Monday, September 14, 2020

Sunday Drive

 We went out for an ice cream date.

The trees are changing at our favorite ice cream eating spot.  Neither of us got out because the bees were really bad.  All bees in Minnesota go a bit insane after the first frost...they are very aggressive. 

All the detour signs have been taken down on our road.  So we drove over to see what the new road looks like. 

Big changes to this corner. 

You used to go downhill to make this corner...not so any more...what a big change. 

I am certain that everyone that lives on this part of the road is really happy that the construction is over.  We didn't go any further down the road...we will do that some day soon. 

Far Guy spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning up his new old car.  It was fairly nice out so I carded some dog hair...two or three nice afternoons and I will have it all ready to spin! 

Far Side


  1. What we have around my house are very aggressive wasps. Not fun. Love seeing the changing colors.

  2. That is a nice change especially if there is wind, ice, snow blowing across it! It looks like they got rid of the ways it can drift too?
    Sounds like a nice Sunday. Ours was quiet. I hunted fungi, he hunted TV programs.

  3. I'll be happy when our air quality recovers enough for me to begin taking some long walks again. But last night we went from Very Unhealthy to just Unhealthy. All windows were closed tight yesterday and last night. :-(

  4. Other than the potentially agressive bees, it sounds like a pleasant drive.

  5. The new road is looking great! Be sure to stay far away from the bees!!

  6. I had a quiet Sunday too. My husband spent the weekend with both sons-in-law, playing in a golf tournament. I sewed in the morning and worked on binding a quilt. And I started a new puzzle again. I avoided going outside as I'm having some allergy flair ups again.

  7. Sounds like a lovely day! Take care and stay well.

  8. I always find it interesting when our familiar landscapes are changed due to road construction or new building. It sounds like this could be a positive change for winter driving. I'm looking forward to seeing how you spin the hair!

  9. An icecream date sounds like a grand idea!

  10. An ice cream date sounds wonderful. Glad the construction is finished!

  11. Your drives have to be fun in the new car!! :)

  12. We used to have Ice Cream Dates!! There was a shop beside a wharf where we bought our ice-cream-in-a-cone and we would sit and look out over the harbour while we ate them. Lovely memories :)

  13. I've been stuck inside for days now because of the smoke and the yellowjackests are trying to get in too. Ash was all over my car this morning when I went to pick up my grocery order at Walmart. I had to double up on my masks just to breathe. 4 layers of fabric! We can't even see the treetops today.

  14. Ice cream dates are just the best!

  15. Ice cream outings used to be so fun when we were kids. Adults have to watch the scale to make sure they do not over indulge. But kids don't ( so lucky). A few more years and I will probably not care so much what the scale says. But I will be happy to wait until then.

  16. When will you get to go on a date in the new old car?
    Dog hair and milk can. Hmmm. Is the milk can getting a cozy sweater???

  17. Not sure when we will go on a date in the new old car.

    Yes I kept the dog hair inside the milk can...I am now carding the dog hair:)

  18. Such fun it sounds like me I just stay home

  19. I didn't see many bees most of the summer and now they are everywhere.

  20. The question is....did you go out for the ice cream date in your new old car? Sounds fun...even though you couldn't sit outside due to the nasty bees. Tomorrow I think we're having our warmest day of the month of September...supposed to be 78 degrees here. My hubby goes in for two stents tomorrow, so praying that all goes well. Take good care you 2.

    1. No we took the new car. Best of Luck to your husband!

  21. Now you have me wondering what will be your project with the dog hair yarn.

    1. I am really looking forward to how it turns out.
      Be nice to frame it and hang it on the wall as well.

  22. Ice cream dates are the best! Looks like you have a peaceful spot selected, too. Hard to believe the trees are already turning. Where did the summer go?

  23. In spite of the awful smoke in the air we joined our daughter and oldest grandson for an ice cream date. We sat on the grassy area near the ice cream joint until it got too cool for comfort. That was Sunday and today is his 22nd birthday.

  24. Ice cream is my favorite food in the whole world! Bees? Who knew? Thanks for telling me as I had no idea and I hate stinging bugs....I love pollinators but not the stinging. Glad Far Guy is enjoying his car!


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