Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Afternoon Out

 While Far Guy was woodcarving and then napping I took off and went to a couple of cemeteries.  

I take photos in two sometimes three cemeteries for Find A Grave.  I also transcribe obituaries if I have them.  I have a backlog of obits to enter ...a good winter project. 

My Aunt Anna's funeral was live streamed on Monday.  I wanted to visit her I did.   It was a chilly day.

I worked over in the shady snowy spots last summer.  Yesterday I just walked in the non snowy parts. 

Pickerel Lake Cemetery

This is a very familiar spot for me....high on the hill...I have come to this spot since I was a little girl.  The fence used to be right where I was standing to take this that area has been cleared for a road and more graves. 

I visited a few more graves and then went to a different cemetery close to home.  I made yet another list for that cemetery.  In my leaving no stone un turned I discovered that an old friend's obit was missing I transcribed that for approval. 

The stone gate at Linnell Cemetery

It sounds like the weather is going to be great the rest of the week...I may be able to get a few more photos before winter snows settle in. 

One cemetery they say is 94 % photographed but no one is entering new I just wander around until I find new graves or new headstones...people drive by and honk.:)  The cemetery on the hill is only 47 % it is a real work in is so far out of the way that no one ever shows up while I am there. 

Far Side


  1. A cemetery looks so desolate in winter time, doesn't it... but the *perfect* place to wander during the pandemic. They have lots of walkers in the cemetery in-town or at least they used to not so very long ago. I get an order form each year, from the cemetery, asking if I want to order a Christmas wreath for my parents' grave. I always buy them one & hope someone will buy one for me someday. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. That is quite a project. I know I will learn more about the cemetery in subsequent posts. Have a great sunny day! :-)

  3. Looks like a good day to be out doing something you like to do. The sun coming through the tree is pretty. Karen

  4. That's an interesting hobby. I've used Find a Grave before and had no idea that the information is gathered by volunteers. Good for you!

    Take care and stay well.

  5. Find a Grave has been such a great tool as I've been working on my own family genealogy. We are assisting one tiny village in the area with mapping the little cemetery. One of Dave's CAD guys is actually building the map and index. We are using Find a Grave and plan to walk the cemetery next weekend hopefully to double check some location.

  6. It is wonderful of you to document the graves. So sad you couldn't attend the funeral. So many haven't been able to. The weather here is supposed to warm up too. I'm hoping to get a few more windows washed and some painting done outside.

  7. You gave me a start! I read Pickerel Lake and thought of the Pickerel Lake I used to live on in WI!

  8. What a great project and can be so helpful for those looking into their family genealogy. Glad you are going to have some nice weather, still looks way too cold for me. It was 40 degrees even here in Florida this morning!

  9. I watched a funeral online this week. It appeared more were watching than in attendance. Cemeteries are peaceful places to walk and reflect.

  10. It was interesting to hear about your walk to the cemeteries. I am glad there are people like you paying attention to them.

  11. I quite like visiting cemeteries, they are usually such peaceful places. One of my sisters-in-law finds info for Find A Grave and enjoys it immensely.

  12. I love cemeteries and I have thought about taking pictures for Find a Grave. You are doing a great service for many people. The first time I saw my parent's grave stones was through Find a Grave and I was so grateful to see them that I cried. We live out of state and the stones were not put on the graves until some time after the funerals so I had not seen them. Thank you for doing all the work you do with that organization!

  13. Dedicated people like you provide a lot of good information.

  14. Good thing there's not too much snow yet.
    History owes people like you so much. :)

  15. When we lived in Omaha I used to walk around Forest Lawn. That's where our family is all buried and where our headstone is already in place. Maybe once we move and get settled we could do a similar thing. I know it's very much appreciated by people who trace their geneolgies. Our son Jamie is really into that and he has gone back many generations.

  16. I rremember all the weekends as a child that I would go visiting cementries with Mum & Dad

  17. Thank you for your work. Find A Grave is a good resource for genealogists. Tom has used it.
    And you had a good chance to just wander outside.

  18. Good job Far Side, out walking thru the cemeteries and taking notes and pictures. It's a great thing to do and helpful to a lot of people. I do some work for findagrave too. It's really helped that the weather has been pretty favorable so late this year. Last year we had a ton of snow and ice by now. You picked a good day to be out walking around. Take care!

  19. What a lovely thing to do for families!

  20. I find cemeteries to be a peaceful place. I love to wander through the old sections and read the gravestones. We have a pioneer cemetery here, some of the headstones are barely legible.

  21. I enjoy going to the sites to read about all of the graves in a cemetery. I have some photos that need to be added but I don't have myself signed in yet.

  22. Glad the weather was on your side so you could get a few more photos done for Find A Grave!

  23. When Jerry and I met, he was fascinated that I lived photographing and recording headstones for the genalogical societies. When we got married and I began working on his ancestry, he became as involved as I. We love to visit cemeteries, even just to read the headstones. Lots of interesting stories out there!


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