Thursday, September 17, 2020


Fall is not Far Guys favorite time of year...for him Fall always meant school started and he had to settle down into a routine so different from his summer activities. 

I don't mind Fall so is better than winter.

I tackled some indoor housekeeping duties before heading outside. It had been awhile since I scrubbed the furnace room and kitchen floors...Far Guy runs Dracula every day....maybe we need a scrubbing Dracula.   (Dracula is Far Guy's robot is black and sunshine confuses it...and sometimes I wake up in the nighttime and it is running around the house cleaning)

The smoke that was high in the atmosphere from the West Coast fires moved on out with the cold front that came in this was nice to see blue sky again. 

I did all kind of odd and ends outside...some things on my list and some just discovered.  

After supper (Philly Cheesesteak and salad) I went for a short ride. 

Bean eaters

Almost was getting real chilly so I did not stay out for sunset.  It will probably freeze again soon. 

I saw a Wooly Bear was almost totally black. If the old folklore is to believed that signals a long cold full of snow winter.  I think I will keep my eyes open for one that has only a few segments of black...

Far Side


  1. I like Autumn/Fall, because it means Winter is almost here. Unlike you, I'm a big fan of cold and snow.

  2. Fall used to be my favorite time of year as I love all the Fall colors. Lately our Fall is so short and Winter comes way too soon and lasts too long. I sure hope your caterpillar is wrong.

  3. Our air is just beginning to get in the orange category, from being in the unhealthy (red) area for what seems like forever.

  4. That's funny that Dracula gets confused and runs around cleaning at night lol. I hope the old folklore isn't true!

  5. They are good fall colors and they are better than the white stuff. The deer are going to have to change their menus when the beans and corn go out.

  6. We are kind of due for a "full of snow" winter around here, as we've had minimal snow fall the past couple of years. In a normal year I enjoy fall but am dreading it this year because it's bringing an end to being able to visit with friends outdoors.

  7. I will be on the lookout for the caterpillars too! We had no snow last year so I hope we get a whole bunch this year! There is a vacuum and mopping robot I am looking at. I found it on Amazon and it is highly rated. I also looked for robotic lawnmowers and they have them but they're pricey and there are too many disadvantages with them.

  8. Our wooly bear was nicely striped.
    I love the changes. There are great things I look for in each season.

  9. We have crickets and grasshoppers like crazy. I think I read that one means a hard winter and one means a mild winter. That sounds about right for the way this year is going.

  10. I think our cats (and probably me too) would totally freak out to be woken up by Dracula!
    I'm glad your air is clearing again, but that caterpillar sounds a bit ominous :)

  11. I need to be on the look-out for woolly's terrible cold here for this time of year. I think we are heading into a long cold winter.

  12. Opened the front door for the paper this morning and smelled Fall in the air. Wish the smoke would move on, I miss the clear blue sky.

  13. Creepy to have Dracula running around cleaning during the night!
    I loved school. Maybe that's why I love fall so much.
    I wouldn't doubt that caterpillar might be right. ;)

  14. The soybeans look just about right for picking!
    I heard that the north will have frost through the weekend.
    I sort of like fall and I love winter. But I dislike the brown yuck time.

  15. You made me laugh out loud at the fact you've named your vacuum "Dracula". I wish I had you and Far Guy's amazing imagination.
    I sure hope your caterpiller is wrong. We need a mild winter here in the trailer. :-). I don't have my snowblower here!
    Take care.

  16. I've heard that winter is going to be pretty horrendous this coming winter season. My life doesn't change regardless of the weather but I do enjoy not having outside chores for awhile. ~Andrea xoxo

  17. Good news that the smoke you had has moved on. We're still stuck with ours.
    I haven't noticed any caterpillars yet. If they're anywhere in the yard I'm sure M will find them.

  18. The Farmer's Almanac has suggested a colder and snowier winter for us. I'm hoping they are wrong.

    Enjoy the outdoors while you can. Take care and stay well!

  19. We are still a long way from having those beautiful blue skies, but the smoke was thinner today so we did go out for a walk. I need to keep moving if I am going to be able to keep moving.

  20. I like fall. On the farm harvesting was a pleasant experience even if it got very cold.

  21. Yesterday it was stinking hot and todayit's cold and annoying.
    Me i am still dripping in sweat regardless

  22. Our sky was yellow in eastern Ontario right before sunset. Getting cold tonight so I think there is a change in the jet stream roaring in.

  23. Hope that ol' folklore got that one wrong. I'm with you: I'll take fall over winter any day!

    Amazing to thing the California and northwest smoke has made it all the way to you. Yes! Good to see blue skies again. It's been almost a month since we last could see that....

  24. I think the Farmer's Almanac is predicting a hard winter for the Midwest including Minnesota and the Great Lakes area. It's been a couple of years since we've had a hard winter and I think we are due. Besides, it just fits in with the kind of year 2020 is!

  25. It's supposed to be an El Nina winter, cold and snowy so I think your Woolly Bear has it figured.

  26. I always hate to see summer come to an end but fall is my favorite season. Especially if it has warm days and cold nights!


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