Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Lawn Day

 It was lawn day.  I was behind on my mowing and it kept raining and the grass kept growing.  I am mostly done for a few days. 

I mowed part of the back road and admired Coneflowers and Rudbeckia that I planted along the road twenty some years ago.  It was a good year for those Coneflowers.

Even the White Coneflowers ones are blooming this year.

Lots of deer tracks out there...but I saw no deer...or any other critters.  It was very windy, one gust of wind blew off my hat and I had to chase after it.   I wear a hat so my nose doesn't get sunburned and so my hair is contained under the cap...as I have numerous low branches that have caught my hair band and almost scalped me.  Go ahead and laugh...before the hat I used to come home with twigs in my hair.  I need to do some serious tree trimming some day.  

Far Guy was working on a wood carving and I joined him on the patio and carded dog hair for awhile before I needed a nap. 

Steak and baked potato was supper. 

Our weather has turned cool and I enjoyed it very much!  Far Guy wore a light jacket outside..

Goodbye August Hello September.

Far Side


  1. You aren't the only one that wears a hat while mowing. I have to also to avoid a bad bruise due to low branches.

  2. I hear you! Usually August is drier. I like cutting the lawn, though.

  3. I have been wearing a hat instead of my visor in the heat of the day, since I seemed to have sunburned the tops of my ears. Love your pretty coneflowers. :-)

  4. The coneflowers here in SD have all bloomed out. Golden rod is in bloom & another flower I call mums.

  5. The Coneflowers are beautiful and I'm so glad you are enjoying the cooler weather. Happy September! :)

  6. The coneflowers are so pretty! I can picture your hat - because my husband wears a big floppy hat when he mows. We have 2 rows of huge pine trees along each side of our 1.5 acre lot. He was tired of the pine trees knocking off his regular hat, so this one ties under his chin. And his mower has an extra large deck so he doesn't have to get quite so close and scrape up his arms.

  7. The cone flowers are one of my favorites. Sadly, my garden doesn't get enough sun to sustain the plant. So I'll enjoy your photos!

    Take care and stay well!

  8. Trees can grab you by the hair. Even I have memories of that with a push mower. Moved slower so didn't feel I would have been scalped--just tree-grabbed.

    Love the coneflowers! :)

  9. The coneflowers are beautiful. That's one thing about living in an RV park-no mowing anymore! We drove by our house last weekend and Dennis said it felt odd not to be mowing there on a Saturday for the first time in years. I did weed and trim some bushes yesterday here at the park though. :-) I guess you can't get away from it entirely.

  10. The last two days have been cooler and delightful. I gave my favorite yard hat away when I moved - a straw pith helmet. I wish I still had it.

  11. You've got lots of good stuff to keep you going during covid.

  12. I hope no signs of more bears! The Coneflowers are lovely. It's wonderful to be able to still enjoy something you planted so long ago. I am ready for Fall. The heat has been too much for me this summer. I love the cooler days.

  13. Coneflowers and Rudbeckias are still going strong around here too. They don't ask for much attention.

  14. The drought has taken out the cone flowers. We got a little bit of rain that did some good but it is too late for them. We are cool also.

  15. We're still really warm and humid in Eastern Ontario, and lots of rain. We got the front "lawn/field" mowed last week. If the Mr. doesn't get at the back soon we'll have to call the neighbour to come with the brush hog.

  16. your coneflowers are beautiful! Glad you haven't lost more than your hat, mowing! It is really cool here too....makes me think of the long snowy winter we had last year.

  17. Unless we pour water onto the lawn, which we don't, the mowing is infrequent now. Our summer drought season continues.

  18. We leave the carer of our lawn aka mowing it to the neighbour or another neighbour's son because Tim can't be bothered with it

  19. I've heard that most folks are going to have an unseasonably cool autumn this year... us too, here in Indiana. I'm thrilled! :-) Steak & potatoes... that's a perfect meal in my book. Sounds delicious. Love, Andrea xoxo

  20. Trees definitely grab at hair. Clothes too sometimes. So the hatmakes sense.

  21. I've gotten "speared" by branches many times but I don't wear a hat. I've never been a hat wearer...hoods if it's raining or cold but not hats. I get debris in my hair and then I think it's a bug! Ahh!

  22. No rain here to speak of since early July. Our lawn is crispy and brown.
    Do the deer leave the coneflowers alone? I have one, a dark red, that I planted on Reba's grave flanked by columbine, but the deer like columbine so I may plant more coneflowers.


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