Thursday, January 7, 2021


 I had a special ornament made for Far Guy.  It was the day that he bought the Desoto and drove it away from the dealership. 

Noah and Adam were with their Grandpa when he drove away.  All the boys were excited I am sure it is a day they will always remember.

A good reminder of a fun day in 2020. 

Yesterday Far Guy started her up and took her over to my brother's shop.  She will get her brakes worked on and her gas gauge figured out....right now you don't have any idea how much gas she has.  Last Fall Far Guy gave her an oil change, more antifreeze,  worked on her lights and cleaned up every inch of her. ...and probably more stuff that I know nothing about. 

New tires,  some rust spots taken care of and new paint job are on the list....and probably a bunch of other stuff that I know nothing about.

Far Side


  1. The ornament was a great idea...I love it! The car I drove during jr college, the gas gauge did not work. I only ran out of gas once and I was within one mile of y parents home!!!

  2. What a neat looking car. And I really love the ornament. Good job on that!

  3. What a beauty. Guys and their cars. He sure is enjoying it isn't he? That makes me smile!

  4. Beautiful ornament! The Desoto is a lovely car and the care and attention Far Guy is giving the car will ensure it stays that way.

  5. Sometimes it is just best to let the boys play with their toys without supervision.
    ;) Makes me happy that you guys are SO happy with this toy of his.

  6. The ornaments are good ways to keep memories. One of the Grands went along when I got my new car years ago. He rode with me as I took several for a test drive. Fun times.

  7. The Shutterfly ornament is just perfect! What a great memory of a special day!

  8. I love the ornament and I'm so glad Far Guy is enjoying the car. Does she have a name yet?

  9. It is a beautiful car!
    And a wonderful way to commemorate the day!
    Have a blessed day!

  10. The ornament is wonderful! Great idea! Having that car to work on must be giving him some real enjoyment. My dad had a '69 T-Bird, with suicide doors, in his shop as a retirement project. He owned an auto body shop. My husband eventually ended up with the car and did get it running. But it needed too much work and my husband isn't a "car guy".

  11. That was a very thoughtful gift! I bet he loves it.

  12. That is a perfect ornament and I'll bet he was thrilled with it. My sisters first car the gas guage didn't work either. It was a Ford Galaxy. She loved that purple car! She just kept a notebook with her mileage written down in the car. She never ran out of gas!

  13. That is such a good idea to have an ornament made. I am still amazed as to how good of shape it is in. I remember them as a kid with those impressive fins.

  14. The ornament is fantastic! The area was a good purchase for FarGuy.

  15. That ornament is and will always be very special! I sure understand what you mean when you say "stuff that I know nothing about" when it comes to cars. I'm happy for Far Guy that he has this car to enjoy. I think it is one lucky car to be adopted by him!

  16. I hope someday you show more if her and that I machete to see.

  17. That car is absolutely suh-weeeeeeeeeet!! I wish I lived close enough for a ride. Maybe one day in heaven. :) ~Andrea xoxo

  18. I like the idea of a commemorative ornament.
    Those old big fin cars are beauties.

  19. What a clever and perfect ornament!
    This car with me a project that will keep FarGuy busy for years! :)

  20. I like the ornament it looks good, such a good idea

  21. She's certainly an impressive car - and I love the little ornaments :)

  22. Fixing these up is a never ending task but it's a lot of fun.

  23. That ornament was a great idea. I'll bet Far Guy loved it.

  24. Such a special car for a special man, Far Guy.

  25. Oh I love that ornament....what a great idea! You always come up with such great things.

  26. My in_laws have an old Studebaker. There was a restaurant somewhere in Ohio called The Studebaker. When my brother in law was on tour with his band they stopped there when he discovered it was going out of business. He bought an assortment of memorabilia for his Pa for Christmas.

  27. That is a great ornament ~ very nice! Looking forward to summer and seeing that car in person :)

  28. What a great idea for an ornament! I bet it will bring back special memories for years to come. What a fun day that must have been last summer.

  29. I'm glad Far Guy is loving his new old car. The ornament was an excellent idea - nice to have something positive to remember from 2020.

  30. Lookin’ good! And what a great Christmas ornament. I bet FG loved it.

  31. What a perfect gift for Far Guy! I'm sure he will treasure it always.

  32. I love the ornament! I'm glad Farguy is having so much fun with that car. Larry has fond memories of old cars and is interested in them, but does not have a mechanical bone in his body.


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