Friday, December 11, 2020

Trees and a new ornament

 Yesterday I picked up groceries curbside and then put gas in the vehicle and then waited for Far Guy to come out of the Infusion Center.   They stopped taking temperatures and just ask you questions now about Covid; have you been exposed, been around anyone with Covid, do you have an symptoms of Covid and do you have a Covid test which results are pending?  Go figure...of course throughout the whole Pandemic things have been fluid and ever changing. 

We headed downtown to see what was happening on Main Street. This is the new tree.

Even the heart that says Cindy Lou and the Grinch is upside down. 

There is a new tree in Pioneer Park.

At least it is a tree. 

Not nearly as pretty as the one that blew over in the wind and was too damaged to be saved. 

Then we dropped off some Christmas Ornaments for friends...tied one bunch around the drivers handle of a vehicle and the other on the handle of a garage door.  It kinda felt like May Day! 

This ornament was a gift from a dear was hanging on her garage door for me to pick up.  It is fabric.  Being a non seamstress I have yet to figure it out.

Grocery pickup was ok...missing oranges, yogurt, and Outshine Fruit Bars.  After disinfecting everything at home and washing Far Guys town clothing I went to my office on the couch to crochet until it was time to fix supper;  salad and Philly Cheese pretzel buns. 

Yes I still make Far Guy take all his clothing off that he wears to town and insist that he wash up real good.  We have heard of several people that have gotten Covid at a he tries to be real careful not to touch anything...but he still has to press the buzzer to get into the Center and sit in their chair.  He disinfects his hands twice in the Center and then when I pick him up I hand him a Lysol wipe. It is all we can do to try to keep safe.  

Far Side


  1. It’s weird isn’t it? I went into hospital 3 weeks ago and they kept me in solitary WITH a mask on (don’t you go to sleep without your mask on) until my Covid test came back negative. On Monday I had to see a doctor again and they just asked how I was feeling before letting me into a room full of other untested people. Fingers crossed they were all OK. Apart from what took them to the hospital.
    As for seeing my own doctor... I can’t even speak to her on the telephone. And no-one is allowed in the building. I had my flu jab on the pavement outside under a pop-up gazebo style tent.

  2. Like your "office on the couch to crochet"!

  3. I know the recipients of your ornaments were so appreciative. We are weary of trying to stay safe as we are in and out of doctors, hospitals and labs. I pray that life will improve in the new year. Christmas blessings to you both. Mildred

  4. I know some folks would think you guys go overboard, but I am assuming that they don't understand what any illness could mean for yourself and FG. I had that conversation not too long ago.
    Love that little tree in a bucket. That one gets my vote for this year!
    It is nice that the tree in town was replaced. A little cheer is what we need.

  5. I am glad to see that they have at least one tree in your downtown area. That poor little Grinch of a tree is sad. I have used your idea of calling catastrophes these days as being "2020ed." :-)

  6. Too bad about the big town Christmas tree, though good thing there is another one in the park. It looks nice with the other decorations. Kinda cute & funny about the limb in the bucket. Someone has a little sense of humor. We went to our town tree lighting last night, then drove around looking at lights. Karen

  7. Glad you two are keeping yourselves as safe as possible. So far I am doing OK but my daughter had Covid a few weeks ago. She is a teacher and 4 of her students tested positive the week before Thanksgiving so school is where she probably got it. I haven't seen her for weeks because of the potential danger of her job.

  8. I had to take my grandson for a flu booster shot yesterday. Since he is under two, I had to carry him in (my daughter said I could carry him into the office in his car seat, she actually thought I could lift that car seat with him in it). They took his temperature on the forehead, but not mine. Asked questions about him but not me. They did poke him really quickly so we could leave. I scrubbed us both down with the wipes. I really hate trusting anyone and going anywhere. Our county had 73 NEW cases yesterday and 3 more deaths. We stopped for a car part on the way home and when my husband walked in (2nd auto store we tried in a state with mandatory mask mandate) all the customers were wearing a mask, but the guys behind the counter were not. Came home and ordered it from Amazon. So much for supporting local businesses.

  9. When my husband died, nine years ago, I used his casual shirts to make those stars for his siblings and my kids. I don't remember how, but if I did it, it must not have been hard.
    Happy holidays, Jan

  10. It's well worth taking the precautionary steps you are taking. My friend whose husband died of Covid a couple of weeks ago was so angry with him when they both got sick because he had been going lots of places maskless, and not taking other precautions either. She recovered but he didn't. Very sad!! So keep doing what you are doing!!!

