Saturday, January 16, 2021

Fizzled out

 Not much of a storm at our house...but who knows what it is like out of these woods.  We did not venture out.  I will shovel the small amount of snow that we got sometime today. 

Yesterday was a catch up day.  Some household duties that were let slide earlier in the the bathroom and steam mopping the tile floors. 

Then we were free to do whatever...Far Guys whatever was taking a nap.  My whatever was trying to figure out a NEW to me crochet stitch...the stitch  is a good problem with it but I am stumped on the binding...I will figure it the meantime it is frustrating.  I remind myself this is why I do a practice can be accomplished or thrown out.  The important thing is I am trying something new to me.

I got the flag changed this week!  Yeah me! 

After supper...Chicken and Noodles... I was done...just done..fizzled out...headed to the couch for a two hour nap filled with strange dreams.  That will teach me not to crochet all afternoon during nap time. 

Far Side


  1. Love the new flag!
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. 2021, who knew we'd still be here doing the isolation thing? The snow turned to mushy rain/snow for a while then partially melted. I should have made a snow fort!
    Stay well!

  3. I love your new header. And I have no doubt you will figure out that new stitch. I've been having strange dreams myself. :-)

  4. The flag is so pretty! We don't get cardinals here and I've never actually seen one.

    Good luck with the crocheting.

  5. Fizzled is good, frazzled isn't!

  6. Hope you get your stitch figured out. I am nearly done with the shawl I started this winter and realized I am going to need another skein of wool. It’s back ordered until March and I’m trying to decide if I want to out more money into or frog it and start over as it could be a bit shorter in length than it is and I would have enough yarn and I could use it yet this winter. What to do, what to do!

  7. I try to remember not to try anything when I am the least bit tired. I just get frustrated and give up anyway.

  8. Glad you didn't get much of a storm at your place. Love your new flag, so pretty. I hope you and Far Guy enjoy the weekend :)

  9. I love your cardinal flag! I'm just starting a cardinal card, maybe I'll try your version too.

  10. Yes, breaking up the routine causes problems.

  11. That is a very pretty flag. I'm looking forward to seeing cardinals again in the midwest. I like the Attic 24 crochet stitch she used in her new blanket and want to see if I can figure it out for my next baby blanket. I hope I don't have to buy a pattern because I'm not buying anymore right now until we get settled somewhere. I prefer paper patterns and storage is a definite issue here.
    We have blue skies today and 39F. Not bad for January.
    It looks like the new house is a GO! That's exciting.

  12. Not much of a storm here, either. Ice and crunchy sleet-y layer of snow. Slippery!
    Maybe you'll figure it all out after a good nap or two. :)

  13. You will figure out that stitch or find an alternative one you like better! I have also been having some really strange dreams the past couple of months. I wonder if the extended pandemic is causing weird dreams in people? I love the cardinal flag. We've had two cardinal couples settle in around us this winter.

  14. The same with our weather too, here in northwest Indiana: a little snow but not much and now it's raining. I love your flag... cardinals are one of my favorite birds. Those and robins! ~Andrea xoxo

  15. The new Cardinal flag is a lovely splash of colour in your snowy world.

  16. I like the flag, I try to to do stuff in the mornings as I find myself getting tired the later in the day time gets

  17. Oh boy, the flag. We don't leave the house often, but every time I returned I think about changing the Christmas flag for the winter one.

  18. Learning a new crochet stitch....good for you. You're always learning something new. I love the flag you put's so pretty. You're lucky that you can take a nap and then sleep at night too. I can't go to bed before midnight or 1 am and then some night's I still lay there for hours trying to sleep. It all changed for me, about a year ago. Ah well. Things could get strange next week. Time will tell.

  19. Love your new flag. Chicken and noodles sounds good - I had prawns and noodles for my tea tonight :)

  20. Hope you get your stitch figured out, and that the storm wasn't too bad beyond your neck of the woods too.

  21. They say it is good to challenge yourself as you age to keep the neurons firing and dementia at bay! Every day around here is a challenge! LOL! I may start taking an afternoon nap as I hate the yawning!


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