Saturday, September 5, 2020

New Old Car

 Yesterday was a long day.  We ventured up North to pick up Far Guy's New Old Car!  What an adventure.   With the help of Andy, Jen , Noah and Adam it was a memorable day! 


 Far Guy, Adam and Noah  going to the gas station.

It is road worthy. 

Adam driving with a huge smile on his face you cannot see because of his mask.

Noah driving.

Jen  driving.

They loaded it up on a car trailer.

Andy trailered it home for us with his pickup. 

It was an uneventful trip strap came loose near Bagley Minnesota...we called them and told them and Andy pulled over and fixed it. 

Jen, Andy and Far Guy.   The new old car safely parked in our yard . 

It is a 1959 Desoto Firesweep 4 door Sedan, built at the Dodge plant.  It was first sold on September 27, 1959  by Nokken & Ryan Motors of Fargo North Dakota. The original New Car Guaranty was included in the paperwork.  The color is either Rose Beige or Morocoo Beige...when we get the Title in the mail we should know the color for sure. 

The entire car seems to be original...It will keep Far Guy busy for a long time. 

It may not be the Willow Green 1959 Desoto Station Wagon he drove in high school but it is close enough. 

Far Side


  1. Congrats to FG! I love it! It's fun to see everyone taking a turn driving. Have a wonderful weekend. Mildred

  2. OH Wow! That is so wonderful! Incredible! I am so so very happy for you all!
    A man and a car, it is a beautiful thing.

  3. Congratulations Far Guy! What about the car is going to keep him busy? It looks like it's in perfect condition! Is it just so you guys can go 'make out' in the back seat? LOL!

  4. Wow, what a find! I love the color.💖

  5. Oh, I think this is much better than a station wagon! What fun! :)

  6. That is a beautiful car. They certainly don't make them like that now.

  7. So awesome! I'm so glad you got it. I can imagine Far Guy must be thrilled. It was nice to see him too, he's looking good! I hope you two have some fun with the car this weekend :)

  8. Wow, what a find. Those fins bring back memories for me! Congratulations to FG on his new/old purchase. :-)

  9. Wow! It's obviously been well cared for through the years. I'm the age as the car and I sure don't look that good. :)

    Have a great weekend, take care and stay well!

  10. A fun acquisition! Your husband will really enjoy it. My dad would have loved seeing that old car. He had a '69 T-bird, with suicide doors that he planned to restore when he retired from his body shop business. That didn't happen, but my husband did get it running a few years later and another "old car" buff purchased it.

  11. YAY! Nothing better than a collector car! ENJOY!

  12. An excellent purchase! I know FG will enjoy working on this beauty.

  13. Oh how wonderful!!! What a beaut. I hope it brings
    FG many, many hours of fun and happiness.

  14. Oh wow!!! What a wonderful car. It looks like it is in good shape with the finish actually in some parts. I like seeing all the family getting involved. That is the going color back then. I remember the old couple I knew had a brand new 1957 Ford Fairlane that was white and pinkish beighe.

  15. Love old cars! They had character back then. Today's cars all look the same, can't tell one from the other.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. How beautiful!!! Reminds me of days gone by. My Aunt Katie had a car like that, only bright red. I miss those times. Love, Andrea xoxo

  17. How exciting! I'm so happy for Far Guy!

  18. So he decided to go back & get it. Oh what fun for everyone to get to have a turn to drive.

  19. Oh my! That's an oldie but a goodie for sure. I hope Far Guy has many happy hours restoring it to its original glory.

  20. What fun! Both the road trip and the winter project!

  21. Ooooo stylin'! I do love those old cars. Not too many DeSotos around any more. I had a 1959 Ford Galaxie that I loved, black with a red interior, but my first car that I drove was a 1959 Studebaker Packard Commander.

  22. My word,am sure you have changed a life !

  23. That's a very classy car. We didn't have them here.

  24. Larry would have loved the car. I sure do.

  25. What a cool car! Should be fun taking care of and riding around in this beauty! It looks perfect. I'd say somebody took pretty good care of it thru the years. Now it's your turn! Congratulations! Enjoy for years to come!

  26. She's a beauty! I love the classic lines, and it would be a real thrill to be driven around in a vehicle like that :)

  27. What a neat car! I'm sure Far Guy is thrilled and will have so much fun working on the car this winter. I think it looks beautiful and such a fun day with family. I'll bet the boys will be helping Grandpa a lot!

  28. Exciting! I don’t care at all about cars but it’s easy to see this new old beauty will give you and far guy a lot of pleasure. Have fun.

  29. YEAH! A blast from the past! Everyone needs a project car.

  30. Today I received the loveliest card from Minnesota! Thank you so much for sharing your talent with this old gal. Feeling weak and tired but that card sure brought some joy - even Lee was impressed! Thank you, dear blogging friend.

  31. That is quite a car - what a great day for you all! We hope to see you out on this new fancy highway when it is done :)

  32. Just realised your new old car is older than I am!


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