  11. Better to be as safe as possible--yes.
    That is quite the star she made you. :)

  12. It sounds like you both are doing everything you're supposed to do to stay safe. Unfortunately there are many people out there who for one reason or another are lapse in their judgement/actions.

  13. Sorry about the damage to the town tree, but the tree in the park with the letters to Santa box is a pretty scene. I love the fabric star your friend gave you!

  14. I love the little Grinch Tree. So 2020.
    We do what we must to stay safe. One of my nephews got Covid not too long ago and said he had really sharp pains around his heart (he is immune compromised) so he went to the hospital but only had to stay for a couple of days. Apparently its the pulmonary problems and thrombosis that is the killer. He is fine now.

  15. What a sad little Charlie Brown tree! I understand your concern with touching handles, buzzers, elevator buttons and such, especially with Far Guy's health. I ordered these little gadgets for stocking stuffers this year that help with all that. It goes on your key ring and can be used to open some doors (not doorknobs but handles), and push buttons. Here's a link to show you what it looks like but you can find them much cheaper than this one. I don't have anything to do with the sale of these but they do look helpful for the way things are these days.

  16. You made me smile this morning with your "office on the couch". Isn't it strange how the rules are all so different everywhere you go? That little Charlie Brown tree is a perfect representation of this year. And I really love that fabric star. How beautiful. I'm praying for both of you to stay well.

  17. I don't think you go overboard at all, I'm the same way. Everything that comes in the house gets sanitized, clothes immediately go in the wash, and we even shower as soon as we get home too. I know most people think I'm nuts but better safe than sorry!

  18. This is not the time to drop your guard. So I agree with making everyone wash their clothes and hands and everything multiple times a day, especially if you're at a clinic or a store. I also don't think the temp taking mattered. My husband and I both had Covid in October and we never had a temp. I imagine there are plenty of people like us with minimal or no symptoms who wouldn't know they have the virus unless they were exposed to someone and got themselves tested like we did. Temps didn't really prove anything. Keep vigilent! I imagine you guys could get the virus shot pretty early in the process if you want one.

  19. That fabric star looks complicated but no doubt to a seamstress it wouldn't be. I have absolutely no talent for sewing.
    The replacement tree looks lovely. I must remember to take a picture of our local 85' decorated tree.

  20. Reading this makes me remember how lucky I am to live down under
    I like Christmas trees, just saying

  21. I don't blame cannot be too safe with Covid out there running rampant. That is too bad about the tree but at least your town has a sense of humor!
    I heard today that the vaccine isn't that effective for old people....well, isn't that just hunky-dory! What the heck? So much for "the golden years"! Oh well, it could be least we don't have it....yet.
    Happy Friday! What is Philly Cheese Pretzel bun?

    1. What news are you watching? I have not heard that.
      Philly Pretzel buns
      Brown one pound of hamburger add 1 cup beef broth and 2 Tablespoons A1 Steak Sauce simmer until liquid is absorbed or reduced. Cut two pretzel buns in half top with half of the hamburger mixture and top with Mozerella Cheese put under the broiler to melt cheese. Freeze the remaining mixture for another days meals:)

  22. Cindy Lou’s tree and ornament are cute! Keep vigilant and stay healthy.

  23. So sad about the large tree, that Charlie Brown tree and the one in the park are definitely not the best replacement.

    I would hope that Far Guy and you are some of the first in line for a vaccine. I know there are folks who are concerned it hasn't been tested for a long period of time - I suspect it was much the same back when the polio vaccination was first released.

    The fabric star is lovely! Take care and stay well.

  24. You are very vigilant about keeping safe. I wish more people took the time to disinfect.

  25. The Grinch/Charlie Brown tree is funny, but also sad.
    I will be in and out of medical clinics often in the next month. I will try to be careful, but I will also have to trust my medical providers.

  26. That is a fancy puzzle cloth ornament.

  27. Well at least there's a new tree or two....even if one is a bit Grinchy! I'm glad you got a picture of that big beautiful tree that went down. How fun to be out dropping off ornaments and even getting a new one colorful! Sorry you missed out on some of your groceries. Glad you're taking such good precautions to stay safe!

  28. Okay now I have to go look up how to make that ornament. It honestly looks like it may be a no sew type deal. Hmmmmm.... Now we need to get Far Guy a stick to press the buzzer at the clinic, and maybe a lawn chair? Yes I'm trying to lighten the mood! Please don't be offended.


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