorations in nature, too. :-)

  14. I love sunny days with snow and less wind. Looks perfect!
    Have a great week. :)

  15. The snowy woods are lovely with or without extra decorations.

  16. We are actually 36 degrees this afternoon. I like the lights on the trees and the meager ornaments on that one tree. I am still lighting my front door things for a while as long as there is so much snow. The deer in lights glow in the snow.

  17. Ok.. You got me. What is a "Side by Side?" In Alaska, they called Snowmobiles "Snow Machines", which always threw us mid-westerners for a loop. ( A snow machine is the huge caterpillar thing they use to groom the slopes in Colorado.) So I'll admit I'm a little behind in my "Minnesotan jargon" I can only guess it is some vehicle that travels in snow.. or something like that. Like a motorcycle with a sidecar? UPDATE: Ok, I googled it. It's an ATV. At least you don't call them "Swampers". hehe. Enjoy the weather!

  18. Yes we had a beautiful weekend. We spent a lot of time outside since New Year's Day - perfect weather and "Great" weather for January.

  19. We don't tend to hit the really cold stuff until mid-January, and it lasts right through February!
    Looks like you had a lovely day to get out.

  20. The snow is beautiful. Sounds like a nice ride. Karen

  21. We had a crazy 55 degrees today! Not all that unusual this time of year. Our coldest temps usually hit in February and March, along with the worst winter weather. Ugh. I'm just a-waiting for Spring now. *twiddles thumbs* lol

  22. We made a 200 mile round trip today and delivered Christmas gifts to both our daughters’ families. It was so good to see everyone.

  23. I can just picture you out buzzing around in your parka. I like the decorations on the trees! It'll be Christmas at our house for the whole month of January...cause our kids and grandkids are coming up to celebrate towards the end of the month. I have my semi-annual cancer check-up on the 29th too. Won't get the results until Ground Hog Day though. Take care you two.

  24. So grey and wet and depressing here. Although we had about a minute of full strength sunlight today. It was so bright, and amazing, and shocking, for that moment.


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