Sunday, September 13, 2020

Rainy Day Stuff

 I have lots of projects to keep me busy! 

Jen was kind enough to shop for some yarn for a new project.   I sent her three or four colors that I really liked...this was my last choice...but I am in love with the colors. 

I saw a pattern for a shawl with would be perfect for me in the winter.  I began the pattern and it started out fine but then it called for a stitch that was too full of after a bunch of rows I frogged it (tore it apart).  So I am winging it with my own pattern...we will see how it turns out! 

Here are a few rows...


I like the way the colors are never know with variegated yarn.  

I heard about an invisible join (joining one skein to another) I looked it up...step by step I did it at least once!   It could be real are never too old to learn something new. 

Other rainy day projects were laundry, straightening out some "stuff" in dressers, getting out some winter jammies, making a few cards and watching a movie called Adrift...a true story...I give it a 7 out of a 10....I always thought I might like to go out on a sailboat...not so much anymore. 

Far Guy was busy in the garage on his new old car...he is cleaning up the interior. 

We worked on supper together...steak, baked potato and vegetable. 

Far Side


  1. I saw a pattern for a shawl with pockets but after reading the instructions i wasn't interested. It must have been the same pattern because it had holes in it. I want a snuggly shawl for winter. After seeing yours I'm definitely going to make one. Your colors are gorgeous together. Great choice.

  2. Sounds like you stayed plenty busy on a rainy day. We have stormy weather here all day today from Tropical storm Sally. I love the yarn colors! Have a Happy Sunday :)

  3. That pattern is lovely! You should share the pattern with us or maybe sell it on Ravelry.

    As for sailing, I love it but I'd never go out on the ocean in a small boat. The ocean is just too big.

    Take care and stay well!

  4. Pretty colors. I need a new project, but first I have to put tassels on 17 kids’ winter hats. I don’t like making tassels/pompon things so I’m having trouble getting motivated!

  5. Wonderful colours. I could see myself wrapped in a large shawl of that yarn.

  6. Color pooling is definitely an interesting surprise sometimes. This is pooling in a very pretty way. I need to swap out some of my PJs too because we are definitely having cool nights now.

  7. That is beautiful yarn. I love to see how variegated yarn turns out. I sometimes use variegated thread when quilting and find it can give interesting results. Far Guy is going to have that car looking like brand new! I bet he is having fun with it. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  8. The shawl is so much prettier than the skeins! I really love that stitch pattern. It sounds like Far Guy is really enjoying his hobby car. Our rainy day is today. I am hoping for laundry catch up, a little bookkeeping and really hoping to make some sample quilt blocks for my neighbor to chose from. We are going to be working on a baby quilt for her newest grandson. Her husband has had some major health crisis in the past years and just returned from another stay in stepdown rehab. She has to sit with him 24/7 and hand piecing blocks might be just the ticket. This will be our fourth baby quilt project together and third grandson.

  9. Sounds like life is humming along on your place... and that's always a good thing, isn't it. I love your new yarn... those are probably some of my favorite colors. ~Andrea xoxo

  10. We've a rainy day, too. I've been sort of puttering, rather than accomplishing anything. I think I'd rather be in the garden!

  11. I looooove the colors of that yarn and I think it looks fantastic the way it's working out so far. I like variegated yarns as they make such interesting designs along the way. I can remember when I was little watching my mama use lots of variegated yarns in the items she knitted and crocheted. I look forward to seeing your finished shawl! Blessings to you for a great week!

  12. Sounds tasty! (Meat and Potatoes!) I had a dream the other night that I was driving my Dad's old Delta 88 Oldsmobile and the parking brake would not work. Or rather, when you started the car, it would roll forward even though it was in park. At first I thought it was my own subconscious idea about my Subaru's broken ( mis-fixed) parking brake. And how my Dad loved that Oldsmobile and I love my Subaru. But Cheryl reminded me of your story! AHA! Another explanation! It is possible! Dreams are so weird. Hope Far guy gets all that love out of his new old car. I think it is a guy thing to fall in love with a car and show it un-dying devotion. My dad Cried when he had to give up the Delta 88. I'll probably cry when Subie is no longer with us... But then I will be able to restore another car to its former glory and that will be very rewarding.

  13. A shawl with pockets!! That's a great idea.
    I haven't ever been on a sailboat and don't want to either. We had a canoe and for years we'd use that but since I can't swim I was always a tad worried about capsizing ( yes, I wore a life jacket).

  14. Pretty colors!
    Have you ever seen All Is Lost with Robert Redford? He was like 76 when he made that movie! Really something if you get the chance to see it. :)

  15. Love the way the yarn is working up. Prettier I work than in skein. A shawl with pockets would be Devine, but sounds complicated for a novice.

  16. That sounds like my day, i crafted, Dave cleaned the Bonneville, and we're doing steak and potatoes for dinner!

  17. I like the colors too.
    Rain sounds wonderful. Maybe we'll get a little this week.

  18. That is going to be so pretty. You ought to try the sailboat. My son has one and I've been on it a number of times. So peaceful.

  19. Such pretty yarn! You are right... you are never too old to learn something new!

  20. Oh wow I love the colors of your yarn. That shawl you're making is going to be gorgeous. Sounds like you've been busy with all kinds of good things there. Sailing is wonderful if the sea is peaceful! I bought two new games online...coming before our daughter Heidi and her family come to celebrate her birthday in 3 weeks. We're a game-playing family so I'm excited to try these out. Take care you two.

  21. Am very interested in the yarn and the way it is making a pattern. Will be altogether different when done I bet.

  22. I like the way the yarn is pooling on your shawl. I knit a shawl with pockets several years ago. The pattern called it a reader’s shawl.

  23. that yarn is beautiful - a shawl with pockets sounds interesting.

  24. Don't let that movie spoil you for sailing, Far Side. My aunt and uncle lived on a lake when I was growing up, and our visits were always filled with pleasant times in the sailboats. So peaceful!

  25. Your dinner sounds delicious. You can take the girl out of Nebraska but you can't take her love of a good steak away! :-)
    I really like the way the shawl colors are working together. I Love This Yarn is so soft to work with. It will be fun to see what you come up with for a pattern.
    Could we have some of your rain? Chloe and I only left the RV twice today, both to take her for a quick walk. I tried wearing a cloth mask during the night when she wanted out but I still gagged on the smoke. Today I wore 2 masks together so it was 4 layers of cloth. That seemed to work much better. We need rain and none is in the forecast.
    I'm glad the new old car is keeping Far Guy so entertained.

  26. Sounds like a great way to spend a rainy day. Hope the shawl works out how you hope it will.

  27. Steak and baked potatoes go together every time.

  28. Your dinner sounded delish! I haven't had a steak in years. I may have to get one. Your yarn is so pretty and I prefer no holes either especially when it if for keeping warm.


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