Friday, December 4, 2020

Tree and town report

 Curbside grocery pickup was a success...we got everything on our list. It was a miracle!  I got gas for the car and went through the car wash...we are having weather that is about 40 F during the day...I will take it.   Far Guy called me for his ride while I was inside the car wash.  He waited outside the clinic in the sunshine for me. 

We drove down Main Street to see the 2020ed tree. 


Yup still 2020ed...I wonder how long they will leave it there?

At home groceries were disinfected and fruit washed...even the bananas.   Did you know if you scrub bananas vigorously they turn all week Far Guy said "What in the world is wrong with the bananas?"  A gentle rinse is what they get now. 

So we are all set for a while or at least another week.  I even ordered some stocking stuffers for the Grands. 

The Covid numbers are very scary in our area.  I wonder if another lock down is imminent...Dial Back/ Gov Walz solution to the pandemic doesn't seem to be working very well here in Minnesota.  Stay safe out there! 

If you have not entered the drawing for the hand carved one of a kind ornament then leave a comment here and you shall be entered. 

I will be drawing winners on Saturday! So I can get them mailed out the next week. 

Far Side 


  1. I'm so happy to see you got everything on your list. I wait with bated breath every week to see what is missing from your list. Ya, my life is pretty boring. Hopefully they will pick up the tree soon.
    One section of Nova Scotia (central) is getting high numbers. It all started with one person that came from outside the bubble and didn't isolate. Easy as that. Now we can't travel to Halifax unless it's for medical appointments. And they don't want people from there travelling outside to our area. We are so far clean. But as you can see that can change in the blink of an eye.

  2. I didn't know that about bananas. I don't eat them often, but when I see someone eating one, I immediately want one! :-)

  3. I hope I'm entered for your drawing, if not, please enter me. Thanks! I would love to have one of ya'lls hand carved one of a kind ornament. Would love to know what others get for stocking stuffers for ideas. Also I like your wreath that is interchangeable with the seasons & holidays. Did you make it or get it as a set?

    1. I buy candy and other small items for the stockings. My wreath is a twig wreath and I just collected "stuff" from garage sales and Hobby Lobby :)

  4. Poor 202ed tree. Glad grocery pick up was a success! We sure need a shut down here but our governor won't do a thing except encouraging it spread out of control.

  5. That poor tree. Covid numbers are increasing here also. Nothing seems to be working to stop it. Sure hope we don't go into another lockdown- which didn't work last time. Stay safe.

  6. Yes i would like to enter your drawing. Have a great day

  7. Well, I think the tree should be a symbol as to how 2020 has proceeded. They can stand it up on January 1st. Covid is nasty here, WI is strapped by politics over shutdowns and safety.
    I have successfully figured out how to get groceries and fresh produce from one local store with curbside pickup!
    The next VA CareGiver appt is on Monday. Good thing I've been into deep cleaning!

  8. It's a shame that the tree isn't back up. Hopefully soon. Well done on the grocery pick-up.

    Our numbers are climbing rapidly here too. Take care and stay well!

  9. That poor tree! It seems to reflect the results of this whole year. COVID numbers are on the rise here also.

  10. Virus numbers are decreasing here - in part due to the university’s Thanksgiving break and now online classes. Students will be back mid-January, so the community and the hospital staff may have a nice Christmas.

  11. Too many people who do NOT comply around here. Our county numbers of active cases dropped by nearly half last week, but our deaths sky rocketed in this county. Keep staying safe!!

  12. Our News reporters give us very conflicting information about covid in America, but so many blogging friends talk about how it is increasing and I get very concerned for you all. Please continue with all your personal safety habits and stay safe. Hugz, Mxx

  13. Our area is not doing well escaping Covid either. My daughter, a teacher, is recuperating from it. The week before Thanksgiving, she taught 4 students who tested positive for Covid so we know where she got it. She was in quarantine when she came down with it.

  14. I'm so glad you got all your groceries for once! That poor tree is sad. I hope they get it back up soon. Covid is much worse here too and it makes it hard to get into the Christmas spirit sometimes. I am excited just to see what your Christmas ornament is this year!

  15. Add us to the list of numbers that are skyrocketing...and they were already high. Add to that the stress of new people touring Hubby's workplace after flying in from all over the country and I'm a basket case. Of course he has to interact with all of them.
    I'm glad you got everything on your list. I just placed an order for Walmart this morning so we'll see how that goes.
    I sure hope they put the tree back up soon. It is a visual reminder of this long, depressing year just lying there.

  16. Well, good that you finally got a complete grocery order!
    It's sad that the tree is still down.

  17. This is a slayer year,never for trees.

  18. Hope the town gets the tree back up soon. It was really beautiful.

  19. Mild weather will make for a shorter nicer winter.

  20. It surely must be a miracle that you got everything you ordered for a change.
    I try to remember to wash my banana before I peel it but often forget. I've never washed so vigorously that they turned funny though.

  21. The tree is d own but hopefully not out just yet
    Good when we get all we ordered

  22. “2020ed” Hahaha! It always makes our week when Wally World manages to have all our groceries. If you haven’t already, don’t use soap on your bananas. They turn all brown on the outside. (Don’t ask me how I know....)

  23. Crazy times. Most of us are adapting.

  24. I enjoy reading your blog every morning with my cup of tea. We are having mild weather and shutdowns in Michigan also.

  25. Iowa's governor is opening all the schools again...right when the Thanksgiving "surge" will take place! That woman is missing some brain cells! They were virtual for a week and now back come Monday. The people that make these decisions have no idea what they are doing! Amy teaches at 2 schools and there are many that are sick with Covid both staff and teachers. She's worked 2 weekends now going virtual and now preparing for in class again. They were just informed Friday that it would be in-class on Monday. The numbers are up here in AR but I'm not sure how pharmacy doesn't wear masks but Walmart employees do! So many are against wearing them...why would you be against something that may save your life or the life of a loved one? There are even people protesting in the streets! It reminds me of those that said they couldn't wish people a Merry Christmas??? Huh? I think some just want to whine about anything. If they think their rights are being taken away they need to go to a 3rd world country and then they can see what a lack of freedom truly is. I wish a Merry Christmas to my christian friends and Happy Holiday to my friends who are of other religions. I think some people just want to have something to b%^&* about! LOL!

  26. Wow what happened to their tree. It must have been unstable in the first place. I got lights on the big tree today and I am tired. We are having very high numbers of deaths in our state daily.


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