Sunday, September 27, 2020

Too Cute!

 Jen has kept me up to date of the goings on at Retreat. I got to say Hi to all the girls via facetime!  Everyone there is busy creating and giggling! 

Here is one of the Gnomes that Jen made wearing my crochet hat...she gave a Gnome to each gal that attended. 

Yesterday a photo of Cee Cee appeared on Facebook so I stole it to share with you. She is our Great Granddaughter.

Maddie calls her Little Miss...she is 6 months and 17 days old. What a doll!  She is wearing an outfit that we sent shortly after she was born. 

We had a quiet day at home, Odda visited for the afternoon so I sat outside with her until it rained.  Leaves are falling out of the trees like crazy.

Far Side


  1. Little Miss is adorable and I love the little outfit. Love the little gnome hat you made too!

  2. The gnome with your hat is too cute!!! But not as cute as Cee Cee..what a precious little girl and the outfit is darling. Glad you got to Facetime with your friends. BTW, thank you for offering a beading needle but I didn't know what size so I asked the gal that sold the kit and she said she would send me one and that she was sorry as there should have been one included.
    We might get thunderstorms later today. I hope is too dry to burn and I need to. Enjoy your Sunday!

  3. A great grandchild! She is a cutie!💖

  4. Cutest baby. I think I would wear that outfit if it came in my size. Gnomes and hat , cute idea.

  5. Little Miss is definitely a dolly!!

  6. Cee Cee is 6 months already! That was fast. And what a little beauty.

  7. A gnome hat! Never would have thought of that--LOL! So cute.
    I can't believe CeeCee is that big already--wow! Such a cutie!

  8. Hummm me thinks that darling little baby favors you! It's nice to have dog visits. Nice.

  9. What a sweet baby! Lovely photo.

    Take care and stay well.

  10. Those gnomes are cute! So is your great-grandbaby!

  11. Ohhhhhh.... little Cee Cee is an absolute doll baby!!!!! Darling!!!! ~Andrea xoxo

  12. Little CeeCee is really adorable! :-)

  13. Little Miss Cee Cee is growing so fast! She is adorable and I can just picture her squealing with happiness while playing with Mikey! I love the gnome - your hat makes it perfect. Sorry you are missing the retreat but I imagine you are happy to be at home after your trip. I hope you are both getting rested up.

    We had a few days of sudden hot weather and now today it looks almost like winter. It's wet and cool and I think the heat is gone for good now! You two take care!

  14. I love to "steal" those pictures of the Grands posted on facebook myself...Hehe! Little Miss looks adorable in the yellow outfit.

  15. What a doll indeed, I get a lot of photos of Facebook.

  16. I like that Gnome! And your Cee Cee is sure a cutie. Yes our leaves and pine needles are starting to fall all over the place. Everything will be bare long before Halloween, I'd say.

  17. Little Miss is so sweet and so is her pretty little outfit.

  18. As cute as that little gnome is with it's little hat, it can't hold a candle to Miss Cee Cee. She is so cute! We talked to a man here at the RV park today that told us he and his wife came here to visit for a month or two when their granddaughter was born and they still haven't left. That was 2 1/2 years ago! Instead they sold their house and live in their RV here at the park so they can be close to her. They have a HUGE fancy RV. Those little ones sure climb into our hearts don't they? Mandy and Miss Piper are the main reasons we're moving back to Omaha after retirement.
    Take care my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  19. Cee Cee is a cutie for sure. I love that yellow outfit. Can't believe she is six months old already. Wish time would slow down. That is the cutest Gnome too! I've just looked at your post for today, but hate to be the first to comment. :)

  20. Glad you got to Facetime with your friends at the retreat.

    Hard to believe CeeCee is already over six months old.

  21. She is such a sweet little girl.

  22. What an adorable photo! Yes, it seems incredible that Cee Cee is already six months old!


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