Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year 2021!

 Ack this is the year I will be 70 if I live that long...who woulda thunk it?  I never thought I would live past the age of 50.  When I changed the age on my yearly calendar from 69 to 70 I winced, rolled my eyes and sighed. 

I usually have a one word intention for the entire year...not a resolution. Some of the former words were kindness, exercise, explore, ongoing, time, relax and one year it was laugh, smile,hug and dance four words that I could use right at midnight and be done for the whole year.

I had lots of different words in mind this is the word I chose.  I want to feel safe going out in the big bad covid world sometime this year. Safe to hug my family, gather safely with those I love. Safely hug and kiss those beautiful Great Grandbabies.  Safe to pick out my own fruit at the grocery store, safe to wander the yarn and thrift shops, safe to go out to dinner with friends. 

  If I cannot enjoy those activities then I choose to be safe at home for as long as it takes. 

Some good news:

 I got an email saying what the electrical bill was so low I figured it was I went online to check things out. 

There was a note on our electrical bill.  "2020 was a great year for Itasca Mantrap Coop Electrical Association.  We know others did not have such a great year and we understand the hardship many faced amidst Covid-19.  This month you will see a credit on your bill.  This is the Co-op's way to give back to membership after a tough year."

How nice is that! There was an $85 credit on our account!  A good way to start off the year! 

We finally finished the puzzle.  It is missing a piece...we are hopeful that we will find it someplace in the theory is that Dracula ( the robotic vacume) spun it off into some corner...and the piece is waiting to be discovered. 

Happy New Year! 

We had a safe New Years Eve...we stayed at home. 

Far Side


  1. Happy New Year! From where I stand, 70 is still quite young, though it didn't seem that way when I was there!

    Let's hope for safety all around.

  2. That is adorable! What a cute puzzle.
    Safe is the word, it sure is.

  3. Wow, I had no idea you were so young! I'm looking at the end of my seventies and beginning to make peace with eighty. I still have almost two years to get used to it. I need to pick a word for the year, too. Safe is a really good one.

  4. Congrats on getting the puzzle finished. My word for the year is Hope. Happy New Year - Cheers!

  5. Happy New Year! You will still be younger than I am (I will be 74 this year) - what a "kid". Stay safe and healthy.

  6. Wow! I wish our Electric company would do that for us. But,not DMEA! Anyway! YAY for you!

  7. Happy New Year to each of you! Safe - perfect word. Love the puzzle. Have done each of yours. They have become very addicting during the evenings.

  8. Happy New Year!! That is a very cute puzzle. I made some progress on mine yesterday finally. And I like your word for 2021. Safe - what a perfect wish for the new year. I can't seem to figure out my word so far. Last year I went back to Focus - from a previous year. But I'm still trying to come up with THE word for now.

  9. In case you don't find the puzzle piece with some puzzles you can contact them and they will send you that piece or something I never thought about - you can make it - Isn't that amazing!

  10. That puzzle looks like a good one to frame and hang. I think I would love seeing it all year. Happy Safe New Year. I can agree with those sentiments.

  11. Dracula is a fun name for your robotic vacuum. I call mine Dusty. Happy NewYear!

  12. Happy new year! Great word... I hope you have a safe year. I also hope you find the puzzle piece.

  13. Happy New year! I've got a snowman puzzle going. I like that one with the animals. What a wonderful surprise for all on the eclectic bill credit. Karen

  14. Much happiness and good health in 2021! That's funny, for some reason I used to think I wouldn't make it past 48. I'm 62 now.

  15. The puzzle is done. That was a lot of work. My older brother always stole one piece and hid it. He thought he was pretty smart but I didn't think so. We had fireworks going off at midnight but we didn't bother to look out. Have and good day. I just got word that one of my elderly aunts now has covid.

  16. Happy New Year! I think the word you've chosen would be a good one for all of us.

    Our provincial government has provided a discount on our electrical bills this year too. It was just over $2 last month. :) You did great!

    Take care, stay well!

  17. Happy New Year.... safe is a good word for what promises to be an escalation in trials this year.

  18. Love the puzzle. Snowmen are wonderful! I do hope you find the last piece. Our electric bill is much higher than we're used to but then again, we have two electric space heaters going 24/7 so I guess it's to be expected.
    I've never chosen a word before, but yesterday I chose the word HOPE. Hope that this new year brings much better things for all of us.
    Blessings and love,

  19. I'll be joining you this year entering into our 70s.
    I hope you find your puzzle piece. Cute puzzle.
    A gift from the electric company--what a way to start out the year!
    Happy New Year!! :)

  20. Awwww... what a darling puzzle! And the gift of a credit from your utility company? Whoa!! Ours wouldn't dream of such a thing. Good for you folks and God bless them! Yes, I pray that 2021 will be safer too. I don't see how it can get anymore "unsafe" than 2020! ~Andrea xoxo

  21. Happy New Year. Safe is a great word for 2021.

  22. Happy New Year to you guys!!! You chose the best word! I wish I would have thought of that one! We have a coop also but I bet we don't get a credit! That was very nice!

  23. What a nice surprise on the electric bill! Things like that don't happen often. The puzzle turned out so pretty. Hope you find the missing piece.

  24. I love that puzzle. Happy New Year to you and Far Guy! May this be a year that improves daily!

  25. Happy New Year! Safe is great word for this year. If you don't mind I'm going to pilfer it.

  26. Happy New Year! I hope you and Far Guy have a safe and healthy 2021. What a wonderful surprise with the electric bill.

  27. I hope 2021 is good to you and yours
    I do not have the patience for jigsaws

  28. Happy New Year to you two! What a beautiful puzzle....I can't even see where the missing piece is. I never thought I would make it to 70 either. But now I am 73 already. Every year on my calendar I put my next birthday and then in big letters write...."God Willing!" I know I won't be here for 80....but we'll see how far into the 70's I go. :) May 2021 be somehow a better year for all of us. praying...praying...praying

  29. OK I'm choosing my word for 2021. I think it's going to be "PRAY".....because I think prayer is the only way to make it through this coming year sanely.

  30. Happy New Year! That is a cute puzzle (I didn't notice where the piece is missing), did Far Guy sneak it in place? I enjoy seeing everybody's comments on the "word" for the year!

  31. I'm thinking "Safe" will be the theme song for a lot of us this year.

    How nifty is that to discover a credit on your electric bill. I've never heard of anything like that from a utility company (well, except for those solar power deals). We've had bonuses at our credit union, but never anything like that. What a great year-end gift!

  32. Love the snowman puzzle, we did a repeat Christmas one in December, and recently finished a spring scene I received for Christmas. I also also turn 70 in just a few days, and the hubs and I had a 50th wedding anniversary in November. Thankful to remain Covid free. Much to be thankful for.
    Enjoy reading your blog.


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