Thursday, January 28, 2021

Miss Miney 2005-2021

 Miss Miney (Hermione) has been having a time with Old Dog Vestibular Syndrome.  Some days she was fine ...other days she struggled to get up and down but was still happy.  Yesterday she could not get up from a lying down position.  It was time.   Sadly she made that last trip to the Vets office in the afternoon.  

We will miss her so much.  We were lucky to be able to care for her throughout the years...instead of going to the kennel when her people had to be away she came to our house.  We loved having her visit.  Chance loved her visits.  She was just a little younger than Chance.  She would have been 16 years old this summer.  

August 2005 when she was just a little puppy she made her first visit to our house.  She is sleeping on top of an overnight bag and a pair of shoes most likely Noah's shoes. 

She was a beauty. 

She and Chance were best friends. 

Little Elvis joined the pack. 

Miss Miney was our daughter Jen's "heart dog" ...they come around only a few times in your life if you are a dog person...those dogs are the ones you always miss and remain forever in your heart. 

I am certain that Chance was happy to greet her. 

Goodbye beautiful Miss Miney.
She helped to heal our hearts a bit after Chance died. 
Run free Girlie.
Far Side


  1. So sorry to hear about Miney. I know how much you loved her and how special she was to you and your family. I bet Chance was really happy to see her when she "arrived". My sympathy to you and Miney's family.

  2. Awwwww so sorry to hear this. She was indeed a beautiful dog. I love that photo of her and Chance in the flowers- what a beautiful photo to remember them by. Frameable. Hugs to Jen and you guys.

  3. Oh I am so sad and so sorry. I bet that you will miss her terribly. She was so gorgeous!

  4. So sorry for your loss...she was a beautiful dog. I remember when I was a child I asked my Dad if dogs went to Heaven, and he said "It wouldn't be Heaven without them.".

  5. Shedding tears, as I remember Chance and other dogs I have loved in my life. Rest in peace, Miss Miney. Blessings to all who will mourn for her.

  6. Beautiful tribute. Saying goodbye is heart wrenching, even when it is in our beloved four legged families best interest. Such a pretty girl. So very sorry for your families loss.

  7. Sorry for the loss of another beloved pet. I like the flower picture. She was a beautiful dog. Karen

  8. I'm sorry to hear about Miney. We have had a couple "heart" dogs in our family. They do live in our hearts forever.

  9. Awwww.... I'm so sorry for your loss of Miss Miney. Run free... and well... with your buddy, Chance. ~Andrea xoxo

  10. I'm so sorry. She sounds like a lovely dog.

  11. Oh, no! Beautiful Miss Miney. Sometimes it just gets to be too much doesn't it? I have tears running down my face. I know she's running free with Chance and he eagerly awaited her arrival, but that doesn't make losing them any easier. Chloe is my "heart dog." At 15 years old I know our time is limited, but oh how I'm trying to enjoy each and every day with her. Someday's she slows down but other days she acts like a puppy.
    Huge hugs to you, Jen and the rest of the family. I know sweet Miss Miney will be missed. She was a gorgeous dog.

  12. Chance, Odda, and Miss Miney - such beautiful and loving companions.

  13. My eyes and heart are crying for all of you. It's so hard to lose our fur kids. Hard.

  14. So sorry to hear that! Miney was a beautiful dog and a frequent visitor along with Little Elvis. Yes, there are certain dogs that remain in your heart forever (cats, too). She will be missed.

  15. I love the picture of Chance and Miney with the flowers. Such beautiful, special dogs. I've been on the verge of crying all day and don't know why, but this did it. I'm sorry for the loss of another very special dog. You've done a wonderful post here in to honor them.

  16. Tears...just one of those days, I feel strongly today.

  17. So sorry for your lose. Our dogs make us better people.

  18. I’m so sorry. Such a beautiful girl and loving family member. If only they could stay with us forever!

  19. You write beautiful posts about pets - - and people - - you have loved in your life. Many of us have read about Miney and Chance over the years and feel like we know them as our pet friends, too.
    Thank you for sharing the news.

  20. I am so sorry to hear about Miss Miney. The photos are all so beautiful! Rest in peace sweet baby.

  21. Oh, sad! Your photos are a beautiful tribute.

  22. I am so sad to hear about this loss. I remember Miss Miney well along with all the joy she brought to Chance and all of her family. You all have my sympathies but please also give them to Jen. Such a sweet family member leaves a big hole in your heart. I'm so sorry.

  23. R.I.P. Miss Miney. Run free on the other side of the rainbow bridge.

  24. She was a beauty! I choke up every time I think of how much we all miss them.

  25. Sorry to hear :( more hugs to you all!

  26. Oh dear, another beautiful pet has gone over the rainbow bridge. She was a real beauty.....looked just like our Corky of many years ago. They say almost 16 is pretty good for a big dog. That doesn't make the loss any easier though. Sorry for you guys and for her family.

  27. I'm so sorry. It is really the end of an era. I bet she and Chance are having a wonderful time catching up with each other.

  28. I'm sorry to hear about Miss Miney. She was a gorgeous dog and the picture of her and Chance is so sweet. RIP Miney

  29. I have tears in my eyes as I send you hugz. It's always sad when The Time comes, but we never forget them. They are always in our hearts. Mxx

  30. Miss Miney was a beautiful dog. I hate it when people lose their dogs even if I am not related.

  31. I am so sorry about Miss Miney. A beautiful pup. We have to make the most of each day with our senior dogs. Run free sweet girl.

  32. My condolences.❤ I know too well what you and family are going through.

  33. Awww what a wonderful life that pup had and I am so sorry to hear of her loss. She shall remain in many hearts forever!


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